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The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting, sometimes referred to as the Parkland Shooting, was a mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. A total of 17 people were killed and another 15 were wounded in the attack. The suspected gunman was identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who was apprehended and taken into custody following the shooting.


At approximately 2:00 p.m. EST on February 14th, 2018, a gunman activated a fire alarm and opened fire using a .223 caliber AR-15 rifle at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. After initial fleeing the scene by blending in with escaping students, the suspect was subsequently apprehended by authorities in Coral Springs, Florida.


That day, Twitter user @TheCaptainAiden posted tweets from inside the school during the shooting, saying "My school is being shot up and I am locked inside. I'm fucking scared right now" (shown below).

Aj22000 @TheCaptainAidan My school is being shot up and I am locked inside. I'm f------ scared right now 3:01 PM Feb 14, 2018 2,344 Retweets 1,776 Likes
Aidan @TheCaptainAidan Still locked in. I checked the local news and there is 20 victims. Long live Majory Stoneman Douglas High. 3:10 PM 14 Feb 2018 from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

The same day, Twitter user @jnarls[5] posted a video from inside the school during the shooting, with gun shots heard firing in the audio.

Twitter user @FranklinWSVN tweeted a video of the suspect being apprehended by police in Coral Springs (shown below). Meanwhile, a post about the shooting reached the front page of the /r/news[3] subreddit.

Suspect Identified

That day, the Miami Herald[2] incorrectly identified the suspected shooter as 19-year-old former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Nicolas de Jesus Cruz. Later reports confirmed the suspect's first name was Nikolas, who often went by Nick. That evening, Cruz' mugshot was uploaded to the database on Sheriff.org (shown below).

Meanwhile, the pop culture sites PopCulture.com[1] and Heavy[8] published articles containing screenshots from an Instagram[4] feed purportedly belonging to the shooter (shown below).

Archived version of @Cruz_nikolas feed from "Instagram":/memes/sites/instagram which has since been taken down. Cruz is the alleged shooter in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and his Instagram account shows a person that is impressed with guns, including posing with them on his social media.

nikolascruzmakarov 12 posts 36 followers 84 following nikolas annihilator Follow

That evening, YouTuber Ben Bennight uploaded a vlog revealing that the FBI had just visited his house based on a disturbing comment left by a user, which he had reported in September of 2017 (shown below).

The following day, BuzzFeed[6] published an article about the YouTube comment, highlight's Bennight's screenshot of his email to the FBI about user "nikolas cruz," who left the comment "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" (shown below). According to BuzzFeed, the FBI would not confirm the account belonged to the suspect and that the FBI's public affairs office "did not respond to multiple calls or emails."

Verizon ※ 7:42 PM 自55% From: Ben Bennight 〉 To: tips@fbi.gov 〉 Hide School shooting threat September 24, 2017 at 8:14 PM This comment was left on my YouTube channel The comment has been reported to YouTube as well ul Verizon LTE 7:56 PM Reply to comment nikolas cruz 1 hour ago Im going to be a professional school shooter Add a reply... +nikolas cruz Public

Donald Trump's Response

The morning of February 15th, Donald Trump posted a tweet responding to the incident, saying that "neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem" and that they "must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!" (shown below).[7] In less than 24 hours, the tweet gained over 50,500 likes and 12,500 retweets.

Donald J. Trump . @realDonaldTrump So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

Also on February 15th, Trump held a press conference to address the shooting (shown below).

Antifa Hoax

On February 14th, the @LagBeachAntifa7 Twitter feed posted a selfie photograph of a man wearing a shirt printed with various Communist figures, including Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin, which falsely identified the man as a Nicolas Cruz. The tweet and the account were subsequently suspended.

Shirt is design which has existed for years before the modern US Atifa Movement.
Person in photograph is not Nicholas Cruz.

The following day, Snopes published an article about the hoax, noting that the man in the photo had previous been targeting by 4chan users in anti-Communist threads.

White Supremacist Group 4chan Hoax

On February 15th, the Anti-Defamation League published an article titled "Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz,"[9] which claimed that the organization had been contacted by a man named Jordan Jereb, a "spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF)" who alleged that Cruz was associated with the group. That day, the article reached the front page of the /r/politics[10] subreddit. Articles about the white supremacist group connection were subsequently published by several mainstream news outlets, including The New York Times,[11] Time,[12] The Independent[13] and Think Progress.[14]

On February 16th, the @newsroom[8] Twitter feed posted a series of tweets about the news reports, proposing that the rumor was actually a hoax orchestrated by 4chan users. In the Twitter thread, several screenshots were included explaining the hoax, one of which claimed that the Jordan Jereb was a "meme" who was often the target of prank calls (shown below). According to the screenshots, the hoax was orchestrated in order to embarrass for the news publishers for failing to fact check.

Florida shooter wasn't a member of Republic of Florida. It was a prank played Jordan Fash®merere Here's what happened. 33 minutes ago # 1.441,92 >Jordan Jereb is a meme in the chat. We f--- with him on his live call in shows and he even hangs around in our group chat >shooting happens and autist from group goes on the shooter's Instagram >ABC news reporter contacts the autist and he tells her that he knew the shooter. He gives her some other people's numbers and they prank call her telling her that Cruz was a chubby chaser, always saying "read siege f-----", and other spicy memes >ABC blows up Jordan's hotline and he knew it was our group so he played along. He said he wasn't a member but only an affiliate and that he has some pictures. >we laugh our asses off and go to bed. We wake up and its international news Verizon EDIT Not my idea and I didn't endorse it. I logged onto in chat halfway through and watched as it unfolded. Started out as an inside joke until Jordan Jereb literally told the media that it was true and that he was affiliated with a school shooter Today at 6:10 PM

David Hogg Conspiracy Theories

On February 19th, 2018, the Gateway Pundit YouTube channel uploaded footage of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg stumbling over his words while being interviewed about the shooting, alleging that he couldn't "remember his lines" (shown below). Shortly after, the video reached the frontpage of the /r/The_Donald[19] subreddit, where it gathered upwards of 5,900 points (84% upvoted) and 370 comments within 18 hours. Meanwhile, the alternative medicine and conspiracy theory site Natural News[17] published an article titled "It's All Theater: Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines, coached by camera man."

[This video has been removed]

On February 20th, The Disgruntled Millennial Facebook page posted an image featuring a screencapture of Hogg during an interview in California with CBS2 News in August 2017 above a screen-captured image of Hogg being interviewed by CNN in February 2018, with comments speculating that Hogg was a crisis actor. That day, Newsweek[16] published an article about the conspiracy theories titled "Right-wing Conspiracy Theorists Blame Anti-gun Rallies and Teen Activism on George Soros." Also on February 20th, Donald Trump Jr. liked two conspiracy theory tweets about Hogg, which suggested he had been "coached" by his ex-FBI agent father. The tweets were subsequently removed from the site. That day, BuzzFeed[18] published an article titled "Donald Trump Jr. Liked Tweets Promoting A Conspiracy Theory About A Florida Shooting Survivor."

On February 21st, 2018, the 2017 CBS2 News clip, in which Hogg is shown discussing a viral video showing an argument between a bodysurfer and a lifeguard, reached the #1 trending position on YouTube.

That day, the tech news site Motherboard[20] published an article titled "The #1 Trending Video on YouTube Right Now Suggests That a Student From the Parkland Shooting Is a Crisis Actor."
Meanwhile, Casey Neistat tweeted a screenshot of the trending page to the @YouTube and @PhillyD Twitter feeds (shown below). That day, YouTube removed the video, leaving the notice "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying."

