You don’t think it be that way, but it do

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Nasdaq CEO takes their ball and goes home because they got scored on a couple times in a game where ...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Part of the GameStop absurdity and chaotic revelry is seeing news outlets publish Reddit usernames w...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
DM me feet and/or (hairy only) armpit pics if you’d like me to explain the GameStop situation

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"out here trying to find someone to explain the gamestop thing to me"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"Idk what hedge fund means and I don’t care"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"If any hedgefund managers want to find new employment I can teach them some python 3 for $190 an ho...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"Your hedge fund collapsed? Sorry to hear that sir. I'm afraid I'm not authorized to give discounts-...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"I've made more money from GameStop today than I have in the last ten years of trading in games to t...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"There’s this high tech firm called GameStop"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"GameStop sitting amongst Tesla and Amazon after reddit users make it a Fortune 500 company"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"hedge fund managers: haha we would be so screwed if this GameStop stock ever went up, good thing th...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Alleged Market Shutdowns to prevent WSB GME traders

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
WSB Calling CNBC Report Fake

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"The Gang Tanks The Hedge Fund Industry"
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"Game stop? Seems more like the games have just started"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze