2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal - Images
Interesting to hear the NSA director say this...

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
Intel's ME is a Backdoor

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
I SPY...

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
Stripping America's Privacy
2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
He Sees You When You're Sleeping

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
The real meaning of the share symbol

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
Misunderstood Obama

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
Obama Sifting Through Your Porn

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal
We do not know who else may be watching.

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal