Gru's Plan - Images
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Gru's Plan

Gru's Plan
Meet Guru Pathic at the Eastern Air Temple

Gru's Plan
Sell Death Sticks

Gru's Plan
Market your game with the idea that the main protagonist has gone rogue

Gru's Plan
Battlefield One

Gru's Plan
Palpatines Plan

Gru's Plan
I'm surprised Photoshop didn't crash when I made this

Gru's Plan

Gru's Plan
Dick Pic

Gru's Plan
For his Final Smash, he stuffs you all in the crust before shooting you with his hella gay blaster

Gru's Plan
Skinner's plan

Gru's Plan
The Loss of Gru's Plan

Gru's Plan
A Shit Pie

Gru's Plan
Where's that DAMN Fourth Chaos Emerald?

Gru's Plan
The March 8th Direct in a nutshell

Gru's Plan