Casey Neistat @CaseyNeistat Hey @youtube you have conspiracy theory video that attacks a kid who survived the Florida School shooting as number 1 on trending. DO YOU HAVE NO HUMAN OVERSIGHT??? @PhillyD - you see this?? 27 Contiontation Between Lifeguard, Bodysurfer Caught On Camera i Redando Beach Gces Viral Tending Honest Tralers-Justice League Muse HONEST TRAILERS aming Movies 7th-grader shoots himself at Jackson Memorial Midde School in Stark County
Alex Jones Challenges David Hogg to Debate

On February 21st, 2018, the Infowars YouTube channel had a video suggesting that David Hogg and other Parkland Shooting survivors were "crisis actors" removed from YouTube, constituting a strike against the InfoWars channel. YouTube's policy is that if an account has three strikes in three months, it is terminated.[21] On February 27th, Hogg took to Twitter to attack Jones, calling him a "shit journalist" and brought up when Jones made similar "false-flag" claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow Hey Alex Jones you seem to be really confused as to what I do/who I am I'd love to come on and clear some of this up because clearly as a s--- journalist you can't clearly. 11:14 AM - 27 Feb 2018
David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow Wait didn't you get sued for pedaling lies about the survivors and victims of another school shooting? Clearly someone didn't learn from their mistakes 11:19 AM - 27 Feb 2018

Hogg also implied Jones a "snake oil salesman" with a picture of Jones' before/after pics selling his enhancement supplements, "Super Male Vitality," saying it took 45 days to become Thicc (shown below).

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow When your snake oil only makes you THICC 45 days later #jonesbrandsnakeoil BEFORE 45 DAYS LATER

In response, Jones invited Hogg to come on his show in a series of tweets to "clear things up" and "defend the first amendment," suggesting Hogg had CNN suspend the Infowars YouTube account in his name.[22]

Alex Jones @RealAlexJones Follow Hi David, it would be fantastic for you to come on. I would be very thankful for that. I want to set the record straight and clear things up between you and I. David Hogg@davidhogg1 11 Hey Alex Jones you seem to be really confused as to what I do/who I am l'd love to come on and clear some of this up because clearly as a s--- journalist you can't clearly. Show this thread 12:00 PM 27 Feb 2018 766 Retweets 1,928 Likes 304 奴766 1.SK Tweet your reply Alex Jones@RealAlexJones 5h @davidhogg111 l would love to have you on today to clear up some of the disinformation that has been put out about my statements concerning the tragedy. I notice you're calling me a "s--- journalist" and snake oil" salesman when I have never called you any disparaging names

Jones also posted a video wherein he issued the challenge to Hogg (shown below).

In response, Hogg stated he would not speak to anyone who had disparaging remarks for victims of mass shootings.

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow I will not speak to anyone that has had disgusting remarks to victims of mass shootings in the past. I sent that tweet without realizing just how awful so many people have been to victims and witnesses of these events in the past. 3:02 PM- 27 Feb 2018

YouTube Crackdown

In late February 2018, YouTube began removing videos from the site which promoted conspiracy theories that the Marjory Stoneman students were actors being fed talking points by gun control lobbyists. Additionally, several channels were banned from the site, including Charlton, Charles Walton, Defango, Dustin Nemos, David Seaman, Destroying The Illusion, Ron Johnson, Richie Allen and Titus Frost.[23] On February 24th, the Military Arms Channel published a Facebook post announcing that the channel had been "temporarily disabled" after getting multiple account strikes.

On February 28th, 2018, the tech news site The Outline[23] published an article titled "YouTube is taking down conspiracy theorist channels and popular gun videos," which noted that while many reported that YouTube "also began banning gun-related channel en masse," they were only able to confirm that "warnings and individual video takedowns" had been issued to the Military Arms Channel.

Jake Paul's PSA

On March 12th, 2018, Jake Paul uploaded a video titled "It's Time to End School Shootings" (shown below). Within 24 hours, the video accumulated upwards of 2.2 million views and 41,000 comments.

In the video, Paul interviews students who survived the shooting, local police officers, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and discusses ways to prevent school shootings in the future. Paul proses that installing doors with bulletproof windows, purchases bulletproof shields, hiring additional resources officers, placing more responsibility on social media companies for removing conteint and check points for school entrances. That evening, NY Mag[24] published an article about the video titled "I Watched Jake Paul's 22-Minute Parkland YouTube Video So You Don't Have To," which criticized the video and urged readers to abstain from giving him "clicks" by watching the content. The following day, Twitter published a Moments[25] page about the video. On the platform, some users mocked Paul's suggestions to prevent shootings (shown below, left). Others defending Paul, noting he donated $25,000 to charity (shown below, right).

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz Oh my GOD Jake laid out his 5 point plan to stop school shootings and his suggestions are insane, none of them are any form of gun control
kayla @costellvibez Jake Paul donated 25k to the students of parkland Took a week off to educate himself on this topic Provides a platform for these students and let their stories be heard Most importantly he was there for thenm Before you judge & bash on him from past mistakes Try to understand.

Time Magazine Cover

On March 22nd, 2018, Time[26] magazine released the cover for the magazine featuring several of the Marjory Stoneman shooting survivors and organizers for the March for Our Lives rally in March 2018. Students and activists Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wind, Emma Gonzalez, Cameron Kasky and David Hogg appeared on the cover with the word "Enough." overlaid on top of them. In a tweet[27] that day, Time launched the article and cover with an animated cover (shown below) and the caption, "TIME's new cover: The school shooting generation has had enough." Within six hours, the post received more than 4,900 retweets and 11,000 likes.

Clear Backpacks

On March 21st, The New York Times[28] reported that after the brother of the shooting suspect was arrested for trespassing on school grounds and two students were arrested for bringing knives to school, students of Marjory Stoneman would be required to use clear backpacks at school. Broward County Public Schools superintendent Robert W. Runcie announced that any student that did not have a translucent bags would be provided one free of charge.

Some people reacted negatively to the announcement and voiced their disapproval on Twitter. Marjory Stoneman student and shooting survivor Lauren Hogg tweeted,[29] "Great. Because clear backpacks are gonna fix everything. I appreciate the attempt, but I’d rather have common since gun laws than a clear backpack. #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough." The tweet (shown below, left) received more than 1,200 retweets and 5,200 likes in 24 hours.

Fellow Marjory Stoneman student Carly Novell tweeted,[30] "Clear backpacks don't do anything except make us look stupid. We want to be safe, not uncomfortable. The only thing that can really have an impact on our safety is gun control." Within 24 hours, the tweet (shown below, center) received more than 1,400 retweets and 7,600 likes.

Twitter[31] user and activist @KenidraRWoods_ tweeted, "well we already have clear backpacks at our school – a boy still managed to bring a knife and bullets so yeah. If they want to commit a crime, THEY WILL FIND A WAY. This is not always effective just saying." The post (shown below, right) received more than 580 retweets and 2,400 likes in 24 hours.

Great. Because clear backpacks are gonna fix everything. I appreciate the attempt, but l'd rather have common since gun laws than a clear backpack. #Never Again #EnoughlsEnough
Clear backpacks don't do anything except make us look stupid. We want to be safe, not uncomfortable. The only thing that can really have an impact on our safety is gun control
well we already have clear backpacks at our school - a boy still managed to bring a knife and bullets so yeah. If they want to commit a crime, THEY WILL FIND A WAY. This is not always effective just saying.

National School Walkout

On February 16th, 2018, two days after the Marjory Stoneman shooting, the Twitter[33] account @schoolwalkoutUS launched as did a website[34] for resources and planning of the event. On the website, they stated their mission:

"National School Walkout is a movement powered and led by students across the country. We’re protesting congressional, state, and local failures to take action to prevent gun violence. America is the only country in the world where so many people are killed by guns, and yet our leaders do nothing about it. In many states it’s more difficult to register to vote than it is to buy a rifle. Apparently to some politicians, a vote is scarier than a gun.

We’re changing that.

