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KYM SSBU Tournament 2 (Featuring Lucas from the Mother series): and Mewtwo

Last posted Jun 24, 2015 at 11:20AM EDT. Added Jun 14, 2015 at 03:14AM EDT
33 posts from 15 users

>Forgetting Ryu and Roy releases today.

Lawl son.

Also, for your information, Lucas is maybe a 3DS exclusive.

Last edited Jun 14, 2015 at 11:48AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

>Forgetting Ryu and Roy releases today.

Lawl son.

Also, for your information, Lucas is maybe a 3DS exclusive.

No hes not????

3.99 for one platform, or 4.99 for both

but i do agree about >forgetting ryu

Last edited Jun 14, 2015 at 11:17AM EDT

The schedule will be made out once enough people has join in, then I'll assign the players.
Oh and Randomman(Rick?) I made this thread before I found out the release of the characters. Also, holy fuck Ryu is in smash.

I guess I better defend my title.
NNID: stefalina

( Note that I'm Ăśber Ludwig but I currently participate in KYM Spirit Week, so I have this stupid avatar and nickname for today.)

Le Bracket

If you request a change for whatever reason (mostly likely because of time zones) please tell me so I can make the necessary changes. Also ask any questions you feel are needed to be asked and I'll will answer as soon as I can.
If everyone is happy with bracket as is, I will PM to everyone their time and your competitors NNID.
(I am aiming for this Saturday at 1pm, pacific time)

justThisFool wrote:

Le Bracket

If you request a change for whatever reason (mostly likely because of time zones) please tell me so I can make the necessary changes. Also ask any questions you feel are needed to be asked and I'll will answer as soon as I can.
If everyone is happy with bracket as is, I will PM to everyone their time and your competitors NNID.
(I am aiming for this Saturday at 1pm, pacific time)

Looks really good :)
Now, I don't want to be nitpickish but can you please change my name from "Warqario" to "Ăśber Ludwig"? I don't want to attend the tournament under a wrong name.
I'm probably going to change my name and profile to normal, tomorrow.
My current nickname and "Warqario" are just temporary nicknames because of KYM spirit week.

justThisFool wrote:

Le Bracket

If you request a change for whatever reason (mostly likely because of time zones) please tell me so I can make the necessary changes. Also ask any questions you feel are needed to be asked and I'll will answer as soon as I can.
If everyone is happy with bracket as is, I will PM to everyone their time and your competitors NNID.
(I am aiming for this Saturday at 1pm, pacific time)

Yo can you change my name to Sgt Arch Dornan? If you can that would be nice.

Well this is mildly embarrassing. It's right about that time every Saturday that I do the weekly shopping. Adjusting it a few hours either way would probably be safe.

Also, that bracket is really hard to read.

I may not be able to play tomorrow as I've felt sick today. That's if I still need to rest tomorrow, I'll let you know when I can.
But other than that, Oh it's on Hipster Bowser and might look like one of us may have to play as a Bowser recolour. Also I'm finding the the brackets a little hard to read.

Last edited Jun 19, 2015 at 11:04AM EDT

Well I've never been able to get a playable ping. don't know what to do about that. Tried opening ports a while back, but haven't tested it much. (Read: at all.)

Well, if I git gud with Ryu between now and…whenever, I might choose to use him. If not, I've still got other choices.

; wrote:

I kinda played Techno and won
But I think it's being postponed…? idek
just come and smash me IRL, i'll back-air all your faces in

Oh we were fighting for real? I thought it was for fun and practice. But, You did beat me in a fair fight. I'll give you that.

Though, Didn't JustThisFool mention he'll PM us contenders a time and date for our fights?

TechnoLad wrote:

Oh we were fighting for real? I thought it was for fun and practice. But, You did beat me in a fair fight. I'll give you that.

Though, Didn't JustThisFool mention he'll PM us contenders a time and date for our fights?

Ahh, sorry, yeah those matches don't count >< I think the whole thing is postponed anyway, so yeah

I'll be waiting for the actual tournament tho :v


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