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Anyone else getting forced subbed to channels they didn't sub to on Youtube?

Last posted Mar 25, 2018 at 05:46PM EDT. Added Mar 24, 2018 at 09:32PM EDT
4 posts from 4 users

I was looking around my subscription feed for something to watch the other day when I came across a minecraft video from the rooster teeth "letsplay" channel. I thought it was weird I could have sworn I unsubbed from that channel years ago. So I just thought ok, maybe I didn't but just forgot and never noticed their videos.

Then again I got videos from Achievement Hunter in my sub box and it says I was subbed to them. Ok wow I can't believe I never noticed I was subbed to them this whole time I never watch their videos

But then today I just noticed a fucking game theory video in my box and I am 110% sure I did not sub to them because I fucking hate that channel. I even remember the exact video that made me never click on his channel again, but I clicked on the channel and it said subscribed.

Im just wondering if YouTube is shadow subscribing channels for anyone else, because that's really fucking dirty that they would deny showing people videos they actually want to watch but then turn around and shadow sub you to channels.

I can't say I've been affected. Just checked my subscriptions and they're all the channels I clearly remember subbing to. Although I wasn't affected by the "glitch" where you unsub from channels you haven't watched for a while so I guess I'm lucky.

Today when I was browsing my subbox I noticed that SOMEHOW I resubbed to some channels that I unsubbed quite a while ago, for example PlayOverwatch and that scumbag TmarTn. TmarTn2 appeared in my subbox today and I noticed that I'm subbed to this channel wtf.


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