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Deadpool   2,211

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The Extremely Literal Tutorials meme was a line of videos produced by a Youtube user under the username of TheCW4Kids who is suspected to be an alternate account of the youtube member "Radock", who has either had his channel closed or hacked. He created the meme by releasing the video "Pitch Bending Tutorial".

[This video has been removed]

The meme is not limited to tutorials for video editing. It also takes on the form of Photoshop tutorials.

The main appeal to the meme is in the pun and irony of the title. The meme does not have the highest popularity at the moment, though this article was made a single day after the introduction of the meme. The meme happens to be popular with YTPMVers and trolls, such as MilkshakeManCP.

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Extremely Literal Tutorials

Extremely Literal Tutorials

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The Extremely Literal Tutorials meme was a line of videos produced by a Youtube user under the username of TheCW4Kids who is suspected to be an alternate account of the youtube member "Radock", who has either had his channel closed or hacked. He created the meme by releasing the video "Pitch Bending Tutorial".

[This video has been removed]

The meme is not limited to tutorials for video editing. It also takes on the form of Photoshop tutorials.

The main appeal to the meme is in the pun and irony of the title. The meme does not have the highest popularity at the moment, though this article was made a single day after the introduction of the meme. The meme happens to be popular with YTPMVers and trolls, such as MilkshakeManCP.

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