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Cockmongler is a image of a ginger man posing with a disturbing and humorous expression on his face feauting an unusually wide and toothy smile. His unique face is often photoshopped into other pictures and scenes. One of the oldest 4chan memes, it still remains popular today, and is considered by many to be one of 4chans mascots.
The original image came from the website for The Worlds Largest Dinosaur, a large sculpture located in Drumheller, Alberta. Located in the Fun Stuff section, the photo was titled "A prime example of TOO MUCH time at the World's Largest Dinosaur."[1]

The first version of the image posted to 4chan featured the caption "I'll suck your cock!" and was posted sometime around June 2004[4]. Threads featuring the Cockmongler soon started appearing, with several even being archived due to notableness.[5]

Grinman / Smiling Man
A popular form of trolling involves posting a picture of the Cockmongler with captions referring to the character as "Grinman" or "Smiling Man". Despite the frequent and predicatable uses of this method, it still remains an effective way to troll.
For fuck's sake…
Alright, Word Of Power time. It's Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I'm not saying this towards the trolls who've flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit – they've no hope already. I'm saying this for your benefit – the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it's not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it's everywhere. Take it from me. It's Grinman. You don't have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don't, just keep it in the back of your head…the last flickering candle of truth. He's the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).[2]
Return of Cockmongler
On the 27th April 2008, a anonymous poster on 4chan posted pictures on /b/ taken at the Calgary Comic Expo, which showed more recent pictures of the original Cockmongler. The thread was so popular that it was stickied to the front page of /b/[3].

External Links
[1] Worlds Largest Dinosaur site – Original Cockmongler (Click "A prime example of TOO MUCH time at the World's Largest Dinosaur")
[2] Encyclopedia Dramtica – Cockmongler
[3] Chanarchive – Cockmongler 2008
[4] Lurkmore Wiki – Cockmongler
[5] Chanarchive – Cockmongler Threads – cockmongler and cockmongler painting collaboration
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Oct 31, 2012 at 03:00PM EDT
Jul 22, 2014 at 03:28PM EDT