I'll be honest I haven't actually looked into this much but I'd bet it's something worth noticing at the very least.
Apparently Youtube is screwing people over again
Last posted
Dec 01, 2016 at 11:23PM EST.
Nov 29, 2016 at 06:39PM EST
12 posts
9 users
So the problem is that videos with more likes and comments are given higher priority in searches I guess?
Well this does give animation a chance to come back to youtube.
Black Graphic T
poochyena wrote:
So the problem is that videos with more likes and comments are given higher priority in searches I guess?
And its a big problem. Videos that are popular now will stay on the top of the search engines while less liked or commented content gets pushed down and never gets to see the light of day. What this means, most likely, is that original content will be shoved aside for non-original content. Because statistically, people like/comment more on stuff like a 5 minute clip from the new doctor strange film, then they would an 8 minute video or a 12 minute lets play.
The videos with the most likes/comments will get more likes/comments because they are the first results, and that means that they'll be perpetually on the top of the search and never change in placement.
It's honestly a really bad system cause it promotes fishing for likes and comments.
Keemstar, as bad as he is, is actually trying to test is Ethan's right with the likes/comments bringing promotion to YouTube
Basically he made his video 1 min long and is asking his audience to like/comment on his video to see if this video gets promoted, and if it gets more views than what he usually gets than YouTube has a serious problem
Youtube's really starting to push the line with what they're doing.
I'm warning you, if they keep this shit up they will be in for a rude awakening.
When did they stop?
I have a better way to fix the system: Only promote videos with likes and comments enabled, regardless how many likes and comments are there.
Like Papa Ethan said, it feels like YouTube's sorta returning to how they were back in the late 00s. While this could be beneficial for things that got screwed over with the 2011 algorithm change like animation, it also brings back the "Dark ages" of "reply girls" and the like.
Pewdiepie's gonna post a video about this, be on the lookout
Okay ProSyndicate has an update, he contacted someone at youtube and tweeted this