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Part of a series on Donald Trump. [View Related Entries]


Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts refers to a series of advertisements posted by the 2020 Donald Trump presidential campaign that features an image of a red upside-down triangle. Many online have pointed out that the red triangle was a symbol used by the Nazis to mark political prisoners and those who rescued Jews during the Holocaust. The Trump campaign has defended using the symbol, stating that the American anti-fascist movement known as Antifa had reclaimed the symbol. Critics of Trump contend that their use of the symbol is an overt dog whistle to white supremacists.


On June 17th, 2020, Fortune magazine editor John Buysse tweeted, [5] "This Trump Facebook ad attacking Antifa uses an upside down red triangle that sure looks like a… *checks notes* Nazi concentration camp badge for "political prisoners, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists, rescuers of Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons." The tweet received more than 1,200 likes and 1,000 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

John Buysse @JohnBuysse This Trump Facebook ad attacking Antifa uses an upside down red triangle that sure looks like a... *checks notes* Nazi concentration camp badge for "political prisoners, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists, rescuers of Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons." Google It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. upaide down red triangke meaning QA B images O Shosping D vdoos I News More About 3210.000 resuts (0.57 seconds) en wiki - Naiconcentration.campba. Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Nazi concentration camp badge - Wikipedia Nazi concentration camp badges, primarily triangles, were part of the sys Organization. --. These mandatory badges of shame had specific meanings indicated by shape. Red inverted triangle superimposed upon a yellow one represer prisoner, Blue inverted triangle . Badge oding system Singke riangles - Doubie triangles Dissinguishing System of identification in German camps communiata and aarchiat: ac of d unaniat and Freano. Prren degt CATEGORY category inckded prdes, Frech relugen ta rancot Spain, wtane coerahig v depived and omigata to couen which wlan mentenoaher ar igoa g ed a nach es. bieal renand iana woren a vel a sea oftendeninading api, pedopilen and mophlen Policial Criminal Asocial Homoseal Jehovah Emigrant onaand wo shy abtisce motuding the oning araton oeaning doteene ang porMe Rorai vee aigneda bown wy wetorped ty orah es d etureem Adenal designaton ireorbed wh he vert dot re Pole U Hungatan Jew mning saetieaye tonsgengen det arary deete 9:29 AM · Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App


Online Reaction

On June 17th, 2020, Twitter[1] user @jewishaction tweeted, "The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol. Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews. Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors. Their masks are off." The tweet received more than 10,000 likes and 9,700 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action IN DEFENSE OF BL @jewishaction LIFE The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol. Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews. Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors. Their masks are off. Team Trump 16 hrs 6 fiennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den konz.Lagern Form und Farbe der Kenseicven Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. Uerbenre Emigrant Bet- ferfher Somo krudt esial Dotitifch erufe Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization. Grund farben 28320 28320 10:07 PM · Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App
Team Trump ... 16 hrs · O Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization. DONALDJTRUMP.COM This must end Learn More RESPOND NOW>>
kennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den honz.Lagern Form und Farbe der keunseichen Politiſch Emigrant Pigel Berufe- forſcher H--- Plfosial fezuell Grund- farben Flbggichen tür Rüefällige Haftlinge Der Straf: fompanie Flbgeichen für Juden Bripirl Brfondere Aibscichen 2507 Jan. Ralfe - Ralfe kthänder kthänderin oerdachtigt lummer Tudht- bäftlings- Pole Techeche Wehemacht häftling Angetyöriger Ia
28320 28320

@jewishaction continued,[3] "This isn’t just one post. This is dozens of carefully targeted ads from the official pages of Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Team Trump. All paid for by Trump and the Republican National Committee. All spreading lies and genocidal imagery." The followup post received more than 2,400 likes and 1,600 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action DEFENSE OF BL LIFE @jewishaction This isn't just one post. This is dozens of carefully targeted ads from the official pages of Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Team Trump. All paid for by Trump and the Republican National Committee. All spreading lies and genocidal imagery. Donald J. Trump Mike Pence Sponsored - Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE Sponsored - Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE ID: 591999094784607 ID: 185875332852144 Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send 's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on You to make a public statement and add your name to stan. We're caling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stan. a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. COMMITTEE ID: 681677109057568 Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on You to make a public statement and add your name to stan. 10:33 PM Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App >

The following day, Facebook [2] announced that the ads were removed for violating Facebook's policy against organized hate. They said:

We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate. Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group's symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol.

