“Ah yes the n-word. I haven’t used this since the Heian era”

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
Ahh Yes My Anti Leaks When I'm About to Be Defeated Technique

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
me watching sukuna survive tonight because of he used the “anti jacob’s ladder technique”

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
"Ah yes, my ratatouille ass technique, it's the first time I use it"
Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
“Ah yes, my anti-kamehameha technique… I haven’t used this since the DB saga”

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
ah yes my time-stopping technique

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
ah yes my time-stopping technique
Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
Ah yes, my comeback-from-dead technique

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
Ah Yes Yuku Okkotsu's Techique
Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
"Ah yes my anti Goku technique, I haven't used this since the heian era"

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
"Ah yes your ancient technique, you haven't used this since the heian era"

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
i’m all for good memes, but the whole “ahh my ____ technique, haven’t used that since the heian era” sukuna meme is kind of just annoying if i’m being...

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
"Ah yes, my copyright claim technique. I haven't had to use this since the height of the Heian era."

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
Next Chapter : Ah yes , my Gilgamesh Technique. I have not used since the last Holy Grail war.

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
"Ah yes, my Anti-Domain Expansion Technique. I haven't used this since the Heian era..."

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era
Good job " Yuta okkotsku " you just made me use my Anti-Copy-paste Technique i've not used since the Heian era

Ah Yes, My Technique, I Haven't Used It Since the Heian Era