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A Proper "More Top Galleries"

Last posted Sep 05, 2016 at 03:57PM EDT. Added Aug 31, 2016 at 04:55PM EDT
6 posts from 3 users

As I'm sure a lot of people know, the sidebar used to have a list of the top image galleries followed by an ad and then another full list of top galleries. The second list of galleries was removed a while back for whatever reason, but recently it has (sort of) reappeared. Now instead of a list of 8 galleries followed by another 8, we have a list of 4 followed by another 4. Obviously this isn't a site-breaking issue, but I have to ask what the point of it is? I would rather just have a single list of 8 galleries or another list on top of the 8. What's the point of simply splitting the existing gallery list in half?

From what we can tell, the staff is currently testing some new site layouts, especially for the side bar recently. So expect it to possibly change again.

But it's good to voice your opinion on all these changes and give feedback. Keep it coming!

Ok, I sort of figured it would be something along those lines. I'm guessing it probably won't be too difficult to simply add more galleries to both lists now that the layout is all there.

I'd like to bring up a related matter pertaining to specific image pages and how they're currently arranged. On the image pages, things are shuffling around as well. Currently on the right of each image under "Image Details" the various info is arranged like this:

Origin Entry
Tags & edit buttons
Textile Embed

Now, a lot of the time, Notes is where people put the source or the artist name. Why is this important?

- Credit. Giving credit to the original artist in the case of fan art is really important. or sourcing where the meme has spread around. If your work was taken and uploaded somewhere else, you'd at least want your name above that of the guy who got 20 fake internet points.

- Spread. Oh yeah, that thing that shows us why a meme is a meme. That's pretty important too. If I can say "hey I found this image posted in a thread on [insert forum/board here]" that shows that it's come from somewhere else.

The KYM user who is the uploader is of lowest priority and should be at the bottom. My +5 upvotes received for the image don't matter, showing the spread or the subculture does. When Eglamore uploads an image, Eglamore did no work on it roughly 8 times out of 10, and should be listed beneath the artist or source, because they're more important than Eglamore's meme ego.

It might seem trivial to a lot of people to have the sourced artist in the notes above the uploader, but at the end of the day, most of the people who upload onto this site are not uploading their own work.

I think it should go:


I believe this is how it was before, but don't precisely remember.


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