Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts - Images
Google image search other uses of this pic outside of this tweet. Did they just make this to deflect?

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
antifa utrecht

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
This is an emoji. 🔻 It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa. It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database.

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle — an infamous Nazi symbol

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
This Trump Facebook ad attacking Antifa uses an upside down red triangle that sure looks like a... *checks notes* Nazi concentration camp badge for ...

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
This isn’t just one post. This is dozens of carefully targeted ads from the official pages of Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Team Trump. All paid for...

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
Triangle on concentration camp uniform

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
Nazi symbol chart
Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
Trump's Post
Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts
The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol. Nazis used the red triangle to mark politica...

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts