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Part of a series on Linkin Park. [View Related Entries]

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"In The End" is a rock song by the band Linkin Park, which gained popularity because of its well-known and repetitive chorus: "I tried so hard, and got so far, in the end it doesn't even matter." Despite the original popularity of the song, it is often mocked ironically. The song is also popular in anime music videos (AMVs), gaining a secondary popularity within that subculture. In 2022, the song regained popularity with In The Virtual End memes


"In the End" was released as the fourth single on Linkin Park's first album Hybrid Theory[2], on October 9th, 2001. With much critical acclaim, the song reached number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, and was the number one song of 2002 according to the rock radio station Z100. The music video has more than 147 million views on YouTube since its posting on YouTube on October 26th, 2009.[3]

(It starts with one) One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time (all I know)
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away, (it's so unreal)


"In the End" has been used in anime music videos since at least 2007, when it was used in a compilation video for Naruto. Searching for "In the End" and AMVs returns over 715,000 results, and the song has been used in music videos for popular anime like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon.

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

A popular instance where the song was mocked originated on 4chan where an anonymous user posted a thread in 2012 about how his friend had almost 30,000 plays of "In the End" on his iTunes. The friend being mentioned then happened upon the OP's thread, and bumped the post to say that it was him who liked the song, and provided proof.[5]

File: Md2Stipg (8 KB, 244 138) .. Anonymous (D 22572231942 22572232556 22572233734 22572234075 22572234245 2257222478 22572235322 22572235442 22572236127 1005/14(Sun)05:16:15 No.572225105 22572225223 22572227962 22572229629 225mm Anonymous 12/03/12!Monjo0:57 N毆 at a fiends house scheck out his tunes ibrary literally ooly one song Linkin Park-In The End almost 30,000 plays browsing a best of 4chan" thread see this s..the post was about me Anonymous (D ONEKOD) 1005/14(Sun)05:20:22 No.572225664 12226741 Prove it you f------ p------------ 10105/14(Sun)05:27:20 No.572226741 22572227849 22572228438 getting proof right now, bumping for time Anonymous (D 1005/14(Sun)05:39:07 No.572228439 22572228534 22572228556 22572228569 22s7222am 22sman 2252222丝贬22572228825 225722 225722294 22572229540 22572229821 22szzz29aas 225zz220.22 225z22202z 22572230293 22572230322 22572230353 225Z22224益22572231253 22572231735 22572231853 2257223132 File: linkinpark png (66 KB, 1095x156) Linkin Park -In the End 4 a- Search 0:00 Music Name Linkin Park- In the End Radio SongsAlbums Aists Genres Playlists Match Time Artist ▲Album Genre Rating Plays 3:37 64694 here's your f------ proof 1005/14(Sun)05:3952 No.572228534 ▶ 2257222558 22572228742 22572229m pic of screen with timestamp f----- Anonymous (D 1005/1 4(Sun)05:46:23 No.572229476 22572222555 22572229603 22572229748 22572229750 225mze鑉225zzzzeR21 22572222221 225722 22522230421 25722313za 22szzzassa 2sz2231551 25722319益225722319絲225722319az 22572232315 22572233734 225zzz24ze오 22572225292 22572236145 22st2225378 22szzzazos File: proof ing (915 KB, 1958 2611) timestamp bitches :20 Anonymous (D: SsaEsim) 10/05/14(Sun)os:48:26 No.572229748 PlaylistsMatch 64695 hes stull replayang it in Plays 4695 Anonymous (O: Gunawa) 10°5/14(Sun)05:48:27 No.572229750 he's istening to it nOW Anonymous (OCMAOND) 1005/14(Sun)05:48:27 No.572229751 Anonymous (D 10/05/14(Sun)05.55:42 No.572230752 2572230854 File (54 KB, 720x602) he played it two more times between posts what the f--- is wrong with you Anonymous (IDC HeneMD) 1005/14(Sun)05:56:30 No.572230854 ▶ 2smaan I like the song. like the song SOD COHEhGWa) 105/14(Sun)06:28:01 No.572235512 22572235642 22572235682 22572235813 22572235881 22572235126 22572236401 22572237050 22572 File: 153loo webm (117 MB, 640 360) webm wi proof it's upside down for whatever the f--- reason Anonymous (DCAHONaND) 1005/14(Sun)06:54:30 No.572239640 ▶azzar6222572228872225z2240021 I dont like other songs Anonymous (ID: 7w:0)10/05/14(Sun)06:55:05 No.572239734 File: sdadasdada.ipg (102 KB, 1024x955) PA Jesus christ Op... I don't like other songs 10/5/14 Never forget

The post, which has been named a "Best of 4chan", has been accused of being fake in multiple threads on reddit; however, a screen capture of the conversation has received over 1,260,000 views on Imgur.

In the Virtual End

"In The Virtual End" is a Machinima music video which recreates the music video for In the End by Linkin Park with Half-Life characters Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner. In May 2022, the video achieved popularity as an Anime Memes Replaced With X meme format in the /r/OKbuddyHalfLife subreddit, later achieving mainstream popularity and being used as a bait-and-switch media.

