Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks - Images
Early version of the Z-Crystals dated back to July 2015

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
"the scrapped porygon glitch animation for Pokemon DP looks so fucking cool and sucks they dropped i...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
One of the big ways GameFreak planned to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the games was by making P...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Details on the Scrapped Mini Pokémon Feature meant for Sun & Moon. They would've bestowed players O-...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Details on the scrapped Gym Leader Building Feature meant for Pokémon Sun and Moon's Postgame

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Z-Moves were known as "Aura Boost" at one point in Gen 7's development. Aura Brace and Aura Prisms w...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Per internal documents, Pokémon Sun and Moon was intended to be the first pair of Pokémon games with...
![Forwarded Continuing on, SM was planned to have DLC as well as feature a lot of elements that take advantage of the 20th anniversary. An open world like experience where the freedom of uncovering big events were completely left to the player's agency. Along with this, about 200 side quests were planned to be featured, including markers, descriptions, and its own UI. ■シナリオ (エピソード)総数 ■起動トリガー ・話しかけ CONFIDENTIAL 200 (概算、大小含む) イベントコリジョン接触 (旧POS) 「起動判定後にパッシブになるもの』 「0フレーム起動後、 フリームーブのままイベント進行するもの』 の2種がある。 ・フィールド遷移 (マップ生成時) ■専用 GUI 既存シリーズには存在しなかった 『下画面マップでの目的地確認表示』 『イベントリスト』を実装。 ボリュームが大きく、かつ複数同時に進行するシナリオをサポートする。 さずけるものをこえてゆけ! cffa 1.さずけるもの とのであい さずけるものなやみ 3.さずけるものとは 4.っせん! さずけるもの もくてきちくさのいせき いよいよさずけるものとの けっせんのとき いくさい空きで しれん うちかち [ぜんりょくわさ]を けいしょう しよう! せつ OFF](
![Forwarded Continuing on, SM was planned to have DLC as well as feature a lot of elements that take advantage of the 20th anniversary. An open world like experience where the freedom of uncovering big events were completely left to the player's agency. Along with this, about 200 side quests were planned to be featured, including markers, descriptions, and its own UI. ■シナリオ (エピソード)総数 ■起動トリガー ・話しかけ CONFIDENTIAL 200 (概算、大小含む) イベントコリジョン接触 (旧POS) 「起動判定後にパッシブになるもの』 「0フレーム起動後、 フリームーブのままイベント進行するもの』 の2種がある。 ・フィールド遷移 (マップ生成時) ■専用 GUI 既存シリーズには存在しなかった 『下画面マップでの目的地確認表示』 『イベントリスト』を実装。 ボリュームが大きく、かつ複数同時に進行するシナリオをサポートする。 さずけるものをこえてゆけ! cffa 1.さずけるもの とのであい さずけるものなやみ 3.さずけるものとは 4.っせん! さずけるもの もくてきちくさのいせき いよいよさずけるものとの けっせんのとき いくさい空きで しれん うちかち [ぜんりょくわさ]を けいしょう しよう! せつ OFF](
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Rotom Re-sprite

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Early concept art of the Alola League

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Fully translated Sun & Moon concept planning doc

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
(Sun/Moon) Cut Gen 7 pokemon & scrapped concepts: Flying-type Eevee evolution, and early versions of...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
(Sun/Moon) Cut Gen 7 pokemon: Bruxish pre-evo, a Potato root vegetable, 2 fossils, a Cosmog form, an...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
(Sun/Moon) Cut Gen 7 pokemon: a Chicken, blue and pink Sea Slugs, and Turtonator’s pre-evos

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Completed Sinnoh map artwork with New Moon Island and Seabreak Path/Flower Paradise, found in the Te...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Castelia Sewers was intended for Black and White 1. It was first added around January 2010 before ge...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
(Sun/Moon) More details on the scrapped Gen 7 Grass type “Basilisk lizard” pokemon was cut during de...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks