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Part of a series on Internet Slang. [View Related Entries]


Boy Mom is a slang term typically used by mothers who either only have male children or tend to show favoritism towards their male children. The term grew out of a sphere of "Mommy Bloggers" in the early 2010s that created digital personalities that revolved around raising boys. Over the years, self-professed "boy moms" have been criticized for having unhealthy and emotionally incestuous relationships with their male children, as well as perpetuating untrue sexist stereotypes about boys being more "chaotic" and messy than girls. A slang converse of this phrase that also exists on the internet is "girl dad."


Amy Williams, president of the Dallas-based LLC "Boymom" trademarked the phrase "boymom" as used on apparel since 2007.[10][11]

The phrase "boy mom" grew out of internet Mommy Blogger subcultures in the early 2010s, with the earliest known blog to use the specific term "Boymom" being a website called Mom vs. The Boys.[1] An August 16th, 2012 post on the blog reads, "You Know You’re a Boy Mom When….."

Hi, I'm Jennifer WELCOME to Mom vs The Boys After having 3 boys in 3 years. I was inspired to create a Boymom Community to celebrate the joys & trials of raising the opposite gender!
You Know You're a Boy Mom When..... AUGUST 16, 2012 BY MOMVSTHEBOYS 37 COMMENTS WE EARN COMMISSION FROM PURCHASES MADE VIA PRODUCT LINKS IN OUR POSTS f Share Tweet P Pin You Know You're a Boy Mom When...... Yum Share Share * You find rocks, sticks and leaves in pockets while doing laundry * Your child has had a black eye, chipped tooth, and a scarred lip all before the age of two (yes all three on one child, say hello to Middle Man) * You avoid using their bathroom at all cost * You know and fear the pain of stepping on Lego * Pirate lingo is everyday jargon (Clean up your toys or wake the plank mateys, aarrgh) * When searching for the loud noise coming from your washing machine, you are relieved to find it's just a couple of hot wheels cars * Tow Mater and Lightening McQueen join you at the dinner table * You have to clean the bathtub after bathing the kids * When you look outside your window to admire the view, you see your son's bare bum as he pees at the back fence.......

Other blog posts from the early 2010s written by self-professed "boy moms" often discuss gender essentialist ideas, with one blogger saying that she would "take the physical boys over the dramatic girls any day,"[2] and another making a list of typical "boy" attributes like "boys get dirty," and "boys are mischievous."[3]


On October 8th, 2021, Urban Dictionary[13] user couldprobablyjustDrinktea4ever posted a definition for the term "boy mom" that read, "A mom who is emotionally incestuous with her sons"

Boy Mom A mom who is emotionally insestuous with her sons Gf: His mom acts like she's jealous we're together Friend: yeah she's a total boy mom by could probablyjustDrinktea4ever October 8, 2021 49 25 y f FLAG

On December 2nd, 2021, Redditor[16] /u/anuscluck made a post to /r/unpopularopinion about "boy mom" behavior on Facebook, gathering over 1,000 upvotes in two years (seen below, left). On December 22nd, 2022, Redditor[15] /u/Vegetable-Drawing215 posted a screengrab of a "boy mom" Facebook post, gathering over 1,000 upvotes in eight months (seen below, right).

1342 Self-declared "boy moms" are weird self.unpopularopinion submitted 1 year ago by anuscluck Every "boy mom" I see online thinks it's a personality trait to raise a son. Most of them are emotionally enmeshed with their sons, they don't treat their daughters the same way. This may not be unpopular here, but I said this in a Facebook group and received multiple death threats from angry boy moms 287 comments source share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments
1397 BOY MOMS Nouer word ved the ch young daught away on her wedding day I had ever Pought much about the mommas and their son Yaying to Something Something I knew I would never get gave abng the one he hugs and kisses Igaveaway being the one he looks for in a crowd Igaveaway being the first person he turns to when engs get being the one he makes in the Th The boy moms are not ok y'all (i.redd.it) submitted 8 months ago by Vegetable-Drawing215 361 comments share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments 12:24 rown is with T In Johns Key ... BOY MOMS No truer words. I loved this so much, I had to share If you are a boy momma this one is for you. You always hear about a girl's daddy "giving his daughter away" on her wedding day. I had never thought much about the mommas and their sons. But y'all mommas give away something too. Something just as precious. Something I knew I would never get back. I gave away being the one he hugs and kisses I gave away being the one he looks for in a crowd I gave away being the first person he turns to when things get tough I gave away being the one he makes laugh in the middle of day I gave away being his number one girl I gave away a piece of my heart I gave away my son Deep down I know he will always love me but I also know he loves her more. He loves her more than his momma and that's ok. That's how I knew he had found the one. But isn't that what we want? We want them to marry a girl who they will put first even if it means we become second. Mommas, Love him while you are still first Kiss his sweet baby face and linger in those lanky teenage hugs Drive him to school even when he is grumpy and doesn't say a word to you Listen when he needs to vent and blow off steam

