#25thAmendmentNow - Images
The truth is that the entire world knows Trump is a criminal white supremacist sexual predator pathological liar white supremacist authoritarian trait...
Couldn’t agree more. #25thAmendmentNow
THEY DONT WANT YOUR CRAZY ASS THERE! So, that makes you the UNCHOSEN ONE, whack job.
What the serious fu....? #25thAmendmentNow
We are not okay. We're a country at war with itself, we have a wannabe deranged dangerous dictator at the helm, a bunch of cowardly Senators & Reps wh...
King of Israel #25thAmendmentNow
When the president of the United States starts declaring that he is: — “The King of Israel” — “The Chosen One” — “The Second coming of God” It means...
Donald Trump’s day so far: - Says he’s the “King of Israel” - Says he’s the “Chosen one” - No really, he said this shit - Attacks Denmark - Attacks N...
Other than that... @POTUS is an absolute and delusional *sshole !!! #voterfraud #25thAmendmentNOW !!!