On Friday, April 20th, students will walk out of their classrooms at 10 am. There are over 2600 walkouts planned, at least one in every state. We are walking out for those who lost their lives to gun violence, to talk about the real problems our country is facing, and to find solutions the problems that our leaders have failed to address.

On April 18th, David Hogg tweeted[32] a video calling for a national school walkout for the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, which took place on April 20th, 1999. He added the caption, "On 4/20 walkout at 9:50 @ 10:00 AM have a 1 min 13 sec moment of silence for those lost at Columbine #NationalWalkout #NationalSchoolWalkout." The post (shown below) received more than 5,200 retweets and 11,200 likes in 24 hours.

Before the students walked out on April 20th, teachers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school walked out of classrooms to protest gun violence in schools. That morning people, particularly students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas posted images of the walkout in solidarity. Student Alex Wind tweeted,[35] "Our teachers deserve the same support the students are getting! #ArmedWithSupport #ArmWithMoney." The post (shown below, left) received more than 320 retweet and 1,800 likes in six hours.

Student Delaney Tarr tweeted,[36] "THESE are the people who educated us. These are the people who inspire us. Our teachers are our heroes." The post (shown below, center) recieved more than 250 retweets and 1,300 likes in 24 hours.

Reporter Dianne Gallagher tweeted[37] photographs of the walkout with the caption, "On this school walk out day, teachers at #StonemanDouglas are demonstrating before classes start this morning-- demanding an end to gun violence, chanting #NeverAgain & #EnoughIsEnough." The post (shown below, right) received more than 350 retweets and 1,100 likes in 24 hours.

Alex Wind Φ @al3xw1nd Our teachers deserve the same support the students are getting! #ArmedWithSupport #ArmWithMoney iueman Douglas HIGE SCHOOL WE NEED Neco HR HANGE FIGHTIN GUN VIOLEN TAKES CDUR
Delaney Tarr @delaneytarr THESE are the people who educated us These are the people who inspire us. Our teachers are our heroes Dan Snyder @DanSnyderFOX25 LIVE: On the 19th anniversary of the #Columbine shooting, students at schools across the country plan walkouts to protest gun violence; They're already starting in #Parkland,FL where 17 people were killed in Feb. #LiveDesk Show this thread
On this school walk out day, teachers at #StonemanDouglas are demonstrating before classes start this morning- demanding an end to gun violence, chanting #NeverAgain & #EnoughisEnough.

That day, students around the United States walked out of their school in protest of gun violence (footage below).

Several media outlets covered the walkout, including The New York Times,[38] CNN,[39] Vox[40] and more.

On April 20th, Twitter published several Moments pages about the walkout.[41][42]

Kyle Kashuv's Harvard Controversy

On June 17th, 2019, Parkland student and activst Kyle Kashuv tweeted[43] that his acceptence into Harvard College had been rescinded after a series of racist comments he had made in a private chat had resurfaced. He wrote, "Harvard rescinded my acceptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting. I have some thoughts. Here’s what happened." The tweet received more than 8,300 likes, 3,000 retweets and 3,000 comments in 24 hours (shown below).

Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 1/ THREAD: Harvard rescinded my ассeptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting. I have some thoughts. Here's what happened. 9:00 AM 17 Jun 2019

Throughout the theady, Kashuv details his experience with Harvard, both coming forward after the comments resurfaced and his exchanged with Harvard Dean of Admissions William R. Fitzsimmons (example below, left and center). Finally, he wrote, "Harvard deciding that someone can’t grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it’s Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past[…]I believe that institutions and people can grow. I've said that repeatedly. In the end, this isn’t about me, it's about whether we live in a society in which forgiveness is possible or mistakes brand you as irredeemable, as Harvard has decided for me" (shown below, right).

That day, Twitter[44] published a Moments page on the thread.

Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 2/ A few weeks ago, I was made aware of egregious and callous comments classmates and I made privately years ago - when I was 16 years old, months before the shooting in an attempt to be as extreme and shocking as possible. I immediately apologized Here is my apology: Ihave recently boan made aware of scroonshols airculating that include offonshve comments h bveoutu and tranenare lew years ago, lang before the shooting. I want to address this We were 16-year-olds making idotic comments. using callous and inflammatory language in an affort to be as extreme and shocking as possible, Im ambarrassad by t, but I want to be clear that tha commants I mado are not indicativo of who l am ar who I'va bacome in the yaars sinca. This past year has forced me to mature and grow in an incredibly drastic way. My workd, like vour teachers, and your neictbors are lled it transtonms vou as a human beina, I see the world Cecrbcs baue thore Fun ntan to kgey.girce cwthat Um beter cerecm than tha I can and will do better moving forward. O300 t285 1.9K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h e3/ After I issued this apology, speculative articles were written, my peers used the opportunity to attack me, and my life was once again reduced to a headline. It sent me into one of the darkest spirals of my life. 73 1.8K t258 Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 4/ After the story broke, former peers & political opponents began contacting Harvard urging them to rescind me. Harvard then sent this letter stating that Harvard reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission' and requested a written explanation within 72 hours. May 24, 2019 Kvle Kashuy Dear Mr. Kashav, We have bocome aware of modia seports discussing offensive statements allegedly authoeed by you. As you know, Harvard reserves the rght fo wkiraw an ofer o question your hoaesty, manurity, or moral cheacter On behalf of the Admisicas Comitiee, we write now to ask you to send us a full medis but arew afers l Be oide rii clnutionfaur artigre frrie Commitoe's oonsideration Please eil these alerials to n by 2o later than 10 00 AM Sirgfiyly willn R Fezsimemons Dean'of Adalissions and Financial Aid.
Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv . 4h 5/I responded to the letter with a full explanation, apology, and requested documents. embarrassed. My parents raised me to be better than what is represented in those screenshots from about two years ago. In an effort to be as honest and transparent as possible, I immediately apologized publicly when reminded of those messages, while knowing the media uproar that would ensue. It did ensue, and I have continued to accept responsibility and the resulting legitimate criticism. Let me first state that I apologize unequivocally for my comments, which were made two years ago in private among equally immature high school students. In the attached document, I have attached all the comments I have been able to record. I do not have access to the electronic record of that conversation and do not recall other things that may have been said; I have only seen what has appeared in the media. I take full responsibility for the idiotic and hurtful things I wrote two years ago. I make absolutely no excuse for those comments. I said them, I regret them, and by explaining the context and my subsequent experiences I am not trying to excuse them. Instead I am seeking to demonstrate the hurtful things I said do not represent the man I am today. As you know, I intend to take a gap year before beginning my studies to continue my work promoting school safety. I will continue to mature and will enter Harvard with throe years and many life experiences between the foolish child who said those things and the man I am today. As an aspiring member of the Harvard community, I aspire to the values that the community strives to uphold. Therefore I have already written to the Harvard College Office of Diversity Education and Support both to express my deepest apologies and remorse, and to reach out to begin a dialogue that I hope wil be the foundation of future growth. While I am no longer the same person who wrote those camments, there is always more to learn: especially about the legacy of racism in our society I understand Harvard's concern over these offensive statcments from my past, and I further understand that Harvard hns been contacted about them by people expressing concern about them. I am very sorry to have put the College in this position. I am determined to take whatever steps are necessary to rectify this past wrong and to reassure Harvard of my commitment to values of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, which I hope to advance as a member of the class of 2024. This is the context in which I made these comments. While this Thank you again for this opportunity to address these issues. I hope this fully addresses your concerns, but if not I would he happy to provide any further information or discussion you require does not excuse my comments, I made poor choices with regards to the pcople I surrounded mysclf with, I became part of a group in which those words bore little weight and were used only in a means for their shock value. I bore no racial animus; th ntet wac a unen nf adsle erente trvinu tn nos the wrst t 288 67 1.9K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 6/I also sent an email to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to seek guidance on how to right this wrong and work with them once I was on campus. take a gap year to continue my school safety me May 27 activism, before beginning my studies in the fall of 2020. I will hope to enter Harvard as a more to diversity To Harvard College Office of Diversity Education mature member of the community, with three and Support years and many life experiences between the foolish child who said those things two years Around two years ago, when I was 16 years old, before the mass shooting that occurred at ago and the man l am today and wish to become in the future my high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, I was part of a group in which we used abhorrent I am deeply sorry for my past comments, I know I am not the same person. But I realize there is racial slurs. We did so out of a misplaced sense of humor: we treated the words themselves as always more I can do to understand and learn though they bore little weight, and used them only for their shock value. Looking back two years later, I cannot recognize that person.I about the struggle and pain of minority communities in America and worldwide. During my gap year, I will supplement my activism to make absolutely no excuse for those comments. include reaching out to minority communities. I I said them, and I regret them deeply. I bore no am open to any advice or suggestions on
Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 10/ Harvard deciding that someone can't grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it's Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past t 464 132 3.3K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 11/Throughout its history, Harvard's faculty has included slave owners, segregationists, bigots and antisemites. If Harvard is suggesting that growth isn't possible and that our past defines our future, then Harvard is an inherently racist institution But I don't believe that. t 677 154 4.2K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 12/l believe that institutions and people can grow. I've said that repeatedly In the end, this isn't about me, it's about whether we live in a society in which forgiveness is possible or mistakes brand you as irredeemable, as Harvard has decided for me t 461 184 3.4K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 13/So what now? I'm figuring it out I had given up huge scholarships in order to go to Harvard, and the deadline for accepting other college offers has ended. I'm exploring all options at the moment.

