Go Ahead, Tell Me Sigmar Is Ableist

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
Artie Bucco Pointing a Gun

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
ell me how it’s racist to take a home cooked meal to your next door neighbors

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
go ahead. post another “take” about Lizzo playing the old crystal flute

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
tell me that the USSR liberated Poland in 1939

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
Say public transport is racist.

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
Tell me that Andy from Toy Story was ableist. Say cops don't lie

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
tell me that lockheed martin is more progressive than CumStalin69 for hiring trans people

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
go ahead. post another “take.” tell me that the minions movie failed to center indigenous voices. call anne frank a white colonizer.

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
tell me that drawing porn is gross. say the twitter algorithm doesnt care about smaller artists.

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
Tell me that walkable cities promote consumerism

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
Go ahead, say that Joaquin Phoenix probably can’t sing

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
" cat calling isn't as bad as it's made out to be."

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
go ahead. post another “take.” tell me that souls games are ableist. say that our favorite characters follow outdated stereotypes.

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
tell me bedtimes are fascistic in nature

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"
go ahead. post another “take.” tell me that eating hot dogs is ableist.

Artie Pointing a Gun / Go Ahead, Post Another "Take"