Out of all the 3DS Fire Emblem games I only ever got the Revelations story path for Fates as it's the only way to get the true ending (still shocked Nintendo seriously went the Asura's Wrath route on the Revelations DLC for Fates). I never got any other DLC for Fates, but I also never got any of the DLC for Awakening and Echoes as I just never really gave any serious thought on if the DLC for those was worth it. So for anyone who did already buy and play them, which ones are ones that I really should grab before the 3DS eShop shut down next month, and which ones are a waste of money?
(though knowing my funky luck as of late, as I just bought a whole bunch of GBA virtual console games on my Wii U a month before Nintendo announced GBA for NSO, I'm imagining come the next Nintendo Direct there will be an announcement of a "Fire Emblem 3DS collection" for Switch that includes all four games plus the DLCs, but I'm not counting on it either)