People reacted both positively and negatively to the thread. Twitter[45] user @primalpoly tweeted, "Harvard is a private university; if it wants to admit only students who conform to certain political views, that's its prerogative. (Like private Bible colleges should be free to only admit Christians.) But it should have the integrity & honesty to say so up front. It didn't." The tweet received more than 800 likes and 100 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, left).

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted,[46] "Regardless of what you think of @KyleKashuv -- and for the record, I think he, like many other Parkland survivors, has handled the public limelight with grace and strength -- Harvard's auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet." His tweet received more than 5,100 likes and 1,200 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, center).

Slate writer Aymann Ismail tweeted,[47] "A lot of white people still don't get it. This isn't a gaff. You're not only embarrassing yourself. You don't owe me, harvard, or twitter an apology. You recorded yourself calling your classmates 'n--rjocks.' This isn't about PC. This is about abuse. Harvard is right to rescind." Ismail's tweet received more than 2,100 likes and 500 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, left).

Harvard is a private university; if it wants to admit only students who conform to certain political views, that's its prerogative. (Like private Bible colleges should be free to only admit Christians.) But it should have the integrity & honesty to say so up front. It didn't 11:01 AM - 17 Jun 2019
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro Regardless of what you think of @KyleKashuv -- and for the record, I think he, like many other Parkland survivors, has handled the public limelight with grace and strength -- Harvard's auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet. Harvard Rescinds Admission To Conservative Kyle Kashuv Over Private Raci... Our universities may be irrevocably broken dailywire.com 9:48 AM 17 Jun 2019
A lot of white people still don't get it. This isn't a gaff. You're not only embarrassing yourself. You don't owe me, harvard, or twitter an apology. You recorded yourself calling your classmates "n-rjocks." This isn't about PC. This is about abuse. Harvard is right to rescind Kyle Kashuv@KyleKashuv 1/THREAD: Harvard rescinded my acceptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made... Show this thread 11:24 AM 17 Jun 2019

This was not the first time Kashuv's acceptance was taken into consideration. In May 2019, conservative provocateur Laura Loomer attempted to have his aacceptance rescinded. On May 23rd, 2019, Twitter user @LevineJonathan tweeted, "Laura Loomer is attempting to pressure Harvard into revoking their acceptance of Kyle Kashuv over his recently unearthed remarks" (shown below).

Several media outlets reported on the controversy, including The Hill,[48] The Daily Beast,[49] USA Today,[50] Fox News[51] and more.

Laura Loomer is attempting to pressure Harvard into revoking their acceptance of Kyle Kashuv over his recently unearthed remarks Harvard should be revoked. There are kids who work their ass off and don't use the death of 17 people as a resume holder and kids who don't call black People the N word who deserve to go to Harvard. I'd much rather a poor black student get Kyle's position at Harvard. In fact, I feel so strongly about the N word that I am going to personally Contact Harvard and let them know that as a conservative, I condemn Kyle and they should too. 3:27 PM - 23 May 2019

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External References

[1] Popculture – Nicolas Cruz Identified as Florida High School Shooter

[2] Miami Herald – Many dead former student in custody after school shooting at Stonemand Douglas High in Broward

[3] Reddit – /r/news

[4] Internet Archive – cruz_nikolas Instagram

[5] Twitter – jnarls

[6] BuzzFeed – The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat

[7] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump

[8] Twitter – @newsroom

[9] ADL – Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

[10] Reddit – /r/politics

[11] The New York Times – Suspect Confessed to Police That He Began Shooting Students

[12] Time – Accused Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was a Member of White Supremacist Group

[13] The Independent – Leader of white nationalist group confirms suspect was member of his organisation

[14] Think Progress – Heres what we know about the white supremacist group

[15] Snopes – Is This the Florida Shooter in an Antifa Shirt?

[16] Newsweek – Right-wing Conspiracy Theorists Blame Anti-gun Rallies and Teen Activism on George Soros

[17] Natural News – Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines

[18] BuzzFeed – Donald Trump Jr. Liked Tweets Promoting A Conspiracy Theory About A Florida Shooting Survivor

[19] Reddit – /r/The_Donald

[20] Motherboard – The #1 Trending Video on YouTube Right Now Suggests That a Student From the Parkland Shooting Is a Crisis Actor

[21] CNN – InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned

[22] Twitter – Alex Jones

[23] The Outline – YouTube is taking down conspiracy theorist channels and popular gun videos

[24] NY Mag – I Watched Jake Paul’s 22-Minute Parkland YouTube Video So You Don’t Have To

[25] Twitter – Jake Paul met Parkland students

[26] Time – The School Shooting Generation Has Had Enough

[27] Twitter – @TIME's Tweet

[28] The New York Times – Florida School, on Edge Since Shooting, Requires Students to Carry Clear Backpacks

[29] Twitter – @lauren_hoggs's Tweet

[30] Twitter – @car_nove's Tweet

[31] Twitter – @KenidraRWoods_'s Tweet

[32] Twitter – @davidhogg111's Tweet

[33] Twitter – @schoolwalkoutUS

[34] National School Walkout – Mission

[35] Twitter – @al3xw1nd's Tweet

[36] Twitter – @delaneytarr's Tweet

[37] Twitter – @DianneG's Tweet

[38] The New York Times – National School Walkout for Gun Safety: What to Watch

[39] CNN – National School Walkout renews calls for gun safety

[40] Vox – National School Walkout on April 20 kicks off the next wave of gun control activism

[41] Twitter – US students walk out to mark Columbine anniversary

[42] Twitter – Marjory Stoneman Douglas teachers walk out before students on day of action

[43] Twitter – @KyleKashuv's Tweet

[44] Twitter – Harvard rescinds admission to Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv over past racist comments

[45] Twitter – @primalpoly's Tweet

[46] Twitter – @benshapiro's Tweet

[47] Twitter – @aymanndotcom's Tweet

[48] The Hill – Harvard rescinds admission to Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv over past comments

[49] The Daily Beast – Harvard Pulls Pro-Gun Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv’s Admission Over Racial Slurs

[50] USA Today – Parkland school shooting survivor loses admission to Harvard after racist comments surface

[51] Fox News – Harvard rescinds offer to Kyle Kashuv, pro-Second Amendment Parkland survivor, due to past remarks, he says

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Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting

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The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting, sometimes referred to as the Parkland Shooting, was a mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. A total of 17 people were killed and another 15 were wounded in the attack. The suspected gunman was identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who was apprehended and taken into custody following the shooting.


At approximately 2:00 p.m. EST on February 14th, 2018, a gunman activated a fire alarm and opened fire using a .223 caliber AR-15 rifle at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. After initial fleeing the scene by blending in with escaping students, the suspect was subsequently apprehended by authorities in Coral Springs, Florida.


That day, Twitter user @TheCaptainAiden posted tweets from inside the school during the shooting, saying "My school is being shot up and I am locked inside. I'm fucking scared right now" (shown below).

Aj22000 @TheCaptainAidan My school is being shot up and I am locked inside. I'm f------ scared right now 3:01 PM Feb 14, 2018 2,344 Retweets 1,776 Likes Aidan @TheCaptainAidan Still locked in. I checked the local news and there is 20 victims. Long live Majory Stoneman Douglas High. 3:10 PM 14 Feb 2018 from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

The same day, Twitter user @jnarls[5] posted a video from inside the school during the shooting, with gun shots heard firing in the audio.

Twitter user @FranklinWSVN tweeted a video of the suspect being apprehended by police in Coral Springs (shown below). Meanwhile, a post about the shooting reached the front page of the /r/news[3] subreddit.

Suspect Identified

That day, the Miami Herald[2] incorrectly identified the suspected shooter as 19-year-old former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Nicolas de Jesus Cruz. Later reports confirmed the suspect's first name was Nikolas, who often went by Nick. That evening, Cruz' mugshot was uploaded to the database on Sheriff.org (shown below).

Meanwhile, the pop culture sites PopCulture.com[1] and Heavy[8] published articles containing screenshots from an Instagram[4] feed purportedly belonging to the shooter (shown below).

Archived version of @Cruz_nikolas feed from "Instagram":/memes/sites/instagram which has since been taken down. Cruz is the alleged shooter in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and his Instagram account shows a person that is impressed with guns, including posing with them on his social media.

nikolascruzmakarov 12 posts 36 followers 84 following nikolas annihilator Follow

That evening, YouTuber Ben Bennight uploaded a vlog revealing that the FBI had just visited his house based on a disturbing comment left by a user, which he had reported in September of 2017 (shown below).

The following day, BuzzFeed[6] published an article about the YouTube comment, highlight's Bennight's screenshot of his email to the FBI about user "nikolas cruz," who left the comment "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" (shown below). According to BuzzFeed, the FBI would not confirm the account belonged to the suspect and that the FBI's public affairs office "did not respond to multiple calls or emails."

Verizon ※ 7:42 PM 自55% From: Ben Bennight 〉 To: tips@fbi.gov 〉 Hide School shooting threat September 24, 2017 at 8:14 PM This comment was left on my YouTube channel The comment has been reported to YouTube as well ul Verizon LTE 7:56 PM Reply to comment nikolas cruz 1 hour ago Im going to be a professional school shooter Add a reply... +nikolas cruz Public

Donald Trump's Response

The morning of February 15th, Donald Trump posted a tweet responding to the incident, saying that "neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem" and that they "must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!" (shown below).[7] In less than 24 hours, the tweet gained over 50,500 likes and 12,500 retweets.

Donald J. Trump . @realDonaldTrump So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

Also on February 15th, Trump held a press conference to address the shooting (shown below).

Antifa Hoax

On February 14th, the @LagBeachAntifa7 Twitter feed posted a selfie photograph of a man wearing a shirt printed with various Communist figures, including Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin, which falsely identified the man as a Nicolas Cruz. The tweet and the account were subsequently suspended.

Shirt is design which has existed for years before the modern US Atifa Movement.
Person in photograph is not Nicholas Cruz.

The following day, Snopes published an article about the hoax, noting that the man in the photo had previous been targeting by 4chan users in anti-Communist threads.

White Supremacist Group 4chan Hoax

On February 15th, the Anti-Defamation League published an article titled "Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz,"[9] which claimed that the organization had been contacted by a man named Jordan Jereb, a "spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF)" who alleged that Cruz was associated with the group. That day, the article reached the front page of the /r/politics[10] subreddit. Articles about the white supremacist group connection were subsequently published by several mainstream news outlets, including The New York Times,[11] Time,[12] The Independent[13] and Think Progress.[14]

On February 16th, the @newsroom[8] Twitter feed posted a series of tweets about the news reports, proposing that the rumor was actually a hoax orchestrated by 4chan users. In the Twitter thread, several screenshots were included explaining the hoax, one of which claimed that the Jordan Jereb was a "meme" who was often the target of prank calls (shown below). According to the screenshots, the hoax was orchestrated in order to embarrass for the news publishers for failing to fact check.

Florida shooter wasn't a member of Republic of Florida. It was a prank played Jordan Fash®merere Here's what happened. 33 minutes ago # 1.441,92 >Jordan Jereb is a meme in the chat. We f--- with him on his live call in shows and he even hangs around in our group chat >shooting happens and autist from group goes on the shooter's Instagram >ABC news reporter contacts the autist and he tells her that he knew the shooter. He gives her some other people's numbers and they prank call her telling her that Cruz was a chubby chaser, always saying "read siege f-----", and other spicy memes >ABC blows up Jordan's hotline and he knew it was our group so he played along. He said he wasn't a member but only an affiliate and that he has some pictures. >we laugh our asses off and go to bed. We wake up and its international news Verizon EDIT Not my idea and I didn't endorse it. I logged onto in chat halfway through and watched as it unfolded. Started out as an inside joke until Jordan Jereb literally told the media that it was true and that he was affiliated with a school shooter Today at 6:10 PM

David Hogg Conspiracy Theories

On February 19th, 2018, the Gateway Pundit YouTube channel uploaded footage of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg stumbling over his words while being interviewed about the shooting, alleging that he couldn't "remember his lines" (shown below). Shortly after, the video reached the frontpage of the /r/The_Donald[19] subreddit, where it gathered upwards of 5,900 points (84% upvoted) and 370 comments within 18 hours. Meanwhile, the alternative medicine and conspiracy theory site Natural News[17] published an article titled "It's All Theater: Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines, coached by camera man."

[This video has been removed]

On February 20th, The Disgruntled Millennial Facebook page posted an image featuring a screencapture of Hogg during an interview in California with CBS2 News in August 2017 above a screen-captured image of Hogg being interviewed by CNN in February 2018, with comments speculating that Hogg was a crisis actor. That day, Newsweek[16] published an article about the conspiracy theories titled "Right-wing Conspiracy Theorists Blame Anti-gun Rallies and Teen Activism on George Soros." Also on February 20th, Donald Trump Jr. liked two conspiracy theory tweets about Hogg, which suggested he had been "coached" by his ex-FBI agent father. The tweets were subsequently removed from the site. That day, BuzzFeed[18] published an article titled "Donald Trump Jr. Liked Tweets Promoting A Conspiracy Theory About A Florida Shooting Survivor."

On February 21st, 2018, the 2017 CBS2 News clip, in which Hogg is shown discussing a viral video showing an argument between a bodysurfer and a lifeguard, reached the #1 trending position on YouTube.

That day, the tech news site Motherboard[20] published an article titled "The #1 Trending Video on YouTube Right Now Suggests That a Student From the Parkland Shooting Is a Crisis Actor."
Meanwhile, Casey Neistat tweeted a screenshot of the trending page to the @YouTube and @PhillyD Twitter feeds (shown below). That day, YouTube removed the video, leaving the notice "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying."

