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Fetish Filter

Last posted Jul 11, 2016 at 01:35PM EDT. Added Jun 23, 2016 at 01:38AM EDT
6 posts from 6 users

When people open an NSFW image, they expect sweet cartoon hotties, not human balloons. We've noticed that most fetish images constantly get downvoted, but are still being uploaded in bulk (by a few specific users). Since it would be unfair to warn these users for their uploads, how does adding a filter for fetish galleries sound? The ponies filter could even be replaced, as pony uploads aren't much of an issue anymore.

Last edited Jun 23, 2016 at 01:40AM EDT

I've always wondered why we don't just make more filters in general. Obviously the code is all in place with the pony button, it would just need to be changed to apply to different galleries.

On that note, our image search functionality could use some work as well. I noticed that using a NOT statement in a tag search is only about 50% effective (i.e. about half the results still contain the tag you specified not to contain) and I can't for the life of me figure out if there's any kind of pattern to it.

I completely agree with Muffin, especially for not NSFW images. Not everyone wants to see that.

Also, the very fact that this would be an useful feature on our site tells us a lot about the galleries themselves.

Crimeariver said:

I’ve always wondered why we don’t just make more filters in general.

This Crimea mod when

The extent of KYM's filtering ability right now is being able to cut out certain tags from searches if you're some kind of wizard who remembers how to use the damn thing, blocking ponies, which really only works like 50% of the time, and hiding NSFW and spoiler images behind a little block thumbnail. As far as databases go, this really isn't much, especially considering half of our search functions work for entries, but not images (which should be somewhere around 95% of KYM's content). Where we are right now, sorting through images or specific image tags is just a matter of wading through the shit until you find what you're looking for. To make matters worse, the only way I know of to find untagged images, which is a pretty important thing we need to be able to do, is to use the admin section and just giving up on images with sub-1000 views.

Being able to quickly add/subtract tags when browsing a gallery would be extremely useful, both to the users and anyone trying to actually work with it ("no tags" filter, how about it?). As a database, KYM is honestly pretty behind in what it enables us to do.

+1 revamp KYM's ability to search/filter tags pls

I always rationalized that, for every person wanting to see "sweet cartoon hotties," there are most likely just as many who want to see "human balloons." I wish to see more NSFW Pepsi, but that's besides the point. What i'm trying to say is that it shouldn't affect an individual too much…can it?


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