TikTok Trend

In early August 2023, TikToker @petamurgs,[4] @lauraelizabethgraham[5] and various other TikTok[8] "boy moms" posted videos with captions along the lines of "Making sure my son can cook so he’s not impressed by your daughter’s [Stouffer’s] lasagna" @petamurgs's video gathered over a million views and 300,000 likes before being deleted. The video by @lauraelizabethgraham can be seen below, left. TikToker[9] @chezchanelle's August 2nd, 2023 video gathered over 116,000 views and 3,000 likes in a month (seen below, right).

@lauraelizabethgraham He’s gonna need a home cooked meal Felicia 😬 #boymom #boymomlife #boymomsoftiktok #mamasboy #mommasboy #mamasboys #relatablemom #motherinlaw #motherinlawproblems #momsoftiktok ♬ original sound – Laura Elizabeth Graham

@chezchanelle This is a joke folks cause I’m a home chef but I also love me a delissio okurrrr #chefhumour #boymom #relatablemom #momhumour #itsajokechill #itsajoke #delissio ♬ RealestK Toxic – RealestK

Various TikTokers criticized this "boy mom" trend, calling it patronizing towards women, and saying that learning to cook is a useful skill to have for both boys and girls. On August 5th, 2023, TikToker[6] @theewilsons posted a video reacting to the trend, with a caption that read, "Teaching my son how to cook so your daughters don't have to deal with a man that thinks cooking is a woman's job and not a life skill." The post gathered over 400,000 plays and 83,000 likes in a month (seen below, left). TikToker[7] @mollivegarden posted a TikTok criticizing the TikTok boy mom videos and gathering over 11 million views and 1.5 million likes in two weeks (seen below, right).

@theewilsons No son of mine going to be one of those misogynist out there #fyp ♬ original sound – Bryan

@mollivegarden #boymom💙 ♬ original sound – molly

Twitter / X

On February 27th, 2023, X[12] user @nhoodpublicist posted a clip from a Saturday Night Live: The Weekend Update segment with the caption, "This boy mom skit was executed so well that you almost forget it’s satire," gathering over 20,000 likes in six months (seen below).

On August 1st, 2023, X user @LeaMaric posted a screenshot of a video with a caption that read, "when you're so in love with being a boy mom and suddenly realize it means you'll be some girl's mother-in-law one day." The post gathered over 103,000 likes in a month (seen below).

exce@LeaMaric. Aug 1 We need to stop them. when you're so in love with being a boy mom and suddenly realize it means you'll be some girl's mother-in-law one day 712 emilybreeze ✪ Well, that's one way to ruin my weekend Follow t 8,191 103.5K O 53.3K 1,857 10.3K ₁13.4M : ↑

On August 3rd, 2023, X[14] user @danishacarterr quoted a video of a mother and her son with a caption that read, "'boy mom' is not a phrase borne of comedy lol…… it references a very commonly seen disturbing dynamic that must be stopped," gathering over 38,000 likes in a month (seen below).

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External References

[1] Mom vs. The Boys – You Know You Are A Boy Mom When

[2] Stories of Our Boys – I Love Being A Boy Mom

[3] The Mom Initiative – Five Things I Love About Being A Boy Mom

[4]  TikTok – petamurgs

[5] TikTok – lauraelizabethgraham

[6] TikTok – theewilsons

[7] TikTok – mollivegarden

[8] TikTok – sivanaylarichards

[9] TikTok – chezchanelle

[10] Jezebel – Battle Hymn of the Boymom

[11] Facebook – boymom designs

[12] X – nhoodpublicist

[13] Urban Dictionary – Boy Mom

[14] X – danishacarterr

[15] X – LeaMaric

[15] Reddit – /r/ShitMomGroupsSay

[16] Reddit – /r/unpopularopinion

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Boy Mom

Part of a series on Internet Slang. [View Related Entries]

Updated Sep 02, 2023 at 12:20AM EDT by Rebecca Rhodes.

