This is the same tier apology as channel awesome's "We're sorry you feel like that"
This just confirms what his old "friends" stated and as someone who has followed them since the early wii u days I can safely say Andre is full of shit. He tries to throw the blame on the gaming industry and while it's true to an extent he didn't do anything to try to make the conditions better for his "friends". As the years went by anyone can confirm how Andre did less and less work, most of the gaming updates were done by Derrick and as Derrick confirmed in his statements even when no one was Available to do the update videos Andre will not do it, he instead would wait for someone else to do it.
The first thing that gave me massive Red Flags was during the E3 week, the team as gaming journalist not to mention Nintendo focus they have to be inform on it for 5 days or more including the nintendo treehouse. This fucking guy would leave After the Nintendo presentation to go to the themeparks while leaving everyone else to do the work. I still remember during the weekly podcast how Derrick was mad how this guy would leave them the work while he goes out to drink Butterbeer in the harry potter theme park.
Andre is well known for being a massive theme park guy, and his constant trips to them and yet he wasn't able to pay his staff or say they weren't earning as much. I hope after this he would have a harder time to actually visit the Mario themepark, I am sure nothing more will hurt this guy's ego and actually show himself what horrible actions he took with people who were his friends.