"Things I Don't Like" Exploitable Webcomics
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"Things I Don't Like" Exploitable Webcomics are webcomics turned into exploitable memes in which the artist changes one of the panels in the webcomic to make a point about a thing they don't approve of. The trend became a very popular style of meme, particularly in 2017, when many different comics appeared and were exploited in similar ways.
The trend appears to have started with Oh No, It's Retarded, an exploitable webcomic featuring a stick figure character discovering a small dog that says various statements deemed disturbing, inane or controversial. On December 27th, 2014, Tumblr user aaaaa42c posted a comic in which a small dog informs a boy that he produces multiple cancerous cells every day, with each having the potential to be fatal (shown below). Within nine months, the comic gained over 17,100 notes.

On July 31st, 2015, FunnyJunk user Sewallman submitted a variation of the comic in which the dog says "Feminism is about equality" (shown below, left). On August 16th, FunnyJunk user joshlol submitted a comic in which the dog praises Donald Trump (shown below, right). These were among the first posts to use the format that would be replicated in future "Things I Don't Like" memes.

In the following years, many more exploitable webcomic templates were used to make similar points. Usually, the creator would use the template to make a joke about a thing they did not approve of.
For Really Big Mistakes
For Really Big Mistakes refers to an exploitable image of a large eraser with the words "for really big mistakes" printed on it erasing another image. The meme expresses the point of view that the "mistake" is something worthy of ridicule and removal. On February 13th, 2016, Tumblr user yanderechild posted a version of the meme with the word "Anime" as the image being erased (shown below). Within 15 months, the post has received more than 178,000 notes.

The following month, on March 20th, Redditor shooterboss posted a variation (shown below, left), in which the word "capitalism" is the mistake, to the subreddit /r/me_irl, garnering more than 1,200 points (91% upvoted) and 80 comments. Several months later, on September 6th, Tumblr user mimosataylor posted a variation with the text "2016" is the mistake (shown below, right). The post received more than 125,200 notes.

Will We Find Intelligent Life
Will We Find Intelligent Life? is an exploitable webcomic panel originally published by Poorly Drawn Lines. The comic is set up as a cosmic search for intelligent life, leading to a man on earth. In the third panel, the man says something unintelligent, and the fourth panel reads, "The search continues…" Poorly Drawn Lines published the original version of the comic on January 26th, 2015. In the original version of the comic, the man says "I'm not racist, but I mean--" before the final panel says "The search continues…" (shown below).

All Life is Precious
All Life Is Precious is an exploitable Shen Comix (previously known as Owl Turd Comix) panel in which a person is holding a spider. Electing to bring it outside rather than kill it, the person says, "All life is precious." The spider then says something offensive to the person, leading the person to squish it. In the exploitable, what the spider says changes. It is one of several Owl Turd Comix that have been turned into a Things I Don't Like exploitable.
Owl Turd Comix posted the original on April 22nd, 2017. In the original version, the spider says, "I post art without crediting the artist." The comic, shown below, has gained over 24,000 notes on Tumblr as of April 25th, 2017.

Hey You See That Guy Over There
Hey You See That Guy Over There is an exploitable image series based on a webcomic by Facebook artist Florkofcows, featuring two illustrated socks discussing a third character in the distance. Since its creation in late April 2017, various edits of the comic have been creating referencing people and characters from anime, video games and other media.

Talk To Me Like You're A Fucking Idiot
Talk to Me Like You're a Fucking Idiot is an exploitable webcomic by Cyanide and Happiness in which a woman asks her partner to talk to her like "a fucking idiot" during intercourse. Variations of the comic are typically used to mock opposing viewpoints and political beliefs in a similar vein to the "Oh No, It's Retarded" series.

Your Mother and I Will Always Love You
Your Mother and I Will Always Love You is a series of exploitables based on a four-panel webcomic by Devin Le. Online, people have customized the panels to feature different characters, opinions and ideas. In the end, however, the idea is to make the opinion expressed in panel three appear foolish, obnoxious and/or wrong.

Self-aware Robot
Self-aware Robot refers to an exploitable webcomic by Sam Pratt of RustledJimmies.net in which a scientist announces a robot has gained self-awareness. The robot then says something outrageous, and the scientist hurriedly says "It's not finished yet."

Stuck in the Elevator
Stuck in the Elevator is an exploitable four-panel comic series in which a man begins to panic while trapped in an elevator after the woman he is confined with says a variety of things he finds distasteful.

I Don't Really Have Strong Opinions
I Don't Really Have Strong Opinions is an exploitable Shen Comix webcomic in which the character Shen professes to not "have any strong opinions on anything" prior to a figure yelling a variety of contentious or inflammatory statements, leading Shen to load a clip into a handgun.

Firefighters "Do Not Disturb"
Firefighters Do Not Disturb refers to a series for four-panel exploitables in which a pair of firefighters approach a burning room but decide not to enter based on what's written on the "do not disturb" sign hanging from the door handle. Online, people have photoshopped replacements words, phrases and symbols to express disapproval towards those things.

Bobby Has Created the Opposite of Art
Bobby Has Created the Opposite of Art is an exploitable webcomics created by Extra Fabulous Comics in which an art teacher tells a class that anything can be art. He then looks at a character named Bobby's drawing and declares "Bobby has created the opposite of art." What Bobby has drawn is changed in the variations.

Stress Powered Light Bulb
Stress Powered Light Bulb refers to a series of exploitable webcomics based on the work of Mr. Lovenstein. In the comic, an inventor reveals the stress-powered light bulb. He then whispers a stressor to his test subject holding the bulb, which causes the bulb to illuminate a blinding light. Online, people have replaced the original comic's stressor with something that generates heated debate, such as politics.

Get Better Material
Get Better Material refers to a series of exploitable images based on a False Knees webcomic. In the meme, a bird is performing stand-up comedy. However, when a heckler boos the bird and says to “get better material,” the bird looks at its notes only to realize that it does not have any other material.

To Survive in the Wild
To Survive in the Wild refers to an exploitable Safely Endangered comic in which a man explains "To survive in the wild, you need a reliable source of water. He then insults a person, who begins crying. The first character slurps up the tears with a straw. In the exploitables, what the first character says to make the second cry is changed.

The Scroll of Truth
The Scroll of Truth is an exploitable image series based on a web comic by artist Tate Parker, in which an explorer discovers a scroll that provides various unpleasant or unsettling truths, causing him to angrily toss the parchment away.

Acquired Tastes
"Acquired Tastes" is a four-panel exploitable webcomic by artist StoneToss in which two individuals, dressed in t-shits labeled "boobs" and "ass", reluctantly shake hands and throw a disgusted look at the third individual, hideously disfigured, drooling and dressed in a t-shirt labeled "feet".

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Feb 06, 2018 at 07:10PM EST
Feb 06, 2018 at 09:47PM EST