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Monarchy is a form of governing in which one man or woman is endowed with great ceremony, pomp, and power. It has often been used historically by powerseekers to cement their power and suppress opposition through illogical means of declaring that rule of power should be given by their ceremony rather than having to answer to anyone.
Monarchy dates back to the ancient eras of civilization, in which leaders would cement their power through the people and then hold onto it. Some but not much is known about the old days of monarchy, however old monarchs such as Gilgamesh,[1] Sargon,[2] and the Xia Dynasty Emperors[2] would seize power through cunning and skill, give themselves regal ceremony, and hold onto power for life, often passing power down to their offspring or chosen heirs. Monarchy has evolved to intertwine religion into the kingship, using religion to further solidify their power. The Xia Dynasty was believed to have their mandate to rule by the gods, and so they could not be deposed because the gods allowed them to rule.[4] In Egypt, the Pharaohs were considered to be gods. In England, because God could not be bothered to rule England directly, he would rule through the British Crown, and the British Crown is charged by God to rule England.[5]

Ramesses II

Qin-Shi Huang

Henry VIII

Askia Mohammed I

External References
[1] Northern Virginia Community College – Gilgamesh Study Guide
[2] Princeton University – Sargon of Akkad
[3] UCLA – The Xia Dynasty
[4] About.com – Mandate of Heaven
[5] YouTube – The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained
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