Casey Neistat @CaseyNeistat Hey @youtube you have conspiracy theory video that attacks a kid who survived the Florida School shooting as number 1 on trending. DO YOU HAVE NO HUMAN OVERSIGHT??? @PhillyD - you see this?? 27 Contiontation Between Lifeguard, Bodysurfer Caught On Camera i Redando Beach Gces Viral Tending Honest Tralers-Justice League Muse HONEST TRAILERS aming Movies 7th-grader shoots himself at Jackson Memorial Midde School in Stark County

Alex Jones Challenges David Hogg to Debate

On February 21st, 2018, the Infowars YouTube channel had a video suggesting that David Hogg and other Parkland Shooting survivors were "crisis actors" removed from YouTube, constituting a strike against the InfoWars channel. YouTube's policy is that if an account has three strikes in three months, it is terminated.[21] On February 27th, Hogg took to Twitter to attack Jones, calling him a "shit journalist" and brought up when Jones made similar "false-flag" claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow Hey Alex Jones you seem to be really confused as to what I do/who I am I'd love to come on and clear some of this up because clearly as a s--- journalist you can't clearly. 11:14 AM - 27 Feb 2018 David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow Wait didn't you get sued for pedaling lies about the survivors and victims of another school shooting? Clearly someone didn't learn from their mistakes 11:19 AM - 27 Feb 2018

Hogg also implied Jones a "snake oil salesman" with a picture of Jones' before/after pics selling his enhancement supplements, "Super Male Vitality," saying it took 45 days to become Thicc (shown below).

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow When your snake oil only makes you THICC 45 days later #jonesbrandsnakeoil BEFORE 45 DAYS LATER

In response, Jones invited Hogg to come on his show in a series of tweets to "clear things up" and "defend the first amendment," suggesting Hogg had CNN suspend the Infowars YouTube account in his name.[22]

Alex Jones @RealAlexJones Follow Hi David, it would be fantastic for you to come on. I would be very thankful for that. I want to set the record straight and clear things up between you and I. David Hogg@davidhogg1 11 Hey Alex Jones you seem to be really confused as to what I do/who I am l'd love to come on and clear some of this up because clearly as a s--- journalist you can't clearly. Show this thread 12:00 PM 27 Feb 2018 766 Retweets 1,928 Likes 304 奴766 1.SK Tweet your reply Alex Jones@RealAlexJones 5h @davidhogg111 l would love to have you on today to clear up some of the disinformation that has been put out about my statements concerning the tragedy. I notice you're calling me a "s--- journalist" and snake oil" salesman when I have never called you any disparaging names

Jones also posted a video wherein he issued the challenge to Hogg (shown below).

In response, Hogg stated he would not speak to anyone who had disparaging remarks for victims of mass shootings.

David Hogg @davidhogg111 Follow I will not speak to anyone that has had disgusting remarks to victims of mass shootings in the past. I sent that tweet without realizing just how awful so many people have been to victims and witnesses of these events in the past. 3:02 PM- 27 Feb 2018

YouTube Crackdown

In late February 2018, YouTube began removing videos from the site which promoted conspiracy theories that the Marjory Stoneman students were actors being fed talking points by gun control lobbyists. Additionally, several channels were banned from the site, including Charlton, Charles Walton, Defango, Dustin Nemos, David Seaman, Destroying The Illusion, Ron Johnson, Richie Allen and Titus Frost.[23] On February 24th, the Military Arms Channel published a Facebook post announcing that the channel had been "temporarily disabled" after getting multiple account strikes.

On February 28th, 2018, the tech news site The Outline[23] published an article titled "YouTube is taking down conspiracy theorist channels and popular gun videos," which noted that while many reported that YouTube "also began banning gun-related channel en masse," they were only able to confirm that "warnings and individual video takedowns" had been issued to the Military Arms Channel.

Jake Paul's PSA

On March 12th, 2018, Jake Paul uploaded a video titled "It's Time to End School Shootings" (shown below). Within 24 hours, the video accumulated upwards of 2.2 million views and 41,000 comments.

In the video, Paul interviews students who survived the shooting, local police officers, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and discusses ways to prevent school shootings in the future. Paul proses that installing doors with bulletproof windows, purchases bulletproof shields, hiring additional resources officers, placing more responsibility on social media companies for removing conteint and check points for school entrances. That evening, NY Mag[24] published an article about the video titled "I Watched Jake Paul's 22-Minute Parkland YouTube Video So You Don't Have To," which criticized the video and urged readers to abstain from giving him "clicks" by watching the content. The following day, Twitter published a Moments[25] page about the video. On the platform, some users mocked Paul's suggestions to prevent shootings (shown below, left). Others defending Paul, noting he donated $25,000 to charity (shown below, right).

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz Oh my GOD Jake laid out his 5 point plan to stop school shootings and his suggestions are insane, none of them are any form of gun control kayla @costellvibez Jake Paul donated 25k to the students of parkland Took a week off to educate himself on this topic Provides a platform for these students and let their stories be heard Most importantly he was there for thenm Before you judge & bash on him from past mistakes Try to understand.

Time Magazine Cover

On March 22nd, 2018, Time[26] magazine released the cover for the magazine featuring several of the Marjory Stoneman shooting survivors and organizers for the March for Our Lives rally in March 2018. Students and activists Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wind, Emma Gonzalez, Cameron Kasky and David Hogg appeared on the cover with the word "Enough." overlaid on top of them. In a tweet[27] that day, Time launched the article and cover with an animated cover (shown below) and the caption, "TIME's new cover: The school shooting generation has had enough." Within six hours, the post received more than 4,900 retweets and 11,000 likes.

Clear Backpacks

On March 21st, The New York Times[28] reported that after the brother of the shooting suspect was arrested for trespassing on school grounds and two students were arrested for bringing knives to school, students of Marjory Stoneman would be required to use clear backpacks at school. Broward County Public Schools superintendent Robert W. Runcie announced that any student that did not have a translucent bags would be provided one free of charge.

Some people reacted negatively to the announcement and voiced their disapproval on Twitter. Marjory Stoneman student and shooting survivor Lauren Hogg tweeted,[29] "Great. Because clear backpacks are gonna fix everything. I appreciate the attempt, but I’d rather have common since gun laws than a clear backpack. #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough." The tweet (shown below, left) received more than 1,200 retweets and 5,200 likes in 24 hours.

Fellow Marjory Stoneman student Carly Novell tweeted,[30] "Clear backpacks don't do anything except make us look stupid. We want to be safe, not uncomfortable. The only thing that can really have an impact on our safety is gun control." Within 24 hours, the tweet (shown below, center) received more than 1,400 retweets and 7,600 likes.

Twitter[31] user and activist @KenidraRWoods_ tweeted, "well we already have clear backpacks at our school – a boy still managed to bring a knife and bullets so yeah. If they want to commit a crime, THEY WILL FIND A WAY. This is not always effective just saying." The post (shown below, right) received more than 580 retweets and 2,400 likes in 24 hours.

Great. Because clear backpacks are gonna fix everything. I appreciate the attempt, but l'd rather have common since gun laws than a clear backpack. #Never Again #EnoughlsEnough Clear backpacks don't do anything except make us look stupid. We want to be safe, not uncomfortable. The only thing that can really have an impact on our safety is gun control well we already have clear backpacks at our school - a boy still managed to bring a knife and bullets so yeah. If they want to commit a crime, THEY WILL FIND A WAY. This is not always effective just saying.

National School Walkout

On February 16th, 2018, two days after the Marjory Stoneman shooting, the Twitter[33] account @schoolwalkoutUS launched as did a website[34] for resources and planning of the event. On the website, they stated their mission:

"National School Walkout is a movement powered and led by students across the country. We’re protesting congressional, state, and local failures to take action to prevent gun violence. America is the only country in the world where so many people are killed by guns, and yet our leaders do nothing about it. In many states it’s more difficult to register to vote than it is to buy a rifle. Apparently to some politicians, a vote is scarier than a gun.

We’re changing that.

On Friday, April 20th, students will walk out of their classrooms at 10 am. There are over 2600 walkouts planned, at least one in every state. We are walking out for those who lost their lives to gun violence, to talk about the real problems our country is facing, and to find solutions the problems that our leaders have failed to address.

