Forums / Maintenance / Suggest Ideas

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Some ideas for the site from me

Last posted 3 years ago. Added 3 years ago
1 post from 1 user

-Original Content count
We already have a count about how many comments images and edits we have posted to the site so i think it would be cool if we also have a count for how many Original Content we have uploaded (images video etc)

-Edit function for comments on entries
A lot of users have been asking for this for a long time now (at least some years) i really don't get why you are keeping it from us

-The ability of kicking followers out and then blocking them premanently form following again
We corrently have a follow function a user is able to "follow" another user thats fine but it has the potential of being abused by users with less than friendly intent so i am asking for the ability of "kicking out" followers out of our followers list we deem not friendly and blocking them form following us again

-Make sources for images a "required field"
When i first came here i runned into trouble because the images i was uploading din't have sources the problem is i was never notified since its clearly mandatory why is it not a "required field"?

Thats all for now


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