Trump Campaign Response

On June 18th, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh said, "The red triangle is an antifa symbol." The Washington Post[4] writes that Murtaugh pointed to examples of "iPhone cases and water bottles branded with the insignia."

The verified Trump campaign Twitter account @TrumpWarRoom refuted posts online. They wrote, "This is an emoji. 🔻 It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa. It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database" (shown below, left).

Reporter Jordan Uhl responded,[9] "Google image search shows… other uses of this pic outside of this tweet. Did they just make this to deflect?" The tweet received more than 1,000 likes and 185 retweets (shown below, right).

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the A.. @TrumpWarRoom Replying to @BrandyZadrozny and @isaacstanbecker This is an emoji. ▼ It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa. It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database. ANTHA 8:28 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · Twitter Web App
jordan O @JordanUhl Google image search other uses of this pic outside of this tweet. Did they just make this to deflect? age Google ing hersot age tn Sketchpad 5.1 - Draw, Create, Sharel - Sketch. 10 Skechpad Free onine druwing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to shae onie Possible related search dawing nd eport te ppumge fmat, P ror Visually similar images www.atodrmcom - AutoDraw Fat dwing for everyone. Aunbrpais machine ing with dwwings from tedati hele pou draw met Autobran eiren eanrer VRA FARUB ARTU senchieskhed Sketchpad 5.1 - Draw, Create, Sharet - Sketch 10 Skatchpad Pe ontne drwing pcaton tor al ages Crete dgnal atwok hareane and eportte populer mage tamats PE, PNG. SVGnd Por. MODERI 被 Visually similar images RA FAKE ARTU Report images Ar MODERI ART A Pages that include matching images www.trendmap com teter Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP's . Presde runteoncampgndyingamarking once by the Nazis te desgnate politcal prisones in concentreton camps Apoken Reportmages

The image tweeted by @TrumpWarRoom also appears on the website ""[10] However, an upload date for the image could not be verified.

Searches for the red triangle as an antifa symbol, as reported by some, have been largely inconclusive. Though, there is one example available from the Dutch anti-fascist group Antifa Utrecht.[11] On August 27th, 2016, the group uploaded their logo which features a red triangle (shown below).

Media Coverage

Several media outlets reported on the ad, including Washington Post, Forward,[6] Media Matters[7] and more.

On June 18th, Media Matters tweeted, "Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle -- an infamous Nazi symbol" (shown below, left). Some online saw the "88 ads" as another dog whistle to white supremacists, referencing the numerical code for "Heil Hitler" (example below, right). [8] The post received more than 4,900 and 4,300 retweets in less than 24 hours.

