Garry's Mod Star Wars RP Meme
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The Beginning
Following after watching the Mandalorian Garfield had the idea to edit a clip part of the show to represent the reality of Garry's Mod. He then sent it to a channel labeled #mandalorian-s2-spoilers. So it started spreading around and he got word of it and was happy but also forgot to credit himself so people just reposted it without actually knowing who made it. No one may know who the voice of Cody not that it's a big deal but after all, he called the RDM out!
The Spread
After posting the meme a few days later he gets sent screenshots from different people. He didn't put any credit sadly, but he did upload it to your youtube channel (Th3_Garfield). However, when I spoke to him he was just glad the community loved it. It brought back nostalgia or made others chuckle.
The end
Well the meme just keeps surfacing on different platforms not many will know the name or voice of Cody, however, he is glad it made it to hundreds of thousands of eyes.
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