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Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Bullying Lawsuit refers to legal charges against the Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (Eng. Indonesia Broadcasting Commission) which aims to maintain public morale from broadcasts that are considered inappropriate in Indonesia after one of it's employee reveal the bullying and sexual harassment he got while working in the Commission. It became viral topic in Indonesian speakers who against the bullying. Similar to Activision-Blizzard Lawsuit.


On September 1st, 2021, Instagram[1] user @grassroot.id uploaded screenshots of press release about someone with initial MS revealed bullying experience that happened to him while he worked at Indonesia Broadcasting Commission. Long short story he's worked at it since 2011, he's got countless bullies from his senior such as buying the foods for two years. On 2015, he's got sexual harassment from his senior by doodling his ball sacks with a whiteboard marker. Since 2017, he's trying to report it to the Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Eng. National Commission on Human Rights), the commission suggest him to report to the police immediately. He's doing it on 2019 and 2020 for the second time, but unfortunately, the police responds were so cold, next he report it to his boss, and then he can moved to another room work that claimed the people who work at it were "harmless", however he still got bullying from his seniors until 2020. The post received more than 464,000 likes in nine days (shown below). The post suddenly got reposted to various platform such as Instagram[2], Facebook[3], and Twitter[4] with received more than 20,000 likes, 1,000 reactions, 2,100 shares, 38,400 likes, and 21,400 retweets, respectively.

Rilis pers, Rabu, 1 September 2021 grassroot.id • Follow PELECEHAN SEKSUAL BERAMAI RAMAI DI KPI PUSAT, PELAKU-KORBAN SAMA SAMA PRIA_ *Tolong Pak Jokowi, Saya Tak Kuat Dirundung dan Dilecehkan di KPI, Saya Trauma Buah Zakar Dicoret Spidol oleh Mereka* grassroot.id Trigger Warning! Bejatnya kelakuan ASN di @kpipusat Tolong cari nama-nama pelakunya spill di komen ya. Kita kasih paham. 1w Yang Terhormat Presiden Joko Widodo, saya seorang Pria, berinisial MS, hanya ingin mencari nafkah di Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI Pusat), saya hanya ingin bekerja dengan benar, menunaikan tugas dari pimpinan, lalu menerima gaji sebagai hak saya, dan membeli susu bagi anak semata wayang saya. tiqasya O Semangat ya Mas M.S, thank you for speaking up!! Semoga para pelaku cepat tertangkap dan diberi ganjaran setimpale A 1w 15,051 likes Reply Sepanjang 2012-2014, selama 2 tahun saya dibully dan dipaksa untuk membelikan makan bagi rekan kerja senior. Mereka bersama sama mengintimidasi yang membuat saya tak berdaya. Padahal kedudukan kami setara dan bukan tugas saya untuk View replies (38) melayani rekan kerja. Tapi mereka secara bersama sama merendahkan dan menindas saya layaknya budak pesuruh. flowwah Speechless bacanya, padahal KPI kalo di tv ribet banget masalah penyiaran tp Sejak awal saya kerja di KPI Pusat pada 2011, sudah tak terhitung berapa kali mereka melecehkan, memukul, memaki, dan merundung tanpa bisa saya lawan. Saya sendiri dan mereka banyak. Perendahan martabat saya dilakukan terus menerus dan berulang ulang sehingga saya tertekan dan hancur pelan pelan. 464,524 likes SEPTEMBER 1 Add a comment... Post


On September 7th, 2021, Indonesian media Bisnis[5] published an article about the perpetrators has denied the accusations. Their attorneys claimed there is no bullying against MS from 2015 until 2017 because not enough evidences of it. It's also no proof that their clients has doodling MS's ball sack because there's no photo about it and waiting the police to find the photos. On the flipside, according to Indonesian media Antaranews[6], the perpetrators will report back the victim's accusation because of MS's press release, now they and the families got cyberbullying from the Indonesian speakers, and due to spreading private identity, they will sue the victim with Informasi Transaksi Elektronik law (Eng. Information of Electronic Transactions). On September 9th, 2021, Indonesian media Detik[7] published an article about MS's will withdraw with the bullying report. From his close friend, MS admitted that he should withdraw the report, and saying that the bullying was not exist, even though the perpetrators didn't apologize to MS, instead he got threat that they will sue him with Information of Electronic Transactions law.

Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Chairman Runaway

On September 9th, 2021, Indonesian famous host Najwa Shihab via her Instagram[12] uploaded interview video with the victim MS and his lawyer at her show Mata Najwa (shown below, left), the video received more than 1,5 million views. On the comment section, Najwa commented "The chairman of Indonesia Broadcasting Commission has been came to the studio and prepare to be interviewed. Unfortunately he rejected to come to the stage and suddenly leave the studio without reason," the comment has been removed. On the next day, Facebook[13] page Dikala anda menonton Televisi uploaded the screenshot before her comment was removed. The post received more than 4,800 reactions and 478 shares (shown below, right).

najwashihab e · Follow ... najwashihab O Menjadi Korban Berkali-kali @matanajwa Korban pelecehan seksual di KPI rencananya akan dilaporkan balik oleh terduga pelaku dengan tuduhan pencemaran nama baik. LBH Apik menilai bahwa hal ini adalah sebuah kemunduran yang sangat luar biasa. narasi TRA NS 7 "Ketika korban sudah berani bersuara, dia kemudian ancamannya itu tadi, UU ITE. Pasal yang sudah mengkriminalkan banyak pihak. Sangat disayangkan sebenarnya." ujar Siti Mazuma, Direktur Eksekutif LBH Lawan Kekerasan Seksual Apik. Simak kembali #MataNajwa Lawan 1,591,769 views 1 DAY AGO 0:00 / 2:48 Comments on this post have been limited.
Translate on the comment section: The chairman of Indonesia Broadcasting Commission has been came to the studio and prepare to be interviewed. Unfortunately he rejected to come to the stage and suddenly leave the studio without reason.

The news suddenly became trending discussion among Indonesian speakers, and wondering why the chairman suddenly leave the studio. For example on September 9th, 2021, Twitter[14] user @NarasiNewsroom uploaded highlight of the interview between Najwa Shihab, MS, and MS lawyer. The post received more than 7,200 likes and 3,200 retweets (shown below, left). On the next day, Facebook[18] user Arsa Bagus uploaded the screenshot of the tweet with several images. The post received 832 reactions and more than 4,500 shares (shown below, right).

Narasi Newsroom @NarasiNewsroom ... Mehbob, Koordinator Pengacara MS, korban perundungan & pelecehan seksual di KPI bilang kalau KPI punya kecenderungan melindungi terlapor. Sayangnya, Ketua KPI Agung Suprio enggak bisa dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut karena ia harus meninggalkan studio sebelum sempat berbicara. narasi TR. N 7 dilapori juga oleh korban. Belum ada tindakan, YouTube/Najwa Shihab 202.4K views 1:20 / 2:19 x 4:17 PM · Sep 9, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 3,224 Retweets 380 Quote Tweets 7,262 Likes
Arsa Bagus 17 jam · O Anjay kabur wkwkwkwkwk Anjay escaped wkwkwkwk *- Sembunyikan asli · Beri Peringkat Terjemahan Ini najwashihab o Ketua KPI tadi mali sudah hadir di studio Mata Najwa, bahkan sdh siap naik panggung tapi tiba2 menolak berdialog ketika pengacara MS, korban di KPI sedan berbicara dan langsung keluar meninggalkan studio. 11h 3180 likes Reply Narasi Newsroom O ... @NarasiNewsroom Mehbob, Koordinator Pengacara MS, korban perundungan & pelecehan seksual di KPI bilang kalau KPI punya KLOSETHEDOO CORBUZIER kecenderungan melindungi terlapor. Sayangnya, Ketua KPI Agung Suprio enggak bisa dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut karena ia harus meninggalkan SICUPU TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAW studio sebelum sempat berbicara. 0. BREAKING NEWS Translate Tweet KORBAN PERUNDUNGAN DAN PELECEHAN KPI DIPAKSA CABUT LAPORAN DAN TANDA TANGAN SURAT DAMAI narasi TR. NS 7 korban dipaksa menyatakan kepada publik bahwa sdak ada peristia pelecehan dan perundungan, lalu dminta mencabut laporan dari kepolisian, Komnas HAM. serta Lembaga Perindungan Saksi dan Karban (LPSK). Korban juga diminta memulhkan nama terdu yang pemah disebut dalam s korben yang beredard media sosial 934ka vonmaga Korban perundungan dan pelecehan KP mendapat tekanan dari para terduga pelaku. Hal tersebut disampaikan langnung dalam is yang disampakan korban "Kalau polisi enggak, tapi dari para petaku dan ditasitasi pimpinan KPI Dia korbanj harus mengatakan pelecehan dan perundungan di KPI tidak ada. Bahwe dia hanus mencabut aporan polis, laporan Komnas HAM Laporan LPSK, dia harus cabut. Terus dia harus memuh sebar ihu tidak pelaku iharus bikin intinya selar dan 835 lainnya 201 Komentar 4,5 rb Kali dibagikan

