Not so much in Ultimate, and not at all in 64.

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
![Valentão: quer intimidar uma criança* Cartazes anti-bullyng: *existem* Valentão: (( BRICADE RO PUTASSO NDS iVisible Frustration]](
![Valentão: quer intimidar uma criança* Cartazes anti-bullyng: *existem* Valentão: (( BRICADE RO PUTASSO NDS iVisible Frustration]](
Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
Za każdym razem

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
1st grader rain rain go away

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
What do u wanna eat

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
tu mama cuando se da cuenta

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
When somebody passes you in the fast lane

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
Swiper no swiping

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
Rage Games Exist

Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
When your first meme gets to the top of the subreddit
![When your first meme gets to the top of the subreddit but it's gaming week so pewds doesn't review the subreddit Visible Frustration]](
![When your first meme gets to the top of the subreddit but it's gaming week so pewds doesn't review the subreddit Visible Frustration]](
Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
![iVisible Frust.ration]](
![iVisible Frust.ration]](
Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton
>[board culture reference] has joined the server
![View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO 1503118541631.jpg, 163KIB, 640x467 View Report Anonymous Fri 01 Sep 2017 20:09:40 No.389000094 >[board culture reference] has joined the server >reaction image avatar greentexts and uses 'kek' in game chat](
![View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO 1503118541631.jpg, 163KIB, 640x467 View Report Anonymous Fri 01 Sep 2017 20:09:40 No.389000094 >[board culture reference] has joined the server >reaction image avatar greentexts and uses 'kek' in game chat](
Cringing Plankton / [Visible Frustration] Plankton