Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!! - Images
Arkham Goon Voicelines:

Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
It's Da Freakin' Bat
Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
The Gooner (But With a Hat)
Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
The Gooner
Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
get you a goon who says "uhh i dunno about dis one, boss!"

Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
whole theater yelling "it's da bat!" and shifting into idle attack animations every time pattinson is on screen

Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
i hope there's a lot of people saying "it's da bat!" in this one

Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!
Joe Rogan Looks Like the Henchman In an Arkham Game Who Yells "IT'S DA BAT!" in a Brooklyn Accent

Henchman Energy / IT'S DA BAT!!