On April 18th, David Hogg tweeted[32] a video calling for a national school walkout for the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, which took place on April 20th, 1999. He added the caption, "On 4/20 walkout at 9:50 @ 10:00 AM have a 1 min 13 sec moment of silence for those lost at Columbine #NationalWalkout #NationalSchoolWalkout." The post (shown below) received more than 5,200 retweets and 11,200 likes in 24 hours.

Before the students walked out on April 20th, teachers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school walked out of classrooms to protest gun violence in schools. That morning people, particularly students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas posted images of the walkout in solidarity. Student Alex Wind tweeted,[35] "Our teachers deserve the same support the students are getting! #ArmedWithSupport #ArmWithMoney." The post (shown below, left) received more than 320 retweet and 1,800 likes in six hours.

Student Delaney Tarr tweeted,[36] "THESE are the people who educated us. These are the people who inspire us. Our teachers are our heroes." The post (shown below, center) recieved more than 250 retweets and 1,300 likes in 24 hours.

Reporter Dianne Gallagher tweeted[37] photographs of the walkout with the caption, "On this school walk out day, teachers at #StonemanDouglas are demonstrating before classes start this morning-- demanding an end to gun violence, chanting #NeverAgain & #EnoughIsEnough." The post (shown below, right) received more than 350 retweets and 1,100 likes in 24 hours.

Alex Wind Φ @al3xw1nd Our teachers deserve the same support the students are getting! #ArmedWithSupport #ArmWithMoney iueman Douglas HIGE SCHOOL WE NEED Neco HR HANGE FIGHTIN GUN VIOLEN TAKES CDUR Delaney Tarr @delaneytarr THESE are the people who educated us These are the people who inspire us. Our teachers are our heroes Dan Snyder @DanSnyderFOX25 LIVE: On the 19th anniversary of the #Columbine shooting, students at schools across the country plan walkouts to protest gun violence; They're already starting in #Parkland,FL where 17 people were killed in Feb. #LiveDesk Show this thread On this school walk out day, teachers at #StonemanDouglas are demonstrating before classes start this morning- demanding an end to gun violence, chanting #NeverAgain & #EnoughisEnough.

That day, students around the United States walked out of their school in protest of gun violence (footage below).

Several media outlets covered the walkout, including The New York Times,[38] CNN,[39] Vox[40] and more.

On April 20th, Twitter published several Moments pages about the walkout.[41][42]

Kyle Kashuv's Harvard Controversy

On June 17th, 2019, Parkland student and activst Kyle Kashuv tweeted[43] that his acceptence into Harvard College had been rescinded after a series of racist comments he had made in a private chat had resurfaced. He wrote, "Harvard rescinded my acceptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting. I have some thoughts. Here’s what happened." The tweet received more than 8,300 likes, 3,000 retweets and 3,000 comments in 24 hours (shown below).

Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 1/ THREAD: Harvard rescinded my ассeptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting. I have some thoughts. Here's what happened. 9:00 AM 17 Jun 2019

Throughout the theady, Kashuv details his experience with Harvard, both coming forward after the comments resurfaced and his exchanged with Harvard Dean of Admissions William R. Fitzsimmons (example below, left and center). Finally, he wrote, "Harvard deciding that someone can’t grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it’s Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past[…]I believe that institutions and people can grow. I've said that repeatedly. In the end, this isn’t about me, it's about whether we live in a society in which forgiveness is possible or mistakes brand you as irredeemable, as Harvard has decided for me" (shown below, right).

That day, Twitter[44] published a Moments page on the thread.

Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 2/ A few weeks ago, I was made aware of egregious and callous comments classmates and I made privately years ago - when I was 16 years old, months before the shooting in an attempt to be as extreme and shocking as possible. I immediately apologized Here is my apology: Ihave recently boan made aware of scroonshols airculating that include offonshve comments h bveoutu and tranenare lew years ago, lang before the shooting. I want to address this We were 16-year-olds making idotic comments. using callous and inflammatory language in an affort to be as extreme and shocking as possible, Im ambarrassad by t, but I want to be clear that tha commants I mado are not indicativo of who l am ar who I'va bacome in the yaars sinca. This past year has forced me to mature and grow in an incredibly drastic way. My workd, like vour teachers, and your neictbors are lled it transtonms vou as a human beina, I see the world Cecrbcs baue thore Fun ntan to kgey.girce cwthat Um beter cerecm than tha I can and will do better moving forward. O300 t285 1.9K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h e3/ After I issued this apology, speculative articles were written, my peers used the opportunity to attack me, and my life was once again reduced to a headline. It sent me into one of the darkest spirals of my life. 73 1.8K t258 Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 4/ After the story broke, former peers & political opponents began contacting Harvard urging them to rescind me. Harvard then sent this letter stating that Harvard reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission' and requested a written explanation within 72 hours. May 24, 2019 Kvle Kashuy Dear Mr. Kashav, We have bocome aware of modia seports discussing offensive statements allegedly authoeed by you. As you know, Harvard reserves the rght fo wkiraw an ofer o question your hoaesty, manurity, or moral cheacter On behalf of the Admisicas Comitiee, we write now to ask you to send us a full medis but arew afers l Be oide rii clnutionfaur artigre frrie Commitoe's oonsideration Please eil these alerials to n by 2o later than 10 00 AM Sirgfiyly willn R Fezsimemons Dean'of Adalissions and Financial Aid. Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv . 4h 5/I responded to the letter with a full explanation, apology, and requested documents. embarrassed. My parents raised me to be better than what is represented in those screenshots from about two years ago. In an effort to be as honest and transparent as possible, I immediately apologized publicly when reminded of those messages, while knowing the media uproar that would ensue. It did ensue, and I have continued to accept responsibility and the resulting legitimate criticism. Let me first state that I apologize unequivocally for my comments, which were made two years ago in private among equally immature high school students. In the attached document, I have attached all the comments I have been able to record. I do not have access to the electronic record of that conversation and do not recall other things that may have been said; I have only seen what has appeared in the media. I take full responsibility for the idiotic and hurtful things I wrote two years ago. I make absolutely no excuse for those comments. I said them, I regret them, and by explaining the context and my subsequent experiences I am not trying to excuse them. Instead I am seeking to demonstrate the hurtful things I said do not represent the man I am today. As you know, I intend to take a gap year before beginning my studies to continue my work promoting school safety. I will continue to mature and will enter Harvard with throe years and many life experiences between the foolish child who said those things and the man I am today. As an aspiring member of the Harvard community, I aspire to the values that the community strives to uphold. Therefore I have already written to the Harvard College Office of Diversity Education and Support both to express my deepest apologies and remorse, and to reach out to begin a dialogue that I hope wil be the foundation of future growth. While I am no longer the same person who wrote those camments, there is always more to learn: especially about the legacy of racism in our society I understand Harvard's concern over these offensive statcments from my past, and I further understand that Harvard hns been contacted about them by people expressing concern about them. I am very sorry to have put the College in this position. I am determined to take whatever steps are necessary to rectify this past wrong and to reassure Harvard of my commitment to values of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, which I hope to advance as a member of the class of 2024. This is the context in which I made these comments. While this Thank you again for this opportunity to address these issues. I hope this fully addresses your concerns, but if not I would he happy to provide any further information or discussion you require does not excuse my comments, I made poor choices with regards to the pcople I surrounded mysclf with, I became part of a group in which those words bore little weight and were used only in a means for their shock value. I bore no racial animus; th ntet wac a unen nf adsle erente trvinu tn nos the wrst t 288 67 1.9K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 6/I also sent an email to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to seek guidance on how to right this wrong and work with them once I was on campus. take a gap year to continue my school safety me May 27 activism, before beginning my studies in the fall of 2020. I will hope to enter Harvard as a more to diversity To Harvard College Office of Diversity Education mature member of the community, with three and Support years and many life experiences between the foolish child who said those things two years Around two years ago, when I was 16 years old, before the mass shooting that occurred at ago and the man l am today and wish to become in the future my high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, I was part of a group in which we used abhorrent I am deeply sorry for my past comments, I know I am not the same person. But I realize there is racial slurs. We did so out of a misplaced sense of humor: we treated the words themselves as always more I can do to understand and learn though they bore little weight, and used them only for their shock value. Looking back two years later, I cannot recognize that person.I about the struggle and pain of minority communities in America and worldwide. During my gap year, I will supplement my activism to make absolutely no excuse for those comments. include reaching out to minority communities. I I said them, and I regret them deeply. I bore no am open to any advice or suggestions on Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 10/ Harvard deciding that someone can't grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it's Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past t 464 132 3.3K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 11/Throughout its history, Harvard's faculty has included slave owners, segregationists, bigots and antisemites. If Harvard is suggesting that growth isn't possible and that our past defines our future, then Harvard is an inherently racist institution But I don't believe that. t 677 154 4.2K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 12/l believe that institutions and people can grow. I've said that repeatedly In the end, this isn't about me, it's about whether we live in a society in which forgiveness is possible or mistakes brand you as irredeemable, as Harvard has decided for me t 461 184 3.4K Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv 4h 13/So what now? I'm figuring it out I had given up huge scholarships in order to go to Harvard, and the deadline for accepting other college offers has ended. I'm exploring all options at the moment.

