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Rooster Teeth is a machinima company based in Austin, Texas, famous for their series Red vs Blue. Rooster Teeth Productions does a lot more than just machinima, though, filming such things as live action shorts, their series Immersion and their audio/video podcast The Drunk Tank. in the Drunk Tank, they talk about many different topics and provide links in their "link dump" of pages related to the topics. They'll like webpages, games, picture and youtube videos. whenever they link a youtube video, though, the comments on said video flood with exclamations of "DRUNK TANK!" usually the viewer will add something quirky with it, but the main point is to tell everyone else that they came from the drunk tank, and to let other drunk tank listeners know that they were there first. The Drunk Tank panel even brought this up in one podcast where Burnie Burns said that it annoys him
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