Added Sep 01, 2023 at 07:40AM EDT by sakshi.

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Boy Mom is a slang term typically used by mothers who either only have male children or tend to show favoritism towards their male children. The term grew out of a sphere of "Mommy Bloggers" in the early 2010s that created digital personalities that revolved around raising boys. Over the years, self-professed "boy moms" have been criticized for having unhealthy and emotionally incestuous relationships with their male children, as well as perpetuating untrue sexist stereotypes about boys being more "chaotic" and messy than girls. A slang converse of this phrase that also exists on the internet is "girl dad."


Amy Williams, president of the Dallas-based LLC "Boymom" trademarked the phrase "boymom" as used on apparel since 2007.[10][11]

The phrase "boy mom" grew out of internet Mommy Blogger subcultures in the early 2010s, with the earliest known blog to use the specific term "Boymom" being a website called Mom vs. The Boys.[1] An August 16th, 2012 post on the blog reads, "You Know You’re a Boy Mom When….."

Hi, I'm Jennifer WELCOME to Mom vs The Boys After having 3 boys in 3 years. I was inspired to create a Boymom Community to celebrate the joys & trials of raising the opposite gender! You Know You're a Boy Mom When..... AUGUST 16, 2012 BY MOMVSTHEBOYS 37 COMMENTS WE EARN COMMISSION FROM PURCHASES MADE VIA PRODUCT LINKS IN OUR POSTS f Share Tweet P Pin You Know You're a Boy Mom When...... Yum Share Share * You find rocks, sticks and leaves in pockets while doing laundry * Your child has had a black eye, chipped tooth, and a scarred lip all before the age of two (yes all three on one child, say hello to Middle Man) * You avoid using their bathroom at all cost * You know and fear the pain of stepping on Lego * Pirate lingo is everyday jargon (Clean up your toys or wake the plank mateys, aarrgh) * When searching for the loud noise coming from your washing machine, you are relieved to find it's just a couple of hot wheels cars * Tow Mater and Lightening McQueen join you at the dinner table * You have to clean the bathtub after bathing the kids * When you look outside your window to admire the view, you see your son's bare bum as he pees at the back fence.......

Other blog posts from the early 2010s written by self-professed "boy moms" often discuss gender essentialist ideas, with one blogger saying that she would "take the physical boys over the dramatic girls any day,"[2] and another making a list of typical "boy" attributes like "boys get dirty," and "boys are mischievous."[3]


On October 8th, 2021, Urban Dictionary[13] user couldprobablyjustDrinktea4ever posted a definition for the term "boy mom" that read, "A mom who is emotionally incestuous with her sons"

Boy Mom A mom who is emotionally insestuous with her sons Gf: His mom acts like she's jealous we're together Friend: yeah she's a total boy mom by could probablyjustDrinktea4ever October 8, 2021 49 25 y f FLAG

On December 2nd, 2021, Redditor[16] /u/anuscluck made a post to /r/unpopularopinion about "boy mom" behavior on Facebook, gathering over 1,000 upvotes in two years (seen below, left). On December 22nd, 2022, Redditor[15] /u/Vegetable-Drawing215 posted a screengrab of a "boy mom" Facebook post, gathering over 1,000 upvotes in eight months (seen below, right).

1342 Self-declared "boy moms" are weird self.unpopularopinion submitted 1 year ago by anuscluck Every "boy mom" I see online thinks it's a personality trait to raise a son. Most of them are emotionally enmeshed with their sons, they don't treat their daughters the same way. This may not be unpopular here, but I said this in a Facebook group and received multiple death threats from angry boy moms 287 comments source share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments 1397 BOY MOMS Nouer word ved the ch young daught away on her wedding day I had ever Pought much about the mommas and their son Yaying to Something Something I knew I would never get gave abng the one he hugs and kisses Igaveaway being the one he looks for in a crowd Igaveaway being the first person he turns to when engs get being the one he makes in the Th The boy moms are not ok y'all (i.redd.it) submitted 8 months ago by Vegetable-Drawing215 361 comments share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments 12:24 rown is with T In Johns Key ... BOY MOMS No truer words. I loved this so much, I had to share If you are a boy momma this one is for you. You always hear about a girl's daddy "giving his daughter away" on her wedding day. I had never thought much about the mommas and their sons. But y'all mommas give away something too. Something just as precious. Something I knew I would never get back. I gave away being the one he hugs and kisses I gave away being the one he looks for in a crowd I gave away being the first person he turns to when things get tough I gave away being the one he makes laugh in the middle of day I gave away being his number one girl I gave away a piece of my heart I gave away my son Deep down I know he will always love me but I also know he loves her more. He loves her more than his momma and that's ok. That's how I knew he had found the one. But isn't that what we want? We want them to marry a girl who they will put first even if it means we become second. Mommas, Love him while you are still first Kiss his sweet baby face and linger in those lanky teenage hugs Drive him to school even when he is grumpy and doesn't say a word to you Listen when he needs to vent and blow off steam

