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"Faith in Humanity Restored" is an expression indicating an event or good deed has improved one's opinion of human beings. The phrase can be seen as the antithesis of I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


On October 3rd, 2000, a post titled "Nice Things That Restore my Faith in Humanity" was submitted to the writing database Everything2[7] by user Nailbunny, which featured a short story about a heartfelt phone call from a close friend.

Freddie Mercury Rage Pose

The phrase "Faith in humanity restored" is often seen a a caption used with the Freddie Mercury Rage Pose image (shown below).

Today's hot topics 1. Higgs boson 2. Daniel Sturridge 3. Katie Holmes 6. DAB radios 7. Tour de France 8. Bob Diamond 4. Compact cameras 9.Weather forecast 5. Wimbledon 10. Canvas prints SOME FAITH UN HUMANITY HASBEENRESTORED COM
School Plays Bieber's 'Baby' As Fundraiser: Students Pay To Make lft Stop WireImage for Turner First Posted: 12/15/11 12:53 PM ET Updated: 12/15/11 12:55 PM ET React Amazing Inspiring Funny Scary Hot Crazy Important Weird Follow > Video, Justin Bieber, Boocoo Evanston, Boocoo Justin Bieber, Eths, Eths Plays Justin Bieber, Evanston Township High School, Evanston Township Plays Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Baby, Justin Bieber Evanston Township High School, Justin Bieber Fundraiser, Justin Bieber Music, Chicago News A suburban Chicago high school fundraising to save a popular arts center is motivating students to donate with an earsplitting incentive: pay up and they1l stop blasting Justin Bieber's "Baby" during passing periods. SHARE THIS STORY 627 people like this. Be the first of your friends. Like Some faith in humanity has been restored


On April 5th, 2007, Livejournal[15] user salaroo submitted a post to the "We Hug Sloths" community titled "My faith in humanity has been restored," which celebrated the adoption of a sloth at a zoo. On August 31st, 2010, a TV Tropes page for "Restored My Faith in Humanity"[8] was created, which associated the theme with the "Rousseau Was Right"[8] and "Humans Are Good"[9] tropes. On September 3rd, a series of photos featuring a man rescuing a drowning dog (shown below) were highlighted on the Internet humor blog Ned Hardy[11] in a post titled "Need Your Faith in Humanity Restored?"

On December 8th, the "Random Acts of Pizza" subreddit was created, which adopted the slogan “Restoring faith in humanity, one slice at a time.” On February 13th, 2012, a Facebook[1] page titled "Faith in Humanity: Restored" was launched, gaining more than 11,000 likes in the next two years. On June 20th, the viral content site BuzzFeed[5] published a round-up of "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity," which received upwards of 12.9 million views and 17,000 Facebook shares in the first 10 months. On July 3rd, the post was updated with a YouTube video titled "How to Restore Your Faith in Humanity" was added, featuring a slideshow of images from the original post (shown below).

On August 27th, the Internet humor site Cracked[14] published an article titled "6 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity." On December 14th, BuzzFeed[6] published another photo compilation titled "26 Moments That Restored Our Faith in Humanity This Year," accumulating over 7.4 million views and 542,000 Facebook shares in the following five months. The same day, the Internet humor blog Smosh[13] published a similar photo compilation titled "24 Photos That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity."

Notable Examples

Image macros chronicling heart-warming stories can be found on Pinterest[10] and Tumblr[12] with the description "faith in humanity restored."

Not only did he read to his daughter for over 20 minutes, but he also helped her with her homework. One of the most touching things l have ever seen. TOSHI
Horse trapped for three hours in mud as tide approached An Australian woman stayed with her horse as the tide closed in while the animal was 1 of 5 raham stayed by the side of Astro Ni Photo: REX SOME FAITH IN HUMANITY HAS BEEN RESTORED
VIP A bus driver in Israel (Eitan Eliahyu) found a bag in his bus with 25,000 $ He looked and found the bag owner An ethiopian cleaner, who saved money for his mother and his children in Ethiopia and gave him the bag back. He deserves like from all our heart Faith in humanity: RESTORED

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Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

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"Faith in Humanity Restored" is an expression indicating an event or good deed has improved one's opinion of human beings. The phrase can be seen as the antithesis of I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


On October 3rd, 2000, a post titled "Nice Things That Restore my Faith in Humanity" was submitted to the writing database Everything2[7] by user Nailbunny, which featured a short story about a heartfelt phone call from a close friend.

