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Sony Interactive CEO Jim Ryan retiring next March

Last posted Oct 07, 2023 at 09:41PM EDT. Added Sep 28, 2023 at 12:37PM EDT
2 posts from 2 users


Sony under Jim Ryan has been quite the mixed bag as while from a business perspective things have been going mostly fine for Sony as the PS5 is selling like hotcakes, from the perspective of players he's been infamous for things like the PSN price hike, once stating he doesn't care as much about Sony's legacy titles as others do (though one source has indicated he changed his mind around 2021), encouraging the creation of first party live service games, and most infamously shuttering Sony's Japan studio in favor of only having one real Japanese Sony owned studio, that being Team Asobi.

Ryan states he wants to retire due to the exhaustion of having to frequently travel between the US and Europe, though with this news coming very soon after Sony recently suffered a ransomware attack some people find the timing a bit sus. Regardless, the future of Sony Interactive Entertainment is a little hard to predict right now as outside of Wolverine and a bunch of those assorted live service titles, not a whole lot is known what Sony has planned for PS5 after Spider-Man 2 comes out in October.

I'd say hopefully the new guy gets things back on track but knowing all the shit that keeps happening in the game industry it'll probably just be more of the same.

They'll still just barely be better than Microsoft, which isn't much of an accomplishment.


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