On the same day, Youtube[16] user Deddy Corbuzier uploaded video titled "GUE WAKILKAN RIBUT SAMA KETUA KPI‼️dari pelecehan sampai SAIPUL JAMIL -Deddy Corbuzier Podcast" (Eng. I'll represent myself to fight with IBC chairman, from the harassment to Saipul Jamil controversy). In the video, the IBC chairman was interviewed by Deddy and asking many questions, mostly about sexual harassment in the IBC. The video received more than 3.2 million views in two days (shown below).

The video also gaining memes about the Chairman himself that was runaway before the interview with Najwa while he can attend Corbuzier's podcast. For example on September 10th, 2021, Twitter[15] user @memefess reposted the meme with caption "Si cupu tidak bertanggungjawab" (Eng. The loser who didn't have responsibility). The tweet received more than 6,600 likes and 1,900 retweets (shown below, left). On September 10th, 2021, Facebook[17] user Muhammad Alwalid Ilyas uploaded meme by using Spongebob Squarepants scene and depicting Patrick Star as the IBC chairman when he avoiding Najwa's interview but he can attended to Corbuzier's podcast. The post received 240 reactions and 740 shares (shown below, right).

najwashihab O Ketua KPI tadi malam sudah hadir di studio Mata Najwa, bahkan sdh siap naik panggung tapi tiba2 menolak berdialog ketika pengacara MS, korban di KPI sedang berbicara dan langsung keluar meninggalkan studio. 11 h 3180 likes Reply #CLOSETHEDOOR CORBUZIER Ea bibit INVESTASI REKSA DANA MULAI DARI Rp100 RIBU SI CUPU TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB

Online Reactions

The report of the lawsuit itself was make Indonesian speakers got upset, and asked why the police only respond his report while it goes viral. For example on September 1st, 2021, Twitter[8] user @tataxsx replied @LastDefence19's tweet and pray that MS get well soon. The tweet received more than 1,200 likes (shown below, left). Some of Indonesian speakers are also disgusted about how the commission aims to maintain public morale from broadcasts that are considered inappropriate in Indonesia has became too far. For example on the same day, Twitter[9] user @SophiaNerissa uploaded tweet that how hypocrite the commission while they are ask television that broadcasting Spongebob Squarepants to censoring some scenes of it. The tweet received more than 1,100 likes (shown below, right).

natta @tataxsx Replying to @LastDefense19 and @KPI_Pusat Astaga polisinya knp sih anj masa harus viral dulu? Buat masnya, masnya kuat banget semoga masnya lekas membaik yaa dan mendapatkan keadilan yang pantas dan para pelaku dapat hukuman yang pantas juga 11:41 PM · Sep 1, 2021 - Twitter for Android 109 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 1,234 Likes
UmmuRafa @SophiaNerissa Replying to @LastDefense19 and @KPI_Pusat Makin jijik sama @KPI_Pusat yang bisa2nya sensor spongebon ternyata isinya najis kaya gini. Naudzubillah. Kehinaan buat @KPI_Pusat dunia & akhirat. 11:30 PM - Sep 1, 2021 - Twitter for Android 193 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 1,134 Likes

On September 6th, 2021, Facebook[10] user Naufal uploaded Drakeposting meme using Spongebob Squarepants scene to depicting how Indonesia Broadcasting Commission when saw cow nipples and asking to censor it, but when bullying happens they just pretending to be blind to KELAS EULER 2-B group. The post received more than 600 reactions and 560 shares (shown below, left). On September 8th, 2021, Facebook[11] user Putra uploaded Two Gay Niggas Kissing meme as Object Labeling to depicting similarity between Indonesia Broadcasting Commission and Activision Blizzard to oksobatdungu group. The post received 150 reactions and 50 shares (shown below, right).

KPI ketika melihat sapi bugil Sensor gak tuh pentil KPI ketika ada kasus pelecehan di kantornya sendiri

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Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Bullying Lawsuit

Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Bullying Lawsuit

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Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Bullying Lawsuit refers to legal charges against the Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (Eng. Indonesia Broadcasting Commission) which aims to maintain public morale from broadcasts that are considered inappropriate in Indonesia after one of it's employee reveal the bullying and sexual harassment he got while working in the Commission. It became viral topic in Indonesian speakers who against the bullying. Similar to Activision-Blizzard Lawsuit.


On September 1st, 2021, Instagram[1] user @grassroot.id uploaded screenshots of press release about someone with initial MS revealed bullying experience that happened to him while he worked at Indonesia Broadcasting Commission. Long short story he's worked at it since 2011, he's got countless bullies from his senior such as buying the foods for two years. On 2015, he's got sexual harassment from his senior by doodling his ball sacks with a whiteboard marker. Since 2017, he's trying to report it to the Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Eng. National Commission on Human Rights), the commission suggest him to report to the police immediately. He's doing it on 2019 and 2020 for the second time, but unfortunately, the police responds were so cold, next he report it to his boss, and then he can moved to another room work that claimed the people who work at it were "harmless", however he still got bullying from his seniors until 2020. The post received more than 464,000 likes in nine days (shown below). The post suddenly got reposted to various platform such as Instagram[2], Facebook[3], and Twitter[4] with received more than 20,000 likes, 1,000 reactions, 2,100 shares, 38,400 likes, and 21,400 retweets, respectively.

Rilis pers, Rabu, 1 September 2021 grassroot.id • Follow PELECEHAN SEKSUAL BERAMAI RAMAI DI KPI PUSAT, PELAKU-KORBAN SAMA SAMA PRIA_ *Tolong Pak Jokowi, Saya Tak Kuat Dirundung dan Dilecehkan di KPI, Saya Trauma Buah Zakar Dicoret Spidol oleh Mereka* grassroot.id Trigger Warning! Bejatnya kelakuan ASN di @kpipusat Tolong cari nama-nama pelakunya spill di komen ya. Kita kasih paham. 1w Yang Terhormat Presiden Joko Widodo, saya seorang Pria, berinisial MS, hanya ingin mencari nafkah di Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI Pusat), saya hanya ingin bekerja dengan benar, menunaikan tugas dari pimpinan, lalu menerima gaji sebagai hak saya, dan membeli susu bagi anak semata wayang saya. tiqasya O Semangat ya Mas M.S, thank you for speaking up!! Semoga para pelaku cepat tertangkap dan diberi ganjaran setimpale A 1w 15,051 likes Reply Sepanjang 2012-2014, selama 2 tahun saya dibully dan dipaksa untuk membelikan makan bagi rekan kerja senior. Mereka bersama sama mengintimidasi yang membuat saya tak berdaya. Padahal kedudukan kami setara dan bukan tugas saya untuk View replies (38) melayani rekan kerja. Tapi mereka secara bersama sama merendahkan dan menindas saya layaknya budak pesuruh. flowwah Speechless bacanya, padahal KPI kalo di tv ribet banget masalah penyiaran tp Sejak awal saya kerja di KPI Pusat pada 2011, sudah tak terhitung berapa kali mereka melecehkan, memukul, memaki, dan merundung tanpa bisa saya lawan. Saya sendiri dan mereka banyak. Perendahan martabat saya dilakukan terus menerus dan berulang ulang sehingga saya tertekan dan hancur pelan pelan. 464,524 likes SEPTEMBER 1 Add a comment... Post


On September 7th, 2021, Indonesian media Bisnis[5] published an article about the perpetrators has denied the accusations. Their attorneys claimed there is no bullying against MS from 2015 until 2017 because not enough evidences of it. It's also no proof that their clients has doodling MS's ball sack because there's no photo about it and waiting the police to find the photos. On the flipside, according to Indonesian media Antaranews[6], the perpetrators will report back the victim's accusation because of MS's press release, now they and the families got cyberbullying from the Indonesian speakers, and due to spreading private identity, they will sue the victim with Informasi Transaksi Elektronik law (Eng. Information of Electronic Transactions). On September 9th, 2021, Indonesian media Detik[7] published an article about MS's will withdraw with the bullying report. From his close friend, MS admitted that he should withdraw the report, and saying that the bullying was not exist, even though the perpetrators didn't apologize to MS, instead he got threat that they will sue him with Information of Electronic Transactions law.

Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Chairman Runaway

On September 9th, 2021, Indonesian famous host Najwa Shihab via her Instagram[12] uploaded interview video with the victim MS and his lawyer at her show Mata Najwa (shown below, left), the video received more than 1,5 million views. On the comment section, Najwa commented "The chairman of Indonesia Broadcasting Commission has been came to the studio and prepare to be interviewed. Unfortunately he rejected to come to the stage and suddenly leave the studio without reason," the comment has been removed. On the next day, Facebook[13] page Dikala anda menonton Televisi uploaded the screenshot before her comment was removed. The post received more than 4,800 reactions and 478 shares (shown below, right).

najwashihab e · Follow ... najwashihab O Menjadi Korban Berkali-kali @matanajwa Korban pelecehan seksual di KPI rencananya akan dilaporkan balik oleh terduga pelaku dengan tuduhan pencemaran nama baik. LBH Apik menilai bahwa hal ini adalah sebuah kemunduran yang sangat luar biasa. narasi TRA NS 7 "Ketika korban sudah berani bersuara, dia kemudian ancamannya itu tadi, UU ITE. Pasal yang sudah mengkriminalkan banyak pihak. Sangat disayangkan sebenarnya." ujar Siti Mazuma, Direktur Eksekutif LBH Lawan Kekerasan Seksual Apik. Simak kembali #MataNajwa Lawan 1,591,769 views 1 DAY AGO 0:00 / 2:48 Comments on this post have been limited. Translate on the comment section: The chairman of Indonesia Broadcasting Commission has been came to the studio and prepare to be interviewed. Unfortunately he rejected to come to the stage and suddenly leave the studio without reason.

The news suddenly became trending discussion among Indonesian speakers, and wondering why the chairman suddenly leave the studio. For example on September 9th, 2021, Twitter[14] user @NarasiNewsroom uploaded highlight of the interview between Najwa Shihab, MS, and MS lawyer. The post received more than 7,200 likes and 3,200 retweets (shown below, left). On the next day, Facebook[18] user Arsa Bagus uploaded the screenshot of the tweet with several images. The post received 832 reactions and more than 4,500 shares (shown below, right).

Narasi Newsroom @NarasiNewsroom ... Mehbob, Koordinator Pengacara MS, korban perundungan & pelecehan seksual di KPI bilang kalau KPI punya kecenderungan melindungi terlapor. Sayangnya, Ketua KPI Agung Suprio enggak bisa dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut karena ia harus meninggalkan studio sebelum sempat berbicara. narasi TR. N 7 dilapori juga oleh korban. Belum ada tindakan, YouTube/Najwa Shihab 202.4K views 1:20 / 2:19 x 4:17 PM · Sep 9, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 3,224 Retweets 380 Quote Tweets 7,262 Likes Arsa Bagus 17 jam · O Anjay kabur wkwkwkwkwk Anjay escaped wkwkwkwk *- Sembunyikan asli · Beri Peringkat Terjemahan Ini najwashihab o Ketua KPI tadi mali sudah hadir di studio Mata Najwa, bahkan sdh siap naik panggung tapi tiba2 menolak berdialog ketika pengacara MS, korban di KPI sedan berbicara dan langsung keluar meninggalkan studio. 11h 3180 likes Reply Narasi Newsroom O ... @NarasiNewsroom Mehbob, Koordinator Pengacara MS, korban perundungan & pelecehan seksual di KPI bilang kalau KPI punya KLOSETHEDOO CORBUZIER kecenderungan melindungi terlapor. Sayangnya, Ketua KPI Agung Suprio enggak bisa dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut karena ia harus meninggalkan SICUPU TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAW studio sebelum sempat berbicara. 0. BREAKING NEWS Translate Tweet KORBAN PERUNDUNGAN DAN PELECEHAN KPI DIPAKSA CABUT LAPORAN DAN TANDA TANGAN SURAT DAMAI narasi TR. NS 7 korban dipaksa menyatakan kepada publik bahwa sdak ada peristia pelecehan dan perundungan, lalu dminta mencabut laporan dari kepolisian, Komnas HAM. serta Lembaga Perindungan Saksi dan Karban (LPSK). Korban juga diminta memulhkan nama terdu yang pemah disebut dalam s korben yang beredard media sosial 934ka vonmaga Korban perundungan dan pelecehan KP mendapat tekanan dari para terduga pelaku. Hal tersebut disampaikan langnung dalam is yang disampakan korban "Kalau polisi enggak, tapi dari para petaku dan ditasitasi pimpinan KPI Dia korbanj harus mengatakan pelecehan dan perundungan di KPI tidak ada. Bahwe dia hanus mencabut aporan polis, laporan Komnas HAM Laporan LPSK, dia harus cabut. Terus dia harus memuh sebar ihu tidak pelaku iharus bikin intinya selar dan 835 lainnya 201 Komentar 4,5 rb Kali dibagikan