MM FA Media Matters @mmfa Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle – an infamous Nazi symbol - Actve Started runing an Jun 2e inactive Started g on Jun 17, 2020 Aeur seia ien, eletana r peities About social es, ections or polities About social es, electsons or poitics Me Pene Team Trume E AMERCA GAT y AE A RAT A COMITTE Dangerous MOas ot tar-left groups ana running through our streets and cening absolute mayhem They are DESTRONO etieand rtingi l madness E A Ar Dangeros MOS ot teet gres arennning through our eeta and cauing bu mayhem They are DESTROYING our cties and roting -asolue Dangerous Moes of taret gruen are runing though streets and causing abste maytem They are DESTROYINO ur cites and eting n e madnes madness iimpenant that EVERY Aerian emes tgether ata eke s to send a unted message thut wewillot stand tor their radical actions any longer. wee calling on YOU to makea public statement and add your name te stand wth President Trump agant ANTIFA mimportant that EVERY American eemes together ata ee aendaunited meage that weet stand for their radical actons any longer. were caling on YOU makebeemetnd a yramet stand with Presiden Trune gast ANTA important that EVERY American comes together ata mee this te senda united message that wewil net stand for hed nynger. Were caling an YOU te mae ape statement and add your name te stand with President Trume againat ANTA Pease dd yeur naneMEDATELY ta stand wth your Pease add your name MMEDIATELY to stand s Pesident and his decision to deciare ANTA Terorat Organiaatien Peane add your name MMEDATELY to and with your President and decision te declere ANTIWA Terorist Organitien STOPAN ESPONNOW Len ore Lean Mare PON NO O Aunt spert SD 100 - 190 a Putential Reach: M people Amountpent USD 100 - 1 Potential Reach IM people O Amount spent (USD): 4100 * Potential Reach M people See Ad Details See Ad Detai See Ad Detas 8:49 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · TweetDeck
TJ @cupofjoe776 · 2h 88? That's a disturbing coincidence. 6 27 14 460 PrincessChooChoo @ChooChooHime Replying to @cupofjoe776 and @mmfa 1 Dangerous 2 МOBS 3 of 4 far-left 5 groups 6 are 7 running 8 through 9 our 10 streets 11 and 12 causing 13 absolute 14 mayhem HMMMMM 9:13 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · Twitter Web App

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three posts by the trump campaign using the red triangle used to mark political prisoners who rescued jews

Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts

Part of a series on Donald Trump. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 10:38PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Jun 18, 2020 at 01:15PM EDT by Matt.

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Donald Trump's Red Triangle Posts refers to a series of advertisements posted by the 2020 Donald Trump presidential campaign that features an image of a red upside-down triangle. Many online have pointed out that the red triangle was a symbol used by the Nazis to mark political prisoners and those who rescued Jews during the Holocaust. The Trump campaign has defended using the symbol, stating that the American anti-fascist movement known as Antifa had reclaimed the symbol. Critics of Trump contend that their use of the symbol is an overt dog whistle to white supremacists.


On June 17th, 2020, Fortune magazine editor John Buysse tweeted, [5] "This Trump Facebook ad attacking Antifa uses an upside down red triangle that sure looks like a… *checks notes* Nazi concentration camp badge for "political prisoners, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists, rescuers of Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons." The tweet received more than 1,200 likes and 1,000 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

John Buysse @JohnBuysse This Trump Facebook ad attacking Antifa uses an upside down red triangle that sure looks like a... *checks notes* Nazi concentration camp badge for "political prisoners, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists, rescuers of Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons." Google It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. upaide down red triangke meaning QA B images O Shosping D vdoos I News More About 3210.000 resuts (0.57 seconds) en wiki - Naiconcentration.campba. Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Nazi concentration camp badge - Wikipedia Nazi concentration camp badges, primarily triangles, were part of the sys Organization. --. These mandatory badges of shame had specific meanings indicated by shape. Red inverted triangle superimposed upon a yellow one represer prisoner, Blue inverted triangle . Badge oding system Singke riangles - Doubie triangles Dissinguishing System of identification in German camps communiata and aarchiat: ac of d unaniat and Freano. Prren degt CATEGORY category inckded prdes, Frech relugen ta rancot Spain, wtane coerahig v depived and omigata to couen which wlan mentenoaher ar igoa g ed a nach es. bieal renand iana woren a vel a sea oftendeninading api, pedopilen and mophlen Policial Criminal Asocial Homoseal Jehovah Emigrant onaand wo shy abtisce motuding the oning araton oeaning doteene ang porMe Rorai vee aigneda bown wy wetorped ty orah es d etureem Adenal designaton ireorbed wh he vert dot re Pole U Hungatan Jew mning saetieaye tonsgengen det arary deete 9:29 AM · Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App


