Anon is spiritually Indian

Designated Shitting Streets / Poo in the Loo
Indian Shimmy
![File: rio.webm (1.03 MB, 1280x720) O Anonymous (ID: pj3irZ1i) O 08/20/16(Sat)02:13:17 No.85916570 >>85916995 >>85917059 >>85917160 >>85917409 >>85917695 >>85917749 >>85918009 >>85918085 >>85918115 >>85918503 >>85918749 >>85918931 >>85919073 >>85919106 >>85919137 >>85919222 >>85919363 >>85919625 >>85919918 >>85920766 >>85920895 >>85920989 >>85921049 >>85921228 >>85921282 >>85922161 imagine now Runner's diarrhea >years of hardwork, trying to be best. >you gonna represent your country >finally in Rio From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >s--- your pants in live tv Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"[1] or "the Indian shimmy", 121 i would literally kill myself "the Indian shimmy" >> O Anonymous (ID: 21MZU919 ) 1 08/20/16(Sat)02:16:37 No.85916842 >>85916884 >>85916993 lol which country is the guy from? Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: H/vsY/1x ) 08/20/16(Sat)02:17:03 No.85916884 ► >>85916966 >>85917212 >>85917274 >>85918071 >>85920158 >>85916842 Most likely India O Anonymous (ID: 4pbr+7Fs) O 08/20/16(Sat)02:26:31 No.85917690 > >>85917786 >>85917791 >>85917820 >>85917889 >>85917942 >>85917990 >>85918012 >>85918099 >>85918140 >85918211 >>85918239 >>85918370 >>85918449 >>85918466 >>85918647 >>85918926 >>85919096 >>85920206 >>85920377 >85920442 >>85920581 >>85920968 >>85921692 >>85921713 >>85922015 >>85922270 >>85922328 >>85922369 >>85922543 >>85922573 >>85922868 >>85922939 >>85923246 >>85923282 >>85917059 O Anonymous (ID: GAAGEKKX ) CIA 08/20/16(Sat)02:27:33 No.85917786 ► O Anonymous (ID: K/CDQKFP ) + 08/20/16(Sat)02:27:52 No.85917820 > >85918036 File: 1466511892791.jpg (13 KB, 320x320) O Anonymous (ID: tVCJGgDz ) E 08/20/16(Sat)02:29:36 No.85917990 ► File: MHM3DMK.gif (1.99 MB, 332x215) >>85917690 "the Indian shimmy" >>85917690 >Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"[1] or "the Indian shimmy",[2] >or "the Indian shimmy",[2] >>85917690 >the Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: AAcOnRib) E 08/20/16(Sat)02:29:50 No.85918012 File: 1387411971556.jpg (46 KB, 348x425) >>85917690 >"the indian shimmy" I didn't know wikipedia had this mad of O Anonymous (ID: ChoNPio0) 08/20/16(Sat)02:30:05 No.85918036 ► File: 6f6[1] png (65 KB, 853x665) bants. Pajeet's preferred sport is jogging onto the street >>85917820 >the Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: tbyWHPkK ) [•] 08/20/16(Sat)02:34:34 No.85918466 ► File: lol cheetah.jpg (61 KB, 450x450) Well, that settles it. Pajeet's preferred sport is jogging, during which diarrhea dribbles down his legs and onto the street. >>85917690 >>85917889 which one of you did this? O Anonymous (ID: ecuKR-Q7 ) [•1 08/20/16(Sat)02:54:22 No.85920206 ► File: 7132492079_235482c232_z[1].ipg (200 KB, 427x640) O Anonymous (ID: uUGodb4h) EE 08/20/16(Sat)02:32:12 No.85918239 > >85921870 File: 1457012592406.jpg (27 KB, 500x328) >>85917690 >indian shimmy >>85917690 >Indian Shimmy No F------ Way This s--- writes itself. O Anonymous (ID: 00xLKUlo ) E3 08/20/16(Sat)02:58:35 No.85920581 ► File: 1470257263448.jpg (114 KB, 640x640) >>85917690 > er%27s_diarrhea Designated S------- Syndrome >Indian shimmy wikipedia is savage Runner's diarrhea O Anonymous (ID: X4Tizlôm) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:36:15 No.85923734 >>85923894 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >>85917690 >some one added Designated S------- Syndrome Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"(1) "the Indian shimmy",2, or "Designated S------- Syndrome", КЕК O Anoonimoose **** (ID: 611VZROW) = 08/20/16(Sat)03:35:49 No.85923692 >>85923894 >>85917690 >Designated S------- Syndrome AAAAAAA WHICH ONE OF YOU BASTARDS DID THIS O Anonymous (ID: UXUPS91M) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:37:58 No.85923860 > File: 780.jpg (105 KB, 1168x1077) >>85917690 >designated s------- syndrome I love you guys O Anonymous (ID: 7ZXczrle) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:26:50 No.85922939 ► >>85917690 add me in the screencap](
