Dude, chill out!
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Dude, Chill Out is a catchphrase started by the Let's Play Youtuber (Seananners). It is used in times when someone needs to, of course, chill out.
The phrase "Dude, Chill Out" comes from an update video posted by "Seananners" on December 23rd, 2014. It involves him talking about his starting up of a computer game, a "Let's Play" gaming event, and other topics. At the end of the video, he reminds the viewers that if they ever "see anyone in the comment section being a super dick, like, take it upon yourself to be like 'Dude, chill out!'"
On December 23rd, 2014, Youtube user "RileyPivot" commented that he "smelled the birth of a new meme involving 'chilling out'" and in subsequent replies, people gave suggestions and image links on what would soon become the meme.
As of now, the only confirmed spread of the phrase has been in the youtube comments and replies of the video from which it originated and on occasion in the comments of videos he has posted after the update.
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