On the same day, Youtube[16] user Deddy Corbuzier uploaded video titled "GUE WAKILKAN RIBUT SAMA KETUA KPI‼️dari pelecehan sampai SAIPUL JAMIL -Deddy Corbuzier Podcast" (Eng. I'll represent myself to fight with IBC chairman, from the harassment to Saipul Jamil controversy). In the video, the IBC chairman was interviewed by Deddy and asking many questions, mostly about sexual harassment in the IBC. The video received more than 3.2 million views in two days (shown below).

The video also gaining memes about the Chairman himself that was runaway before the interview with Najwa while he can attend Corbuzier's podcast. For example on September 10th, 2021, Twitter[15] user @memefess reposted the meme with caption "Si cupu tidak bertanggungjawab" (Eng. The loser who didn't have responsibility). The tweet received more than 6,600 likes and 1,900 retweets (shown below, left). On September 10th, 2021, Facebook[17] user Muhammad Alwalid Ilyas uploaded meme by using Spongebob Squarepants scene and depicting Patrick Star as the IBC chairman when he avoiding Najwa's interview but he can attended to Corbuzier's podcast. The post received 240 reactions and 740 shares (shown below, right).

najwashihab O Ketua KPI tadi malam sudah hadir di studio Mata Najwa, bahkan sdh siap naik panggung tapi tiba2 menolak berdialog ketika pengacara MS, korban di KPI sedang berbicara dan langsung keluar meninggalkan studio. 11 h 3180 likes Reply #CLOSETHEDOOR CORBUZIER Ea bibit INVESTASI REKSA DANA MULAI DARI Rp100 RIBU SI CUPU TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB

Online Reactions

The report of the lawsuit itself was make Indonesian speakers got upset, and asked why the police only respond his report while it goes viral. For example on September 1st, 2021, Twitter[8] user @tataxsx replied @LastDefence19's tweet and pray that MS get well soon. The tweet received more than 1,200 likes (shown below, left). Some of Indonesian speakers are also disgusted about how the commission aims to maintain public morale from broadcasts that are considered inappropriate in Indonesia has became too far. For example on the same day, Twitter[9] user @SophiaNerissa uploaded tweet that how hypocrite the commission while they are ask television that broadcasting Spongebob Squarepants to censoring some scenes of it. The tweet received more than 1,100 likes (shown below, right).

natta @tataxsx Replying to @LastDefense19 and @KPI_Pusat Astaga polisinya knp sih anj masa harus viral dulu? Buat masnya, masnya kuat banget semoga masnya lekas membaik yaa dan mendapatkan keadilan yang pantas dan para pelaku dapat hukuman yang pantas juga 11:41 PM · Sep 1, 2021 - Twitter for Android 109 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 1,234 Likes UmmuRafa @SophiaNerissa Replying to @LastDefense19 and @KPI_Pusat Makin jijik sama @KPI_Pusat yang bisa2nya sensor spongebon ternyata isinya najis kaya gini. Naudzubillah. Kehinaan buat @KPI_Pusat dunia & akhirat. 11:30 PM - Sep 1, 2021 - Twitter for Android 193 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 1,134 Likes

On September 6th, 2021, Facebook[10] user Naufal uploaded Drakeposting meme using Spongebob Squarepants scene to depicting how Indonesia Broadcasting Commission when saw cow nipples and asking to censor it, but when bullying happens they just pretending to be blind to KELAS EULER 2-B group. The post received more than 600 reactions and 560 shares (shown below, left). On September 8th, 2021, Facebook[11] user Putra uploaded Two Gay Niggas Kissing meme as Object Labeling to depicting similarity between Indonesia Broadcasting Commission and Activision Blizzard to oksobatdungu group. The post received 150 reactions and 50 shares (shown below, right).

KPI ketika melihat sapi bugil Sensor gak tuh pentil KPI ketika ada kasus pelecehan di kantornya sendiri Lembaga Negara PENYIARAN ΚΡΙ ACTIVISION BIIZZARD Independen INDONESIA ISIWO

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