Online Reaction

On June 17th, 2020, Twitter[1] user @jewishaction tweeted, "The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol. Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews. Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors. Their masks are off." The tweet received more than 10,000 likes and 9,700 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action IN DEFENSE OF BL @jewishaction LIFE The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol. Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews. Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors. Their masks are off. Team Trump 16 hrs 6 fiennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den konz.Lagern Form und Farbe der Kenseicven Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. Uerbenre Emigrant Bet- ferfher Somo krudt esial Dotitifch erufe Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization. Grund farben 28320 28320 10:07 PM · Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App Team Trump ... 16 hrs · O Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA. Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization. DONALDJTRUMP.COM This must end Learn More RESPOND NOW>> kennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den honz.Lagern Form und Farbe der keunseichen Politiſch Emigrant Pigel Berufe- forſcher H--- Plfosial fezuell Grund- farben Flbggichen tür Rüefällige Haftlinge Der Straf: fompanie Flbgeichen für Juden Bripirl Brfondere Aibscichen 2507 Jan. Ralfe - Ralfe kthänder kthänderin oerdachtigt lummer Tudht- bäftlings- Pole Techeche Wehemacht häftling Angetyöriger Ia 28320 28320 !

@jewishaction continued,[3] "This isn’t just one post. This is dozens of carefully targeted ads from the official pages of Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Team Trump. All paid for by Trump and the Republican National Committee. All spreading lies and genocidal imagery." The followup post received more than 2,400 likes and 1,600 retweets in less than 24 hours (shown below).

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action DEFENSE OF BL LIFE @jewishaction This isn't just one post. This is dozens of carefully targeted ads from the official pages of Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Team Trump. All paid for by Trump and the Republican National Committee. All spreading lies and genocidal imagery. Donald J. Trump Mike Pence Sponsored - Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE Sponsored - Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE ID: 591999094784607 ID: 185875332852144 Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send 's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on You to make a public statement and add your name to stan. We're caling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stan. a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. COMMITTEE ID: 681677109057568 Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting - it's absolute madness. It's important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We're calling on You to make a public statement and add your name to stan. 10:33 PM Jun 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App >

The following day, Facebook [2] announced that the ads were removed for violating Facebook's policy against organized hate. They said:

We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate. Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group's symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol.

Trump Campaign Response

On June 18th, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh said, "The red triangle is an antifa symbol." The Washington Post[4] writes that Murtaugh pointed to examples of "iPhone cases and water bottles branded with the insignia."

The verified Trump campaign Twitter account @TrumpWarRoom refuted posts online. They wrote, "This is an emoji. 🔻 It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa. It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database" (shown below, left).

Reporter Jordan Uhl responded,[9] "Google image search shows… other uses of this pic outside of this tweet. Did they just make this to deflect?" The tweet received more than 1,000 likes and 185 retweets (shown below, right).

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the A.. @TrumpWarRoom Replying to @BrandyZadrozny and @isaacstanbecker This is an emoji. ▼ It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa. It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database. ANTHA 8:28 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · Twitter Web App jordan O @JordanUhl Google image search other uses of this pic outside of this tweet. Did they just make this to deflect? age Google ing hersot age tn Sketchpad 5.1 - Draw, Create, Sharel - Sketch. 10 Skechpad Free onine druwing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to shae onie Possible related search dawing nd eport te ppumge fmat, P ror Visually similar images www.atodrmcom - AutoDraw Fat dwing for everyone. Aunbrpais machine ing with dwwings from tedati hele pou draw met Autobran eiren eanrer VRA FARUB ARTU senchieskhed Sketchpad 5.1 - Draw, Create, Sharet - Sketch 10 Skatchpad Pe ontne drwing pcaton tor al ages Crete dgnal atwok hareane and eportte populer mage tamats PE, PNG. SVGnd Por. MODERI 被 Visually similar images RA FAKE ARTU Report images Ar MODERI ART A Pages that include matching images www.trendmap com teter Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP's . Presde runteoncampgndyingamarking once by the Nazis te desgnate politcal prisones in concentreton camps Apoken Reportmages

The image tweeted by @TrumpWarRoom also appears on the website ""[10] However, an upload date for the image could not be verified.

Searches for the red triangle as an antifa symbol, as reported by some, have been largely inconclusive. Though, there is one example available from the Dutch anti-fascist group Antifa Utrecht.[11] On August 27th, 2016, the group uploaded their logo which features a red triangle (shown below).

Media Coverage

Several media outlets reported on the ad, including Washington Post, Forward,[6] Media Matters[7] and more.

On June 18th, Media Matters tweeted, "Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle -- an infamous Nazi symbol" (shown below, left). Some online saw the "88 ads" as another dog whistle to white supremacists, referencing the numerical code for "Heil Hitler" (example below, right). [8] The post received more than 4,900 and 4,300 retweets in less than 24 hours.

MM FA Media Matters @mmfa Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle – an infamous Nazi symbol - Actve Started runing an Jun 2e inactive Started g on Jun 17, 2020 Aeur seia ien, eletana r peities About social es, ections or polities About social es, electsons or poitics Me Pene Team Trume E AMERCA GAT y AE A RAT A COMITTE Dangerous MOas ot tar-left groups ana running through our streets and cening absolute mayhem They are DESTRONO etieand rtingi l madness E A Ar Dangeros MOS ot teet gres arennning through our eeta and cauing bu mayhem They are DESTROYING our cties and roting -asolue Dangerous Moes of taret gruen are runing though streets and causing abste maytem They are DESTROYINO ur cites and eting n e madnes madness iimpenant that EVERY Aerian emes tgether ata eke s to send a unted message thut wewillot stand tor their radical actions any longer. wee calling on YOU to makea public statement and add your name te stand wth President Trump agant ANTIFA mimportant that EVERY American eemes together ata ee aendaunited meage that weet stand for their radical actons any longer. were caling on YOU makebeemetnd a yramet stand with Presiden Trune gast ANTA important that EVERY American comes together ata mee this te senda united message that wewil net stand for hed nynger. Were caling an YOU te mae ape statement and add your name te stand with President Trume againat ANTA Pease dd yeur naneMEDATELY ta stand wth your Pease add your name MMEDIATELY to stand s Pesident and his decision to deciare ANTA Terorat Organiaatien Peane add your name MMEDATELY to and with your President and decision te declere ANTIWA Terorist Organitien STOPAN ESPONNOW Len ore Lean Mare PON NO O Aunt spert SD 100 - 190 a Putential Reach: M people Amountpent USD 100 - 1 Potential Reach IM people O Amount spent (USD): 4100 * Potential Reach M people See Ad Details See Ad Detai See Ad Detas 8:49 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · TweetDeck TJ @cupofjoe776 · 2h 88? That's a disturbing coincidence. 6 27 14 460 PrincessChooChoo @ChooChooHime Replying to @cupofjoe776 and @mmfa 1 Dangerous 2 МOBS 3 of 4 far-left 5 groups 6 are 7 running 8 through 9 our 10 streets 11 and 12 causing 13 absolute 14 mayhem HMMMMM 9:13 AM · Jun 18, 2020 · Twitter Web App

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Just to be clear, there is a group that self-identifies as opposing fascists that opposes the administration.

Then the administration calls them out labeling them with an actual symbol that the most well-known fascist government in history used to tag its political opponents.

This is either ballsy trolling or unbelievable ignorance. The "it's just a coincidence" excuse has lost its currency after being used a couple of times per month for the past four years.

Monster Kid
Monster Kid

I mean, it easily could be a dogwhistle when there are exactly 88 ads about this. And also no one actually using the symbol they're claiming is being used. So trump campaign staff decided to declare this in the first place, yeah it's kinda suspect. Not sure what to make of all of this though, it's just kinda baffling.


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