>The specific logic used in moving that image opens up a whole new tangent that, while I would love to go into, would requires a few word document pages to fully explain. This explanation is often seemingly contradictory with no real hard rules and I expect in total only one and a half people on this site would actually be interested in reading (with one of those users being myself).
If you could summarize that tangent what would it be? I’m all ears, honesty.
>The short version for only that image: When a new entry is made, general protocol is to move relevant images to the new gallery. Again, the “relevancy” is subjective and difficult to explain in full, but the “It was me, Dio!” gallery already has over 200 images. While more would certainly be good, the NSFW baiting gallery has much less. It would be more useful in the gallery with fewer images. Second, as it had become a target of “see this image was marked as NSFW and mods seemed fine with it back then” [even if the edit history shows otherwise] it was likely going to be retagged NSFW again.
>general protocol is to move relevant images to the new gallery. Again, the “relevancy” is subjective
That is a problem, mods and users have different opinions on where (in this case NSFW tags) should apply to and which gallery it belongs in as evident by what pwef has made (currently sitting at 23 updoots:
And what SavageAltruis had made (currently sitting at 41 updoots):
“Why am I using upvotes?”
Well, I use it to gauge whether people like something or not, that’s how I use it and it seems that’s how other people us it. In this case Jacob, seeing how you’re getting downvoted (sometimes buried) that tells me that people did not like your decision and neither do I. Tell me, how relevant do you feel the NSFW Dio image be compared to other “It was me, Dio!” images given the nature of the meme? Also, I want to say that I personally feel that having a NSFW Baiting entry to bend the rules to allow SFW images to be tagged as NSFW feels like a nonsolution and redundant considering there is already a “Bait and Switch” entry, but I digress.
When I see this:
Or this:
I go, “Yeah, that does deserve to be in “Bait and Switch”!”
If I were to see:
Without knowing the existence of “It was me, Dio!” I would say, “Yeah, this too deserves to be in “Bait and Switch”!”
But knowing that “It was me, Dio” exist on KYM and seeing images like this:
And this:
My opinion is different, image 1 follows the same format as image 2 & 3, thus putting image 1 in another gallery feels like a nonsolution because like I said it does follow the same format as image 2 & 3, image 2 & 3 don’t use tags like image 1 but they do subvert expectation not the extreme like image 1 but they still do in some form.
>The point is to show an example of a “fake NSFW” bait and switch meme. This helps to document to the meme and show it isn’t just something made up by the people who wrote the article. Documenting the memes is the entire focus of the site.
>Documenting the memes is the entire focus of the site.
True that is the purpose of this site but what about the user? I personally not only view this a site that documents memes but also to discuss memes with other users and have fun – fun, that’s an important word, when I look at this image by Nedhitis (sits at 93 updoots):
It tells me something, 93 users did not like that you removed the NSFW tag, you removed what was the build up to a joke, from their point of view you ruined what made the image fun. This is a site dedicated to documenting memes, memes are fun, memes are funny a site dedicated to memes must be a fun right? But if the mods are ruining the fun what’s the point to stick around? Like SavageAltruis said they just want to post memes and have fun. Rules are important, but should the rules be enforced at the cost of user experience?
>As for “what do you want the relationship between you and the users to be?” this goes off into a different less related tangent altogether. The image I made was meant to be over the top. While the jokes in there are not all complete lies it’s meant to be in good humor and in a way that the people being made fun of can laugh at as well.
True it was made for shits and giggles, but all jokes have truths to them, honestly, I can apply this to many other sites moderated and users of that site will agree with it, like you said some jokes aren’t complete lies which is a problem, memeing about an issue doesn’t change the fact there is an issue.
>What we don’t want is images that are borderline bullying. We get that “the mods” are a general term that is technically applicable to nearly all sites. Especially as anyone who is seen as “running” the site is generally going to have a higher profile and thus target to any changes that the userbase has strong opinions on (good or bad). This, along with other issues with non-mods is starting to get to a point though, where we have considered changing what sort of images we would allow in the KYM entry itself. (Before you ask, this was talked about before the joke NSFW tag issue, though mostly just mentioned in passing).
Debating what should or shouldn’t be allowed? Are you able to give us a hint on what you guys are talking about?
>I’ve actually suggested that the recent images stay because if users see them being taken down it will just think that “mods are scared about users telling the truth” or something else even dumber and further cause issues. Still, if this was being done to any other users (save for those who were banned) this would absolutely not be allowed as it clearly violates the Be Friendly Rule. It is the antithesis of a healthy constructive talks and criticisms, instead just promotes a mob mentality of “users vs mods.” Posts explaining the reasoning behind decisions are met with downvotes, posts that just function as saying “you suck” get upvoted. Everyone involved would be much better served in the end by having civil discussions about why there is disagreement and if some form of common ground can be reached.
This is why I asked, “what do you want the relationship between you and the users to be?” (I would also like to hear other mod response to this question). Here’s my response to that question: users should respect the mods, if a mod does a thing the user should understand and agree with whatever the mod has done, if they don’t, then there’s a problem, I go through life using this quote, “And remember: respect is everything!” – GTA 2 Announcer. Like you said there are issues with users as evident by pwef, SavageAltruis, and Nedhitis along with the people who upvoted their images and downvoted people who disagree or the mods. If people aren’t happy with decision(s)the mod(s) made than it wasn’t the right decision(s).
Basically, what I’m saying is that users and mods are obviously not seeing eye to eye and that’s not a good thing, if this problem continues there will only be a bad outcome. If what you said Jacob is anything to go by it is that we’re reaching that point. You the mods must see eye to eye with the users. I’m not justifying our negative behavior but our behavior is something to take into consideration.
Asking for a civil discussion is asking too much sadly (especially now), you and I know that people use emotion over logic, there are times I use pure emotion over logic when making a decision and you do too, it’s just who we are really.
Is debating about mods' and users' relationship irrelevant to the original discussion? Yes, but I think it's important to talk about especially in this discussion.