Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine - Images
Kids who camp with the 725

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
the main antagonist in a video game

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
mom coming home from mcdonalds

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
me and my squad recruit rushing with shotguns

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
people writing high quality mysteries

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
my party of do-gooders tired of my stupid ass

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
me wait at prinipal's room

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
the teacher who left to print tests

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
My mom walking into my room 10pm

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
Palpatine shoots lightning

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine
No i swear i can explain! | /r/dankmemes

Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine