So, what is supposedly a new game has made the rounds around the internet, due to come out next year.
As you can see, the graphics here are incredibly realistic (said to use UE5) along with the movements that the characters make. It's to the point that it can be mistaken for a live-action film that was made for this occasion. A dev posted what he says is a rendering of the level seen in the video as proof that it is indeed a game. But of course, it could just be a very high quality animation that's trying to separate you from your money for nothing at all. Still though, if this is indeed a scam, it's a really high quality scam. But if not, I can just imagine the specs to play this thing on PC are gonna be ridiculous. Though that does lead to lots of questions on stuff like whether it will have a price that justifies what it has (I'm sure gamers would want more than a tech demo), whether the gameplay loop is actually fun, whether the graphics seen actually are in game, etc. ACG also does a good discussion on this as well
Side note: Some game journalists, with the most impeccable priorities, decided to try to bring Identity politics into this cause the protagonist of this game is a cop, so they got upset by that little fact (The Gamer even wrote 2 articles whining about it!": ) This is to the point that the developer had to address those comments on their Steam page