![File: rio.webm (1.03 MB, 1280x720) O Anonymous (ID: pj3irZ1i) O 08/20/16(Sat)02:13:17 No.85916570 >>85916995 >>85917059 >>85917160 >>85917409 >>85917695 >>85917749 >>85918009 >>85918085 >>85918115 >>85918503 >>85918749 >>85918931 >>85919073 >>85919106 >>85919137 >>85919222 >>85919363 >>85919625 >>85919918 >>85920766 >>85920895 >>85920989 >>85921049 >>85921228 >>85921282 >>85922161 imagine now Runner's diarrhea >years of hardwork, trying to be best. >you gonna represent your country >finally in Rio From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >s--- your pants in live tv Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"[1] or "the Indian shimmy", 121 i would literally kill myself "the Indian shimmy" >> O Anonymous (ID: 21MZU919 ) 1 08/20/16(Sat)02:16:37 No.85916842 >>85916884 >>85916993 lol which country is the guy from? Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: H/vsY/1x ) 08/20/16(Sat)02:17:03 No.85916884 ► >>85916966 >>85917212 >>85917274 >>85918071 >>85920158 >>85916842 Most likely India O Anonymous (ID: 4pbr+7Fs) O 08/20/16(Sat)02:26:31 No.85917690 > >>85917786 >>85917791 >>85917820 >>85917889 >>85917942 >>85917990 >>85918012 >>85918099 >>85918140 >85918211 >>85918239 >>85918370 >>85918449 >>85918466 >>85918647 >>85918926 >>85919096 >>85920206 >>85920377 >85920442 >>85920581 >>85920968 >>85921692 >>85921713 >>85922015 >>85922270 >>85922328 >>85922369 >>85922543 >>85922573 >>85922868 >>85922939 >>85923246 >>85923282 >>85917059 O Anonymous (ID: GAAGEKKX ) CIA 08/20/16(Sat)02:27:33 No.85917786 ► O Anonymous (ID: K/CDQKFP ) + 08/20/16(Sat)02:27:52 No.85917820 > >85918036 File: 1466511892791.jpg (13 KB, 320x320) O Anonymous (ID: tVCJGgDz ) E 08/20/16(Sat)02:29:36 No.85917990 ► File: MHM3DMK.gif (1.99 MB, 332x215) >>85917690 "the Indian shimmy" >>85917690 >Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"[1] or "the Indian shimmy",[2] >or "the Indian shimmy",[2] >>85917690 >the Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: AAcOnRib) E 08/20/16(Sat)02:29:50 No.85918012 File: 1387411971556.jpg (46 KB, 348x425) >>85917690 >"the indian shimmy" I didn't know wikipedia had this mad of O Anonymous (ID: ChoNPio0) 08/20/16(Sat)02:30:05 No.85918036 ► File: 6f6[1] png (65 KB, 853x665) bants. Pajeet's preferred sport is jogging onto the street >>85917820 >the Indian shimmy O Anonymous (ID: tbyWHPkK ) [•] 08/20/16(Sat)02:34:34 No.85918466 ► File: lol cheetah.jpg (61 KB, 450x450) Well, that settles it. Pajeet's preferred sport is jogging, during which diarrhea dribbles down his legs and onto the street. >>85917690 >>85917889 which one of you did this? O Anonymous (ID: ecuKR-Q7 ) [•1 08/20/16(Sat)02:54:22 No.85920206 ► File: 7132492079_235482c232_z[1].ipg (200 KB, 427x640) O Anonymous (ID: uUGodb4h) EE 08/20/16(Sat)02:32:12 No.85918239 > >85921870 File: 1457012592406.jpg (27 KB, 500x328) >>85917690 >indian shimmy >>85917690 >Indian Shimmy No F------ Way This s--- writes itself. O Anonymous (ID: 00xLKUlo ) E3 08/20/16(Sat)02:58:35 No.85920581 ► File: 1470257263448.jpg (114 KB, 640x640) >>85917690 > er%27s_diarrhea Designated S------- Syndrome >Indian shimmy wikipedia is savage Runner's diarrhea O Anonymous (ID: X4Tizlôm) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:36:15 No.85923734 >>85923894 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >>85917690 >some one added Designated S------- Syndrome Runner's diarrhea, often termed "runner's trots"(1) "the Indian shimmy",2, or "Designated S------- Syndrome", КЕК O Anoonimoose **** (ID: 611VZROW) = 08/20/16(Sat)03:35:49 No.85923692 >>85923894 >>85917690 >Designated S------- Syndrome AAAAAAA WHICH ONE OF YOU BASTARDS DID THIS O Anonymous (ID: UXUPS91M) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:37:58 No.85923860 > File: 780.jpg (105 KB, 1168x1077) >>85917690 >designated s------- syndrome I love you guys O Anonymous (ID: 7ZXczrle) E 08/20/16(Sat)03:26:50 No.85922939 ► >>85917690 add me in the screencap](
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