I Got This Coach Riley
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The new Coach Riley meme. A Myth started to go around after the 2006 finals where Pat Riley would put the game in Wade's hands and after talking to him to which Wade would reply: "I got this Coach Riley"
After the foul in Game 5 where Wade's 2nd free… throw shot gave the Heat the one point lead to win. He told Riley only moments before the shot "I got this Coach Riley"
In game 6 Coach Riley said to Wade that he needed to win the game for them to which he replied "I got this, Coach Riley" and went on to score 36 points.
There's also an instance where at some point in time, the Heat needed the game winning shot in the 4th quarter, he then told Coach Riley "Give me the ball Coach, I got this" he then won the game for the Heat and presumably for Coach Riley.
Some thought the new coach Erik Spolestra would be fired after a slow start at the beginning of the NBA 2010-2011 season. The picture with "Spo" saying "he got this" is what started this meme.
I found this facebook of this saying "I got this Coach Riley" on this page http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/I-got-this-Coach-Riley/199489370063036?sk=info
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