Heard that Project 2025 plans to bring back naval combat to the Battle Box

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
Breaking out the Ninjago Battle Box to save democracy.

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
Ill see you at the Battle Box

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
me driving the Battle Box to resolve our political differences

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
Me and the boys showing up to the battle box

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
Just when you thought it was safe to drop off your ballot...

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
This is the Battle Box, the appropriate place to resolve our differences.

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
The White House claims Biden said “battol box” instead of “battle box.”Which is funny, bc “battol” isn’t a word.
![LOL John Hasson @SonofHas The White House claims Biden said “battol box" instead of “battle box." Which is funny, bc "battol❞ isn't a word. The WH claims that POTUS spoke gibberish bc they won't admit he made a (very bad) gaffe. WH.GOV We debate and disagree. We compare and contrast the character of the candidates, the records, the issues, the agenda, the vision for America. But in America, we resolve our differences at the battel [ballot] box. You know, that's how we do it, at the battol [ballot] box, not with bullets. The power to change America should always rest in the hands of the people, not in the hands of a would-be assassin. You know, the path forward through competing visions of the campaign should always be resolved peacefully, not through acts of violence. 7:37 AM - Jul 15, 2024 -122.8K Views Merriam battol Webster "battol" The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar No results found for battol a](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/861/772/75a.jpg)
![LOL John Hasson @SonofHas The White House claims Biden said “battol box" instead of “battle box." Which is funny, bc "battol❞ isn't a word. The WH claims that POTUS spoke gibberish bc they won't admit he made a (very bad) gaffe. WH.GOV We debate and disagree. We compare and contrast the character of the candidates, the records, the issues, the agenda, the vision for America. But in America, we resolve our differences at the battel [ballot] box. You know, that's how we do it, at the battol [ballot] box, not with bullets. The power to change America should always rest in the hands of the people, not in the hands of a would-be assassin. You know, the path forward through competing visions of the campaign should always be resolved peacefully, not through acts of violence. 7:37 AM - Jul 15, 2024 -122.8K Views Merriam battol Webster "battol" The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar No results found for battol a](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/861/772/75a.jpg)
Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
I'll see you at the battle box goldeneye

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"
Me and the boys headed to the Battle Box on November 5th:

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"

Joe Biden "We Resolve Our Differences at the Battle Box"