Hello Kitty Girl TA "Kaylee"

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
stoppp have you guys seen the tea happening down in ucf?

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
4chan /g/ thread
![489KiB, 1170x1552, jN8dmJu.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ✓ >Has her dress like a child >Has her call him "Daddy" >Walk around campus holding hand and hugging her /g/ CS Prof fired for dating TA [172/23/1] Anonymous Wed 23 Oct 2024 14:15:24 No.102942924 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>102943031 >>102943176 >>102943286 >>102943348 >>102943361 >>102943407 >>102943491 >>102943742 >>102943920 >>102944184 >>102944330 >>102944597 >>102944633 >>102944757 >>102944803 >>102944857 >>102945285 >>102945343 >>102945453 >>102945484 >>102945608 >>102945626 >>102945629 >>102945638 >CS professor >Obsessed with math and C >Brutalizes normalfags with tough CS1 and Discrete Math classes >Has sex with his TA >Has her draw Hello Kitty drawings on his door and sleep in his office >Has her give him head in his car in the campus' parking lot after a long way of lecturing normalfags >Based on professor reviews, obsessed with teaching "efficient and readable /chad/ code" while also having an all-over-the-place unfocused teaching style (probably ADHD) >The TA has a fiance so he is essentially cucking someone too >His main research papers mostly discuss reverse engineering >https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10095779 >https://scholar.google.com/scholar? hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&q=author%3A+%5C%22Travis +Meade %5C%22&btnG= https://imgur.com/a/JBqpalu https://imgur.com/a/message-from-ta-eibMLxv https://www.tiktok.com/@lifebyoni/video/7428755169522994463 This UCF Professor that recently got fired/retired(?) screams /g/ oldfag kek. I'm pretty sure I saw an anon bragging about these exact things before but I brushed it off as LARP obviously Kudos to this oldfag. I hope you find a job at another university! Florida uni system doesn't even pay Professors very well.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/932/723/ad6.png)
![489KiB, 1170x1552, jN8dmJu.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ✓ >Has her dress like a child >Has her call him "Daddy" >Walk around campus holding hand and hugging her /g/ CS Prof fired for dating TA [172/23/1] Anonymous Wed 23 Oct 2024 14:15:24 No.102942924 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>102943031 >>102943176 >>102943286 >>102943348 >>102943361 >>102943407 >>102943491 >>102943742 >>102943920 >>102944184 >>102944330 >>102944597 >>102944633 >>102944757 >>102944803 >>102944857 >>102945285 >>102945343 >>102945453 >>102945484 >>102945608 >>102945626 >>102945629 >>102945638 >CS professor >Obsessed with math and C >Brutalizes normalfags with tough CS1 and Discrete Math classes >Has sex with his TA >Has her draw Hello Kitty drawings on his door and sleep in his office >Has her give him head in his car in the campus' parking lot after a long way of lecturing normalfags >Based on professor reviews, obsessed with teaching "efficient and readable /chad/ code" while also having an all-over-the-place unfocused teaching style (probably ADHD) >The TA has a fiance so he is essentially cucking someone too >His main research papers mostly discuss reverse engineering >https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10095779 >https://scholar.google.com/scholar? hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&q=author%3A+%5C%22Travis +Meade %5C%22&btnG= https://imgur.com/a/JBqpalu https://imgur.com/a/message-from-ta-eibMLxv https://www.tiktok.com/@lifebyoni/video/7428755169522994463 This UCF Professor that recently got fired/retired(?) screams /g/ oldfag kek. I'm pretty sure I saw an anon bragging about these exact things before but I brushed it off as LARP obviously Kudos to this oldfag. I hope you find a job at another university! Florida uni system doesn't even pay Professors very well.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/932/723/ad6.png)
Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
"I know Kaylee and Meade very well"

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Alleged photo of Hello Kitty TA "Kaylee" and her fiance

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Discord messages from Hello Kitty Girl TA

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Discord messages from Hello Kitty Girl TA

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
He left because he got a good job lined up, he was not dating the TA. The TA on ucf discord said she is already engaged and not dating meade and that ...

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Original /r/ucf thread that started the rumor

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
"Kaylee" Hello Kitty notes on UCF Professor Travis Meade's door

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Alleged "Kaylee" Hello Kitty notes on UCF Professor Travis Meade's door

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Alleged Photo of Travis Meade and Hello Kitty TA by the vending machine

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Alleged Photo of Travis Meade and Hello Kitty TA by the vending machine

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Alleged Photo of Travis Meade and Hello Kitty TA locking arms

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
Allegedly Travis Meade touching his TA's dress

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy
UCF Professor Travis Meade

Hello Kitty Girl and UCF Professor Travis Meade Dating Rumor Controversy