Big Head, Little Body - Images
After two pages of pathology
Big Head, Little Body
When someone gives you a compliment
Big Head, Little Body
Trying to Remember Everything for My Exams like
Big Head, Little Body
When you eat too much liver paste, and your bloodflow is excellent,
Big Head, Little Body
When your crush gives you a small compliment
Big Head, Little Body
When you correct "your" to "you're"while texting,
Big Head, Little Body
When somone says they dont understand a meme and you have about 7 years of internet history archived in your brain
Big Head, Little Body
Me after watching 2 episodes of Rick and Morty in a row
Big Head, Little Body
Her: ima tell you something but don't let it to go to your head Me: nah what is it Her: I like your haircut Me:
Big Head, Little Body
At the library
Big Head, Little Body
Your head after a party
Big Head, Little Body
A rather big headed person in the Egmont Garden, a sculpture by Thomas Lerooy. Lots of trees and art in this park.
Big Head, Little Body