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Forum Posts Ideas

Last posted Feb 18, 2016 at 03:07AM EST. Added Feb 17, 2016 at 01:12PM EST
6 posts from 6 users

On short posts, the last edit message looks pretty ugly:

So how about either change it to either of these:

Or some sort of pencil icon next to the quote button that shows the last edited when hovering over it.

Other idea is changing the post edit limit to one hour instead of 30 minutes. 30 minutes is often just a bit too restricted, especially when dealing with forum games. An hour on the other hand keeps the limit in place but doesn't overkill it.

All these ideas were created and distributed by the RandomMan™ Business of Ideas© and Suggestions© and did not involve Taryn℠ in any way, shape, or form.

Last edited Feb 17, 2016 at 01:19PM EST

Fully agree. I've thought it was ugly for a while. Good call on saying something Rando.

Personally I believe edits should be allowed at any time like on Reddit but that runs the risk of people completely altering what they said.

Last edited Feb 17, 2016 at 03:19PM EST

Short messages in general are quite hideous. No matter how many lines a user writes, there is always extra length for the AV, username, all the titles, that little horizontal rule, and the krama counterâ„¢. I'd love the idea of moving the edit message, it's a good starting point to streamlining the forums as a whole. Maybe shove all that stuff to the bottom with the "Quote" button on that nice, big, wasted footer space.

taryn for forum moderatorino tbh

Last edited Feb 17, 2016 at 05:37PM EST

I agree with increasing the edit time, although I'm not sure if 45 minutes or 1 hours would be better. Either way would be an improvement though, as 30 minutes feels too restrictive at times, and both aren't too long. Same with moving the "last edited" thing to the bottom – it looks a lot better.


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