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Bad Character Design: Without a Thot Edition

Last posted Dec 16, 2017 at 03:42PM EST. Added Dec 15, 2017 at 08:35PM EST
5 posts from 4 users

Lately I've been ragging on just how bad character designs can get in video games, but I'm a person who believes in equality for both sides. So this time, let's not leave the men out of the pile and post some bois who's character designs are just… not good.

Let's begin of course with
Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Ah yes, the other character from that game. Just look at this disproportionate mess. His leg armour is absolutely massive, with boots to rival Sora from Kingdom Hearts, his actual clothes are pure shota-bait from his shota-shorts and his skin-tight striped jumpsuit. The amount of skin being shown compared to the bulk of whatever armour he has is too contrasting.

Tidus from Final Fantasy 10

Asymmetrical character design is always a hit-or miss deal. Unfortunately for HAWHAWHAWHAW over here, this one's a definite miss. Again, a disproportionate amount of skin is being shown, especially with his god-awful zip-off half-shorts that even show his what is assumed to be his underwear are an offense. The half-jacket/half-blacksmith's apron doesn't quite help, either.

Ventus from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

While this isn't as much an offender to asymmetrical character design, it's more about taking a simple design and making it unnecessarily complicated. Like, Roxas was fine. Ventus is half-fine, half all over the place. Mainly the top half. The kid is wearing at least 3 layers of tops, and even then those layers aren't symmetrical. (Something something light and darkness). Also the way he uses his Keyblade is just dumb. His standard Keyblade is literally the only one with that wonky handle, everything else is fine. It just seems like it'd be inefficient to wield.

A very large majority of the cast from Megaman Zero and onwards

The designers reeeeeeaaaaaaally like their crop tops and underwear for these games. Almost literally everybody is wearing that. You could sum up the character design for Z/ZX with "crop tops and underwear". At least before then, the designs were a bit bulkier to give of that emphasis of them being robots, but along with real-life technology, things just got sleeker. Of course, not all of them are bad. Fighting Fefnir is fine because his body type is meant to be bulkier and more aggressive, as his personality.

I think that's all I have for now. Sorry if these examples are all too a bit uhh… JRPG-ish. I'm sure you guys can find more Western examples than I could, and if you do, feel free to post them.

Last edited Dec 15, 2017 at 08:36PM EST

In defense of the Z/ZX designs, "crop tops and underwear" is just an (weird) exaggeration of X's design:

*Harry – Custom Robo Battle Revolution"

He's so bad, I can't help but feel like it's intentional.
Nothing matches, especially the shoes.
One undone button on his overalls.
I'm not sure if short overalls exist, but they shouldn't. Regular overalls or only barely tolerable.
Sweet mullet, though.

*Angol Fear – Soul Calibur"

Nipple spikes.
14-year-old me liked it.

I want to say every character in Square's lesser known title, The Bouncer. I cannot describe the train-wreck that is the designs; but thankfully, Austin from Eruption nails it on the head.


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