Creepypasta - Images
![Sabias que... La imagen adjunta fue creada por un hombre lamado PierreJean Durand, un fan frances de 23 años de My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Una noche el estaba experimentando con Adobe Photoshop, intentando crear una imagen de "Pinkie Pie" con atributos similares al del humano Después de guardarla, el la vio previamente y noto algo peculiar. El vio que la pintura se volvio distorcionada,no un poco, si no fuertemente. El pensó que podria ser solo un error de Phots hop mientras que la guardaba, pero aún asi era extraña la forma en que se habia teñido de un rojo intenso El decidio ir a la cama.. solo para nunca des pertar jamas. Murio en su sueño. La imagen PGN fue encontrada abierta en su laptop, y fue publicada en su blog. Su madre murió unos dias despues, y fue asumida que por depresion. Poco des pués de esos incidentes su cuenta de blog fue dada de baja. Esa imagen fue convertida en JPG despues de eso, Pero nadie murió después de verla. Fue concidencia o estaba la imagen maldita? Saquen sus concluciones.](
![Sabias que... La imagen adjunta fue creada por un hombre lamado PierreJean Durand, un fan frances de 23 años de My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Una noche el estaba experimentando con Adobe Photoshop, intentando crear una imagen de "Pinkie Pie" con atributos similares al del humano Después de guardarla, el la vio previamente y noto algo peculiar. El vio que la pintura se volvio distorcionada,no un poco, si no fuertemente. El pensó que podria ser solo un error de Phots hop mientras que la guardaba, pero aún asi era extraña la forma en que se habia teñido de un rojo intenso El decidio ir a la cama.. solo para nunca des pertar jamas. Murio en su sueño. La imagen PGN fue encontrada abierta en su laptop, y fue publicada en su blog. Su madre murió unos dias despues, y fue asumida que por depresion. Poco des pués de esos incidentes su cuenta de blog fue dada de baja. Esa imagen fue convertida en JPG despues de eso, Pero nadie murió después de verla. Fue concidencia o estaba la imagen maldita? Saquen sus concluciones.](
![Alot of creepyp asta characters are cute to me](
![Alot of creepyp asta characters are cute to me](
Let Mikey In
Herobrine is watching...
here we go...
Dafuq I just read?!
![「Anonymous 06/19/12(Tue)00:38 No.10311088 man & girl go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: "baby, i love you very much" what is it honey?" "our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken. ill walk and get some more fuel." "ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen" good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now. then the girl here a scratching sound and voice say "LET ME IN" the girl doesnt do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door dafuq did i just read MEMEBASE.COM](
![「Anonymous 06/19/12(Tue)00:38 No.10311088 man & girl go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: "baby, i love you very much" what is it honey?" "our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken. ill walk and get some more fuel." "ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen" good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now. then the girl here a scratching sound and voice say "LET ME IN" the girl doesnt do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door dafuq did i just read MEMEBASE.COM](
Staring contest, go!
![Hey, bro? Wanna have a staring contest?](
![Hey, bro? Wanna have a staring contest?](
![48 Do It AGGOT](
![48 Do It AGGOT](
Duck bills are dog masks
![ You just realized that ducks have their reasons for wearing masks.](
![ You just realized that ducks have their reasons for wearing masks.](
![The Fresh Start Somewhere in West Philadelphia, you will find an old basketball court with a single ball lying in the middle. Pick it up and start shooting hoops. After a while, a small group of hooligans will approach you and challenge you to a fight, which you must accept. After the fight, you must go home and relay the events to your mother. She will then inform you that you have an aunt and uncle living in one of the districts of Los Angeles, and out of fear, she will send you to live there for an indefinite period of time. With your bags packed, go to the street corner, and whistle for a cab. The cab that will pull up will bear the word FRESH on the license plate, and upon closer inspection, novelty fuzzy dice will hang in the mirror. Although you will suddenly realize that cabs like these are extremely hard to find, do not bear any thought to it. At this point you MUST point out in front of the car and say 'Yo homes to Bel Air. You will stop in front of a mansion, and it will be sometime between 7 and 8 o'clock, even though it will feel like you've been traveling mere seconds. Get your luggage out and say Yo homes, smell ya later!', but do NOT turn back to face the cabby. Walk up to the door, look over your shoulder once, and then knock on the door three times. If you follow these instructions, your life will get flip-turned upside-down.](
![The Fresh Start Somewhere in West Philadelphia, you will find an old basketball court with a single ball lying in the middle. Pick it up and start shooting hoops. After a while, a small group of hooligans will approach you and challenge you to a fight, which you must accept. After the fight, you must go home and relay the events to your mother. She will then inform you that you have an aunt and uncle living in one of the districts of Los Angeles, and out of fear, she will send you to live there for an indefinite period of time. With your bags packed, go to the street corner, and whistle for a cab. The cab that will pull up will bear the word FRESH on the license plate, and upon closer inspection, novelty fuzzy dice will hang in the mirror. Although you will suddenly realize that cabs like these are extremely hard to find, do not bear any thought to it. At this point you MUST point out in front of the car and say 'Yo homes to Bel Air. You will stop in front of a mansion, and it will be sometime between 7 and 8 o'clock, even though it will feel like you've been traveling mere seconds. Get your luggage out and say Yo homes, smell ya later!', but do NOT turn back to face the cabby. Walk up to the door, look over your shoulder once, and then knock on the door three times. If you follow these instructions, your life will get flip-turned upside-down.](