People reacted both positively and negatively to the thread. Twitter[45] user @primalpoly tweeted, "Harvard is a private university; if it wants to admit only students who conform to certain political views, that's its prerogative. (Like private Bible colleges should be free to only admit Christians.) But it should have the integrity & honesty to say so up front. It didn't." The tweet received more than 800 likes and 100 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, left).

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted,[46] "Regardless of what you think of @KyleKashuv -- and for the record, I think he, like many other Parkland survivors, has handled the public limelight with grace and strength -- Harvard's auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet." His tweet received more than 5,100 likes and 1,200 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, center).

Slate writer Aymann Ismail tweeted,[47] "A lot of white people still don't get it. This isn't a gaff. You're not only embarrassing yourself. You don't owe me, harvard, or twitter an apology. You recorded yourself calling your classmates 'n--rjocks.' This isn't about PC. This is about abuse. Harvard is right to rescind." Ismail's tweet received more than 2,100 likes and 500 retweets in 24 hours (shown below, left).

Harvard is a private university; if it wants to admit only students who conform to certain political views, that's its prerogative. (Like private Bible colleges should be free to only admit Christians.) But it should have the integrity & honesty to say so up front. It didn't 11:01 AM - 17 Jun 2019 Ben Shapiro @benshapiro Regardless of what you think of @KyleKashuv -- and for the record, I think he, like many other Parkland survivors, has handled the public limelight with grace and strength -- Harvard's auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet. Harvard Rescinds Admission To Conservative Kyle Kashuv Over Private Raci... Our universities may be irrevocably broken dailywire.com 9:48 AM 17 Jun 2019 A lot of white people still don't get it. This isn't a gaff. You're not only embarrassing yourself. You don't owe me, harvard, or twitter an apology. You recorded yourself calling your classmates "n-rjocks." This isn't about PC. This is about abuse. Harvard is right to rescind Kyle Kashuv@KyleKashuv 1/THREAD: Harvard rescinded my acceptance. Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made... Show this thread 11:24 AM 17 Jun 2019

This was not the first time Kashuv's acceptance was taken into consideration. In May 2019, conservative provocateur Laura Loomer attempted to have his aacceptance rescinded. On May 23rd, 2019, Twitter user @LevineJonathan tweeted, "Laura Loomer is attempting to pressure Harvard into revoking their acceptance of Kyle Kashuv over his recently unearthed remarks" (shown below).

Several media outlets reported on the controversy, including The Hill,[48] The Daily Beast,[49] USA Today,[50] Fox News[51] and more.

Laura Loomer is attempting to pressure Harvard into revoking their acceptance of Kyle Kashuv over his recently unearthed remarks Harvard should be revoked. There are kids who work their ass off and don't use the death of 17 people as a resume holder and kids who don't call black People the N word who deserve to go to Harvard. I'd much rather a poor black student get Kyle's position at Harvard. In fact, I feel so strongly about the N word that I am going to personally Contact Harvard and let them know that as a conservative, I condemn Kyle and they should too. 3:27 PM - 23 May 2019

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External References

[1] Popculture – Nicolas Cruz Identified as Florida High School Shooter

[2] Miami Herald – Many dead former student in custody after school shooting at Stonemand Douglas High in Broward

[3] Reddit – /r/news

[4] Internet Archive – cruz_nikolas Instagram

[5] Twitter – jnarls

[6] BuzzFeed – The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat

[7] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump

[8] Twitter – @newsroom

[9] ADL – Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

[10] Reddit – /r/politics

[11] The New York Times – Suspect Confessed to Police That He Began Shooting Students

[12] Time – Accused Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was a Member of White Supremacist Group

[13] The Independent – Leader of white nationalist group confirms suspect was member of his organisation

[14] Think Progress – Heres what we know about the white supremacist group

[15] Snopes – Is This the Florida Shooter in an Antifa Shirt?

[16] Newsweek – Right-wing Conspiracy Theorists Blame Anti-gun Rallies and Teen Activism on George Soros

[17] Natural News – Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines

[18] BuzzFeed – Donald Trump Jr. Liked Tweets Promoting A Conspiracy Theory About A Florida Shooting Survivor

[19] Reddit – /r/The_Donald

[20] Motherboard – The #1 Trending Video on YouTube Right Now Suggests That a Student From the Parkland Shooting Is a Crisis Actor

[21] CNN – InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned

[22] Twitter – Alex Jones

[23] The Outline – YouTube is taking down conspiracy theorist channels and popular gun videos

[24] NY Mag – I Watched Jake Paul’s 22-Minute Parkland YouTube Video So You Don’t Have To

[25] Twitter – Jake Paul met Parkland students

[26] Time – The School Shooting Generation Has Had Enough

[27] Twitter – @TIME's Tweet

[28] The New York Times – Florida School, on Edge Since Shooting, Requires Students to Carry Clear Backpacks

[29] Twitter – @lauren_hoggs's Tweet

[30] Twitter – @car_nove's Tweet

[31] Twitter – @KenidraRWoods_'s Tweet

[32] Twitter – @davidhogg111's Tweet

[33] Twitter – @schoolwalkoutUS

[34] National School Walkout – Mission

[35] Twitter – @al3xw1nd's Tweet

[36] Twitter – @delaneytarr's Tweet

[37] Twitter – @DianneG's Tweet

[38] The New York Times – National School Walkout for Gun Safety: What to Watch

[39] CNN – National School Walkout renews calls for gun safety

[40] Vox – National School Walkout on April 20 kicks off the next wave of gun control activism

[41] Twitter – US students walk out to mark Columbine anniversary

[42] Twitter – Marjory Stoneman Douglas teachers walk out before students on day of action

[43] Twitter – @KyleKashuv's Tweet

[44] Twitter – Harvard rescinds admission to Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv over past racist comments

[45] Twitter – @primalpoly's Tweet

[46] Twitter – @benshapiro's Tweet

[47] Twitter – @aymanndotcom's Tweet

[48] The Hill – Harvard rescinds admission to Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv over past comments

[49] The Daily Beast – Harvard Pulls Pro-Gun Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv’s Admission Over Racial Slurs

[50] USA Today – Parkland school shooting survivor loses admission to Harvard after racist comments surface

[51] Fox News – Harvard rescinds offer to Kyle Kashuv, pro-Second Amendment Parkland survivor, due to past remarks, he says

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