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tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter

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In The End

In The End

Part of a series on Linkin Park. [View Related Entries]
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"In The End" is a rock song by the band Linkin Park, which gained popularity because of its well-known and repetitive chorus: "I tried so hard, and got so far, in the end it doesn't even matter." Despite the original popularity of the song, it is often mocked ironically. The song is also popular in anime music videos (AMVs), gaining a secondary popularity within that subculture. In 2022, the song regained popularity with In The Virtual End memes


"In the End" was released as the fourth single on Linkin Park's first album Hybrid Theory[2], on October 9th, 2001. With much critical acclaim, the song reached number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, and was the number one song of 2002 according to the rock radio station Z100. The music video has more than 147 million views on YouTube since its posting on YouTube on October 26th, 2009.[3]

(It starts with one) One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time (all I know)
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away, (it's so unreal)


"In the End" has been used in anime music videos since at least 2007, when it was used in a compilation video for Naruto. Searching for "In the End" and AMVs returns over 715,000 results, and the song has been used in music videos for popular anime like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon.

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

A popular instance where the song was mocked originated on 4chan where an anonymous user posted a thread in 2012 about how his friend had almost 30,000 plays of "In the End" on his iTunes. The friend being mentioned then happened upon the OP's thread, and bumped the post to say that it was him who liked the song, and provided proof.[5]

File: Md2Stipg (8 KB, 244 138) .. Anonymous (D 22572231942 22572232556 22572233734 22572234075 22572234245 2257222478 22572235322 22572235442 22572236127 1005/14(Sun)05:16:15 No.572225105 22572225223 22572227962 22572229629 225mm Anonymous 12/03/12!Monjo0:57 N毆 at a fiends house scheck out his tunes ibrary literally ooly one song Linkin Park-In The End almost 30,000 plays browsing a best of 4chan" thread see this s..the post was about me Anonymous (D ONEKOD) 1005/14(Sun)05:20:22 No.572225664 12226741 Prove it you f------ p------------ 10105/14(Sun)05:27:20 No.572226741 22572227849 22572228438 getting proof right now, bumping for time Anonymous (D 1005/14(Sun)05:39:07 No.572228439 22572228534 22572228556 22572228569 22s7222am 22sman 2252222丝贬22572228825 225722 225722294 22572229540 22572229821 22szzz29aas 225zz220.22 225z22202z 22572230293 22572230322 22572230353 225Z22224益22572231253 22572231735 22572231853 2257223132 File: linkinpark png (66 KB, 1095x156) Linkin Park -In the End 4 a- Search 0:00 Music Name Linkin Park- In the End Radio SongsAlbums Aists Genres Playlists Match Time Artist ▲Album Genre Rating Plays 3:37 64694 here's your f------ proof 1005/14(Sun)05:3952 No.572228534 ▶ 2257222558 22572228742 22572229m pic of screen with timestamp f----- Anonymous (D 1005/1 4(Sun)05:46:23 No.572229476 22572222555 22572229603 22572229748 22572229750 225mze鑉225zzzzeR21 22572222221 225722 22522230421 25722313za 22szzzassa 2sz2231551 25722319益225722319絲225722319az 22572232315 22572233734 225zzz24ze오 22572225292 22572236145 22st2225378 22szzzazos File: proof ing (915 KB, 1958 2611) timestamp bitches :20 Anonymous (D: SsaEsim) 10/05/14(Sun)os:48:26 No.572229748 PlaylistsMatch 64695 hes stull replayang it in Plays 4695 Anonymous (O: Gunawa) 10°5/14(Sun)05:48:27 No.572229750 he's istening to it nOW Anonymous (OCMAOND) 1005/14(Sun)05:48:27 No.572229751 Anonymous (D 10/05/14(Sun)05.55:42 No.572230752 2572230854 File (54 KB, 720x602) he played it two more times between posts what the f--- is wrong with you Anonymous (IDC HeneMD) 1005/14(Sun)05:56:30 No.572230854 ▶ 2smaan I like the song. like the song SOD COHEhGWa) 105/14(Sun)06:28:01 No.572235512 22572235642 22572235682 22572235813 22572235881 22572235126 22572236401 22572237050 22572 File: 153loo webm (117 MB, 640 360) webm wi proof it's upside down for whatever the f--- reason Anonymous (DCAHONaND) 1005/14(Sun)06:54:30 No.572239640 ▶azzar6222572228872225z2240021 I dont like other songs Anonymous (ID: 7w:0)10/05/14(Sun)06:55:05 No.572239734 File: sdadasdada.ipg (102 KB, 1024x955) PA Jesus christ Op... I don't like other songs 10/5/14 Never forget

The post, which has been named a "Best of 4chan", has been accused of being fake in multiple threads on reddit; however, a screen capture of the conversation has received over 1,260,000 views on Imgur.

In the Virtual End

"In The Virtual End" is a Machinima music video which recreates the music video for In the End by Linkin Park with Half-Life characters Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner. In May 2022, the video achieved popularity as an Anime Memes Replaced With X meme format in the /r/OKbuddyHalfLife subreddit, later achieving mainstream popularity and being used as a bait-and-switch media.

Various Examples

MYGIRLFRIEND LEFT ME BECAUSE OFMY OBSESSION WITH LINKIN PARK BUT INTHE END,IT DOESNTEVEN MATTER quickmeme.com MY FRIENDS ARE TIRED OF LINKIN PARK REFERENCES BUT IN THE END IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER STARECAT.COM THE NEW LINKIN PARK SONGis AWESOME "IN THE END memegerierator.net tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter "Imgur":http://imgur.com/VSE5qli

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