Console memes
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Since the launch of Xbox 360 and Playstaion 3 the fans of both companys have been arguing!
Such arguments expanded to a WAR or a "Console War"!
The whole concept is that if you dont own both consoles you are a fanboy of the one you own !
Xbros and Sonybros are the 2 types of fanboys and each type has invented many ways to annoy and troll the other!
Examples are many Youtube videos ,Fan pages on popular sites, And allot of trolling inbetween!
The 4chan board /v/ is the most notable creator of videogame related memes and the memes created in this Console War are the following:
PS3 HAS NO GAEMS ,XBOX has no games
the little errors the consoles make are used allot for trolling their respective owners and it seems no one cares !
Later with the unveiling of Nintendos Wii the console War Expanded and even more ways to troll Wii owners where created!To The Point that people dont love their console they just hate yours and at any given point if you visit the /v/ board you will see something related to the console war
Please help me with more info on this entry because its my first!
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