Freddie Mercury Rage Pose

The phrase "Faith in humanity restored" is often seen a a caption used with the Freddie Mercury Rage Pose image (shown below).

Today's hot topics 1. Higgs boson 2. Daniel Sturridge 3. Katie Holmes 6. DAB radios 7. Tour de France 8. Bob Diamond 4. Compact cameras 9.Weather forecast 5. Wimbledon 10. Canvas prints SOME FAITH UN HUMANITY HASBEENRESTORED COM SOME FAITH UN HUMANITY HASBEEN RESTORED School Plays Bieber's 'Baby' As Fundraiser: Students Pay To Make lft Stop WireImage for Turner First Posted: 12/15/11 12:53 PM ET Updated: 12/15/11 12:55 PM ET React Amazing Inspiring Funny Scary Hot Crazy Important Weird Follow > Video, Justin Bieber, Boocoo Evanston, Boocoo Justin Bieber, Eths, Eths Plays Justin Bieber, Evanston Township High School, Evanston Township Plays Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Baby, Justin Bieber Evanston Township High School, Justin Bieber Fundraiser, Justin Bieber Music, Chicago News A suburban Chicago high school fundraising to save a popular arts center is motivating students to donate with an earsplitting incentive: pay up and they1l stop blasting Justin Bieber's "Baby" during passing periods. SHARE THIS STORY 627 people like this. Be the first of your friends. Like Some faith in humanity has been restored


On April 5th, 2007, Livejournal[15] user salaroo submitted a post to the "We Hug Sloths" community titled "My faith in humanity has been restored," which celebrated the adoption of a sloth at a zoo. On August 31st, 2010, a TV Tropes page for "Restored My Faith in Humanity"[8] was created, which associated the theme with the "Rousseau Was Right"[8] and "Humans Are Good"[9] tropes. On September 3rd, a series of photos featuring a man rescuing a drowning dog (shown below) were highlighted on the Internet humor blog Ned Hardy[11] in a post titled "Need Your Faith in Humanity Restored?"

On December 8th, the "Random Acts of Pizza" subreddit was created, which adopted the slogan “Restoring faith in humanity, one slice at a time.” On February 13th, 2012, a Facebook[1] page titled "Faith in Humanity: Restored" was launched, gaining more than 11,000 likes in the next two years. On June 20th, the viral content site BuzzFeed[5] published a round-up of "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity," which received upwards of 12.9 million views and 17,000 Facebook shares in the first 10 months. On July 3rd, the post was updated with a YouTube video titled "How to Restore Your Faith in Humanity" was added, featuring a slideshow of images from the original post (shown below).

On August 27th, the Internet humor site Cracked[14] published an article titled "6 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity." On December 14th, BuzzFeed[6] published another photo compilation titled "26 Moments That Restored Our Faith in Humanity This Year," accumulating over 7.4 million views and 542,000 Facebook shares in the following five months. The same day, the Internet humor blog Smosh[13] published a similar photo compilation titled "24 Photos That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity."

Notable Examples

Image macros chronicling heart-warming stories can be found on Pinterest[10] and Tumblr[12] with the description "faith in humanity restored."

Not only did he read to his daughter for over 20 minutes, but he also helped her with her homework. One of the most touching things l have ever seen. TOSHI COSTCO CEO PAYS HIS EMPLOYEES 17HR ON AVERAGE, PLUS BENEFITS EARNS LESS THAN $500K, REFUSES WALL YEE SATARIES AND BENEFITS STREET DEMANDS TO CUT EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS Horse trapped for three hours in mud as tide approached An Australian woman stayed with her horse as the tide closed in while the animal was 1 of 5 raham stayed by the side of Astro Ni Photo: REX SOME FAITH IN HUMANITY HAS BEEN RESTORED I'n Sorry NA m Sorr how hurch hs reated You STIAN A BIBLE-BANGING SORRY! SOME FAITH IN HUMANITY HAS BEEN RESTORED VIP A bus driver in Israel (Eitan Eliahyu) found a bag in his bus with 25,000 $ He looked and found the bag owner An ethiopian cleaner, who saved money for his mother and his children in Ethiopia and gave him the bag back. He deserves like from all our heart Faith in humanity: RESTORED HEY DuDE - FRIEND aT YESTER0A4. Soa21 ABauT THAT MAN HERE ARE E STRIP CLUB! APTろF

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