Vaseline or Bengay- Slug question?

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Sometimes I like to lay on the floor and pretend I'm a crumb

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
I like to cover myself with mayonnaise and Oreos and pretend I'm a snow leopard

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Sometimes I Like to Bury Myself in the Backyard and Pretend I'm a Carrot

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Shirt Design

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Some times when I'm alone I like to cover myself in vaseline and pretend I'm a slug

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Slug life

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Slug Site Murderer

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Sometimes, When I'm Home Alone, I Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
A friend would randomly say this. The statement is bizarre and very WTF. Sounds like it fits right i...

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Where's the best place to buy Vaseline?

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug
Sometimes at night I cover myself in Vaseline and pretend I'm a slug

Cover Myself in Vaseline and Pretend I'm a Slug