TikTok Trend

In early August 2023, TikToker @petamurgs,[4] @lauraelizabethgraham[5] and various other TikTok[8] "boy moms" posted videos with captions along the lines of "Making sure my son can cook so he’s not impressed by your daughter’s [Stouffer’s] lasagna" @petamurgs's video gathered over a million views and 300,000 likes before being deleted. The video by @lauraelizabethgraham can be seen below, left. TikToker[9] @chezchanelle's August 2nd, 2023 video gathered over 116,000 views and 3,000 likes in a month (seen below, right).

@lauraelizabethgraham He’s gonna need a home cooked meal Felicia 😬 #boymom #boymomlife #boymomsoftiktok #mamasboy #mommasboy #mamasboys #relatablemom #motherinlaw #motherinlawproblems #momsoftiktok ♬ original sound – Laura Elizabeth Graham

@chezchanelle This is a joke folks cause I’m a home chef but I also love me a delissio okurrrr #chefhumour #boymom #relatablemom #momhumour #itsajokechill #itsajoke #delissio ♬ RealestK Toxic – RealestK

Various TikTokers criticized this "boy mom" trend, calling it patronizing towards women, and saying that learning to cook is a useful skill to have for both boys and girls. On August 5th, 2023, TikToker[6] @theewilsons posted a video reacting to the trend, with a caption that read, "Teaching my son how to cook so your daughters don't have to deal with a man that thinks cooking is a woman's job and not a life skill." The post gathered over 400,000 plays and 83,000 likes in a month (seen below, left). TikToker[7] @mollivegarden posted a TikTok criticizing the TikTok boy mom videos and gathering over 11 million views and 1.5 million likes in two weeks (seen below, right).

@theewilsons No son of mine going to be one of those misogynist out there #fyp ♬ original sound – Bryan

@mollivegarden #boymom💙 ♬ original sound – molly

Twitter / X

On February 27th, 2023, X[12] user @nhoodpublicist posted a clip from a Saturday Night Live: The Weekend Update segment with the caption, "This boy mom skit was executed so well that you almost forget it’s satire," gathering over 20,000 likes in six months (seen below).

On August 1st, 2023, X user @LeaMaric posted a screenshot of a video with a caption that read, "when you're so in love with being a boy mom and suddenly realize it means you'll be some girl's mother-in-law one day." The post gathered over 103,000 likes in a month (seen below).

exce@LeaMaric. Aug 1 We need to stop them. when you're so in love with being a boy mom and suddenly realize it means you'll be some girl's mother-in-law one day 712 emilybreeze ✪ Well, that's one way to ruin my weekend Follow t 8,191 103.5K O 53.3K 1,857 10.3K ₁13.4M : ↑

On August 3rd, 2023, X[14] user @danishacarterr quoted a video of a mother and her son with a caption that read, "'boy mom' is not a phrase borne of comedy lol…… it references a very commonly seen disturbing dynamic that must be stopped," gathering over 38,000 likes in a month (seen below).

Search Interest

External References

[1] Mom vs. The Boys – You Know You Are A Boy Mom When

[2] Stories of Our Boys – I Love Being A Boy Mom

[3] The Mom Initiative – Five Things I Love About Being A Boy Mom

[4]  TikTok – petamurgs

[5] TikTok – lauraelizabethgraham

[6] TikTok – theewilsons

[7] TikTok – mollivegarden

[8] TikTok – sivanaylarichards

[9] TikTok – chezchanelle

[10] Jezebel – Battle Hymn of the Boymom

[11] Facebook – boymom designs

[12] X – nhoodpublicist

[13] Urban Dictionary – Boy Mom

[14] X – danishacarterr

[15] X – LeaMaric

[15] Reddit – /r/ShitMomGroupsSay

[16] Reddit – /r/unpopularopinion

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