From the Standpoint of Water - Images
One of the dumbest presidents we've ever seen from the standpoint of stupidity

From the Standpoint of Water
When you find out about the Hurricane book report the day before it's due

From the Standpoint of Water
Thanks to our great president for reminding us that water is wet!! Very cool. MAGA.

From the Standpoint of Water
Such wet water

From the Standpoint of Water
Homie needs a very long nap after that hurricane

From the Standpoint of Water
Hire. A. Speechwriter. " of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water." Oh, really? The video was pre-recorded. They could hav...

From the Standpoint of Water
Say what you like about Donald Trump, but at least he knows water is wet, especially when you take into account that it's water. Big water. Tremendous...

From the Standpoint of Water
Ok yeah he's an idiot but I have never seen someone so dissociated from reality. His empathy is so forced it's cringey to watch

From the Standpoint of Water
Look, I try to stay diplomatic and open-minded as much as I can when it comes to politics, but I have to say it; if you voted for him....well you're j...

From the Standpoint of Water

From the Standpoint of Water
“One of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water." When you're trying to finish an essay and you need to hit that word count

From the Standpoint of Water
"one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water"

From the Standpoint of Water