Men's Rights Movement - Images
Take the true redpill, you normies

Men's Rights Movement
wake up
![My brlant plarn how Mers Rights Activists will succeed I have a brilliant plan how we will win the war against feminism! We have to... be calm, polite and politically correct (just like feminists want us to) emphasize that women's rights are very important (just like every good feminist does) confirm that equality is very good (just like every good feminist claims, too) adeciust like every good feminist misogynists" or "hate group never use curse words (so that feminists don't get upset and label us "misogynists" or "hate group") never bring up the negative effects of women's suffrage (just like feminists never do) Sure, feminism is spreading worldwide and feminists achieve goal after goal by being aggressive, insulting, lying, fact-ignoring and hysterical, but we should follow the opposite strategy, we should be balanced, reasonable and cooperative True, radical feminism has now reached the highest levels of government, academia, judiciary and media both nationally and internationally, but we should rather write blog articles featuring yet more "well-founded arguments" against feminist demands/claims/stupidities than analyze the underlying mechanisms by which government, business and society become feminist and misandrist Last not least, we should call anyone who criticizes my plan "an agent provocateur" or "feminist shill". THAT'S HOW WE'LL WIN! P.S. Yes, this strategy hasn't worked for 100 years but l am sure it will soon. The first MRA group was founded 1926 ("Federation for Men's Rights") and had goals like 'equal rights for men, fairer laws' and 'more rights for fathers regarding paternity tests. Sounds familiar? These MRAs complained about how authorities side in favor of women, for example in situations like domestic quarrels. And how too many men sit in prison cells just because of mere accusations by women. Sounds familiar? They criticized that the government creates divorce incentives and thereby erodes marriage and family. Sounds familiar? They complained that women invent sexual accusations to win their divorce court cases. Sounds familiar? A British men's rights organization noted that "in the United States []woman-worship is a mania" (original quote fronm 刎 1927). Sounds familiar? Even the issue of what we now call MGTOW (men going their own way") was raised as it was feared that more and more men will abstain from marriage since women's character had been ruined by feminism. Sounds familiar? At the same time MRAs were emphasizing that they were not anti-women, just "anti-ultra-feminism" and against modern women, who demand all rights and refuse all duties" and who "want all the power of govemment without the responsibility men have to face" (original quotes from 1927) Sounds familiar? They denounced "the inability of a man to get a square deal in court", "gold-diggers", "money-hungry wives", "ruined homes", "children held as hostages to extract the last cent from worried fathers", "the rise of the shyster lawyer, the creation of a new class of parasites" and that "it is suicide for a man to marry" and that "a woman cannot lose in court" (all original quotes from the 1920s). Sounds familiar? MRAs repeat the same statements since the 1920s. Let me rephrase: MRAs hold probably the world record for being the most unsuccessful bunch of guys EVER. They repeat and do the same stuff over and over again.. since the Twenties of the last Century .since the lwenties of tne last Century .and already in the 1920s anti-feminists remarked that the problems had begun decades ago. MRAs failed to achieve anything in the last 100 years. Instead it all got worse year after year, while feminists got all their wishes fulfilled, most of them without even sweating, from harsher divorce laws to anti-men quotas in parliaments. And why have been MRAs losing for decades? Because they are stupid by assuming that they can win against feminists by repeating what feminists say. Or what feminists want them to say. that they can fight feminists with "better arguments when feminists even win with bad arguments or even with scientifically disproved nonsense. that they can fight the al complex" (divorce lawyers, anti-discrimination bureaus, women's programs, gender studies and so on) without a critical mass of upset men. . that they can win against feminists by fighting for equal rights when in most cases the problem is not a lack of equal rights but a reinterpretation and skewing of rights and duties by White Knight judges and politicians. (and many other stupidities) But most importantly: MRAs have been falling for 100 years because they notoriously ignore the main source offeminism: Womern. age.everyday.women. The female collective. The artificial distinction between "good women" and "bad feminists" is the biggest mistake made by MRAs. Most women support most feminist ideas, from custody laws to expansion of welfare for women. But since women usually don't participate in political discussions, the feminist/privilege-loving nature of women remains u MRAs to this very day Don't trust worthless affirmations like "I'm not a feminist" or "I, too, don't like these crazy feminists". Don't even trust your own judgment like "She's an intelligent woman, she would never support feminism". Instead check election stats and check polls that ask specific questions like "Should the government strengthen the rights of divorced women?" or that ask women to rank political issues by priority. Whatever women say and however they refuse to be labeled 'feminist, when election day comes you can be very sure that the majority of women will vote for the political party that l which fools eads to more feminism and more burden on men. That's why feminism infects everything so easily. And that's why it survived world wars and currency collapses without a scratch. And that's why it femastasizes every layer of society. And that's why it stays endemic. And that's why nearly every area with a high influx of women automatically becomes feminist. It's because feminism is ingrained in the nature of women. Even across party lines women form a "Whine Syndicate" with its 1st rule "When in doubt, support feminism". As long as MRAs ignore the depth and the age of the problem, they will lose for another century.](
