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Delete Posting

Added by jordanecmusic • Updated about a year ago by Teh Brawler
Added by jordanecmusic • Updated about a year ago by Teh Brawler

Delete Posting
Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2012 Origin: Facebook Region:
Tags: youtube facebook posting delete
Delete Posting

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Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2012 Origin: Facebook Region:
Tags: youtube facebook posting delete

Delete posting is when you post something after someone,get someone to write something negative about you, then deleting your post making it look like they were talking about the person above you.


A: this is good music
B: you sir are a homosexual andwill never get laid
C: No, you get a job you miserable bum.Burn in heck!

After Delete Posting
A: this is good music
C: no, you get a job you miserable bum. Burn in heck!

After A's response to C
A: this is good music
C: no, you get a job you miserable bum. Burn in heck!
A: Dude shut up you like butts

Delete Posting can also be used for self humiliation.


A: this is good music
B: you sir are a homosexual andwill never get laid
A: The person above me likes to sniff butts

After Delete Posting
A: this is good music
A: The person above me likes to sniff butts

After Self Humiliation Delete Post
A: this is good music
A: the person above me likes to sniff butts
B/C: hahaha he sniffs his own butt?

Delete posting can be used on youtube, forums, facebook, or other social networking websites.

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