Mildly Interesting - Images
Oreo flavoured cola
Mildly Interesting
Puppy parking
Mildly Interesting
This tree ate the sign
Mildly Interesting
A heart-shaped potato
Mildly Interesting
Egg sandwiches
Mildly Interesting
This store selling flattened croissants
Mildly Interesting
Ugly pumpkins
Mildly Interesting
$500 'thank you' gift from Seattle's Space Needle in 1974
Mildly Interesting
The bill was exactly $1234.56
Mildly Interesting
Paper towel inside the Cheetos
Mildly Interesting
Cannon ball found while cutting wood
Mildly Interesting
Walmart keeps their canned meats locked up
Mildly Interesting
A sunflower growing in a Stork's nest
Mildly Interesting
A restaurant that provides mouthwash
Mildly Interesting
Mildly Interesting
This person saved every pulled staple for 10 years
Mildly Interesting
Minimalist footwear
Mildly Interesting
Rainbow circle
Mildly Interesting
Chandelier worth millions under a Vancouver bridge
Mildly Interesting
Purple carrots made the soup purple... but left the carrots orange
Mildly Interesting