![My brlant plarn how Mers Rights Activists will succeed I have a brilliant plan how we will win the war against feminism! We have to... be calm, polite and politically correct (just like feminists want us to) emphasize that women's rights are very important (just like every good feminist does) confirm that equality is very good (just like every good feminist claims, too) adeciust like every good feminist misogynists" or "hate group never use curse words (so that feminists don't get upset and label us "misogynists" or "hate group") never bring up the negative effects of women's suffrage (just like feminists never do) Sure, feminism is spreading worldwide and feminists achieve goal after goal by being aggressive, insulting, lying, fact-ignoring and hysterical, but we should follow the opposite strategy, we should be balanced, reasonable and cooperative True, radical feminism has now reached the highest levels of government, academia, judiciary and media both nationally and internationally, but we should rather write blog articles featuring yet more "well-founded arguments" against feminist demands/claims/stupidities than analyze the underlying mechanisms by which government, business and society become feminist and misandrist Last not least, we should call anyone who criticizes my plan "an agent provocateur" or "feminist shill". THAT'S HOW WE'LL WIN! P.S. Yes, this strategy hasn't worked for 100 years but l am sure it will soon. The first MRA group was founded 1926 ("Federation for Men's Rights") and had goals like 'equal rights for men, fairer laws' and 'more rights for fathers regarding paternity tests. Sounds familiar? These MRAs complained about how authorities side in favor of women, for example in situations like domestic quarrels. And how too many men sit in prison cells just because of mere accusations by women. Sounds familiar? They criticized that the government creates divorce incentives and thereby erodes marriage and family. Sounds familiar? They complained that women invent sexual accusations to win their divorce court cases. Sounds familiar? A British men's rights organization noted that "in the United States []woman-worship is a mania" (original quote fronm 刎 1927). Sounds familiar? Even the issue of what we now call MGTOW (men going their own way") was raised as it was feared that more and more men will abstain from marriage since women's character had been ruined by feminism. Sounds familiar? At the same time MRAs were emphasizing that they were not anti-women, just "anti-ultra-feminism" and against modern women, who demand all rights and refuse all duties" and who "want all the power of govemment without the responsibility men have to face" (original quotes from 1927) Sounds familiar? They denounced "the inability of a man to get a square deal in court", "gold-diggers", "money-hungry wives", "ruined homes", "children held as hostages to extract the last cent from worried fathers", "the rise of the shyster lawyer, the creation of a new class of parasites" and that "it is suicide for a man to marry" and that "a woman cannot lose in court" (all original quotes from the 1920s). Sounds familiar? MRAs repeat the same statements since the 1920s. Let me rephrase: MRAs hold probably the world record for being the most unsuccessful bunch of guys EVER. They repeat and do the same stuff over and over again.. since the Twenties of the last Century .since the lwenties of tne last Century .and already in the 1920s anti-feminists remarked that the problems had begun decades ago. MRAs failed to achieve anything in the last 100 years. Instead it all got worse year after year, while feminists got all their wishes fulfilled, most of them without even sweating, from harsher divorce laws to anti-men quotas in parliaments. And why have been MRAs losing for decades? Because they are stupid by assuming that they can win against feminists by repeating what feminists say. Or what feminists want them to say. that they can fight feminists with "better arguments when feminists even win with bad arguments or even with scientifically disproved nonsense. that they can fight the al complex" (divorce lawyers, anti-discrimination bureaus, women's programs, gender studies and so on) without a critical mass of upset men. . that they can win against feminists by fighting for equal rights when in most cases the problem is not a lack of equal rights but a reinterpretation and skewing of rights and duties by White Knight judges and politicians. (and many other stupidities) But most importantly: MRAs have been falling for 100 years because they notoriously ignore the main source offeminism: Womern. age.everyday.women. The female collective. The artificial distinction between "good women" and "bad feminists" is the biggest mistake made by MRAs. Most women support most feminist ideas, from custody laws to expansion of welfare for women. But since women usually don't participate in political discussions, the feminist/privilege-loving nature of women remains u MRAs to this very day Don't trust worthless affirmations like "I'm not a feminist" or "I, too, don't like these crazy feminists". Don't even trust your own judgment like "She's an intelligent woman, she would never support feminism". Instead check election stats and check polls that ask specific questions like "Should the government strengthen the rights of divorced women?" or that ask women to rank political issues by priority. Whatever women say and however they refuse to be labeled 'feminist, when election day comes you can be very sure that the majority of women will vote for the political party that l which fools eads to more feminism and more burden on men. That's why feminism infects everything so easily. And that's why it survived world wars and currency collapses without a scratch. And that's why it femastasizes every layer of society. And that's why it stays endemic. And that's why nearly every area with a high influx of women automatically becomes feminist. It's because feminism is ingrained in the nature of women. Even across party lines women form a "Whine Syndicate" with its 1st rule "When in doubt, support feminism". As long as MRAs ignore the depth and the age of the problem, they will lose for another century.](
Men's Rights Movement
I have to confess...

Men's Rights Movement

Men's Rights Movement
RoK against Mad Max

Men's Rights Movement
"False Equivalence"

Men's Rights Movement
I see smoke

Men's Rights Movement
Privilege over justice

Men's Rights Movement
A man being abused by a woman? sorry, no help for you

Men's Rights Movement
Double Standards

Men's Rights Movement
#I'mAWhinyPissbaby Photoshopped Meninist Shirt

Men's Rights Movement
#Meninist Shirt

Men's Rights Movement
#Meninist Hoodie Attack (probably satire)

Men's Rights Movement
#Meninist Webcomic

Men's Rights Movement
Magic Mike #Meninist

Men's Rights Movement

Men's Rights Movement