The only thing Thanos did right

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Even if we're apart, i'll always be with you.
Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
The original

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
I don’t feel so good Kylo
Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
o shit goodbye

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Ben, I don't feel so good
Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Tenth Doctor disintergrates
Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
"Eli-chan... I don't feel so good..."

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Dying is a B...

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Kyle, I don't feel so good...

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Forgive me.

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Wario.... I don't feel so wah...

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
Fat Albert

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good
I can never watch this show again

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good

Disintegration Effect / I Don't Feel So Good